Weaning early (under 4 months)

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i started weaning Alex early because he has ALWAYS been bad for having his milk, he was 5 weeks early and even on nutriprem he was way under the line even for his adjested age. i was advised to start giving him something to see if it boosted his weight, i started baby rice and i always mix his porridge etc with milk to try and get it down him

Even now he only has about 18oz a day when i give him jars he started having half a jar, now he generally has his bottle 3-6oz then half a savory and half a sweet .
Not really 'getting involved' in this debate...i'm keeping my personal view to myself...tis ur child and ur decision. However i did feel the overwhelming urge to add my 2 pence to the thread. U seem quite quick to anger on the subject nospringchick (as did some other people), which i understand. it is a controversial subject. there r lots of things that make me feel 'judged' as a parent and i know how tedious explaining ur reasons can b. However i think u might have over reacted to claire's post. I know she started with her veiw point on the subject but in actual fact she was offering advice...and by the sound of it it was a nice gesture because she felt bad that no1 else had replied to u.

I would say, if you really must wean this early, I would only give very tiny amounts of baby rice.
With a six month old or older baby I would say it should always be their decision when to stop eating.

Claire simply stated she personally didn't agree with early weaning...these sorts of statements happen in loads of posts and generally they add to the diversity of a thread, however in certain subjects (in particular early weaning, and FF) people take them as a personal attack and r really quick to get offended. I don't think u should. do u think the feeling of being judged might stem more from ur own doubts or insecurities?...y else would u plan on doing something but keeping it a secret? Even if i was the only person in the world that thought something, and everyone else told me i was wrong i would b out and proud with my choice if i felt i was doing the right thing....have courage in ur convictions!

anywho...i just wanted to say my bit coz from where i'm standing it seems like claire was being a little bit 'picked' on for replying even tho she was offering advice like everyone else.

Thanks Purple socks that is exactly what I think. I also think the OP was very rude.

If someone questioned one of my parenting decisions, such as using a routine, I wouldn't be in the slightest bit upset because I am confident it's right for us as a family. In fact this HAS happened on here, someone posted saying that routines are for parents who expect their babies to fit around them. I know that's not true for us, so I wasn't upset or offended!
I also started weaning Chloe at 17 weeks and since then she's had the baby porridges and loads of different fruits and vegetables!! She was on two meals a day up till last week when she only put on 5oz in 2 weeks so i now offer her 3 meals a day. She's offered milk first then food about 45 minutes later...she's not taking all of her milk though (4 x 8oz) and often leaves 2-3oz. I've just introduced meat and fish.
Still waiting for her to double her birth weight though she's about 1lb off.

I would always follow your own instincts you know your baby best no1 else...thats what i did
Ok I am sticking my head on the line for anyone who wants to slate me :rofl:

I weaned my DD early 16 years ago, she was formula fed - the recommendation then was to wean at 12 weeks but I weaned her at 10 :shock: !! She was a big baby 9lb 10oz and very very hungry and at the time I did what I thought was right for her, she grew into a chubby toddler and has carried on gaining weight through her life and is now an obese teen - 5ft 10 inches tall and weighs almost 16 stone. I have no idea if this is because of my early weaning but I suspect not - in my opinion some people are just destined to be larger and some leaner.

I plan to follow my instincts and wean Myles when he seems ready and not adhere rigidly to the recommended guidelines (although I do think that 10 weeks is far too early I also think 6 months is too late) He is also a big baby 9lb 12.5 at birth but is much leaner that Jenna was at the moment, I wonder if that could be that he was bf for the first 6 weeks and now combi fed?

I have just bought my DD a gym membership for her birthday and we are encouraging her to reduce her portion sizes and cut out fattening snacks (we already eat a healthy diet)

Hope that made some sense to someone it was a bit of a waffle LOL I suppose what I am saying is I don't think there is any right or wrong time to wean and it is really up to the individual. I will be interested to see what difference there is in Myles compared to Jenna once I do start to wean him.
Right I'm gunna go into nursery nurse mode lol

I weaned Aidan at 5 months

All I have been trained is every baby is different and every baby has there own needs and develop at different rates

The first thing we are taught as nursery nurses is babies arnt books they all have differnt things about them. Yes the recommended guidline is 6 months but its recommened not you have to stick by it no matter what.

Consult a health proffessional and as long as they say no harm will come to them then do what you want

Aidan was weaned at 5 months and people call him a 'skinny' baby

golcarilly- Dont blame your self hun, some people just put on weight really easily goodluck to your daughter
OMG, anyways my mom and nan both suggested to me to give my LO some baby rice or rusk and he isnt even 3 months!!! My mom has had 4 children and my nan 3. They have a lot more experience than me and it worked for them and I trust them. NO SPRING CHICKEN if I were you I would make sure one has had a good feed (bottle) then if he/she wants to eat the 'solid' then he/she most definately needs it. Not all babies are the same. Its not going to any harm so whats the BIG problem??? And quite frankly BOLLOCKS to anyone who wants to moan about it, if it keeps your baby full for longer and more content then your baby will be happier!
It actually can harm if the baby's digestive system isn't formed ye. it can increase allergies and so on but it is up to you what you do with your baby.

There is really no need for this girls, this is a thread asking for peoples experiences not a huge debate!

And as for the above post, way to go, now everyone who has weaned early now feels misinformed and a bad parent. Happy now?

For god's sake whats the point!? Nobody asked!! ......
Well said AmyBumble! There is no need for it and it does make you feel like that.
And as for the above post, way to go, now everyone who has weaned early now feels misinformed and a bad parent. Happy now?

No one can make you feel like a bad parent. You did what you believed was appropriate, and presumably your child is fine. If you feel so strongly that early weaning is fine, then why be upset when others point out that it can sometimes be harmful?

As I have already said, if someone else criticizes one of my decisions that I have researched and made an informed choice about, I'd listen, then explain my reasons. Or I would just ignore the person. But nobody could ever 'make' me feel like a bad parent :nope:
Not really 'getting involved' in this debate...i'm keeping my personal view to myself...tis ur child and ur decision. However i did feel the overwhelming urge to add my 2 pence to the thread. U seem quite quick to anger on the subject nospringchick (as did some other people), which i understand. it is a controversial subject. there r lots of things that make me feel 'judged' as a parent and i know how tedious explaining ur reasons can b. However i think u might have over reacted to claire's post. I know she started with her veiw point on the subject but in actual fact she was offering advice...and by the sound of it it was a nice gesture because she felt bad that no1 else had replied to u.

I would say, if you really must wean this early, I would only give very tiny amounts of baby rice.
With a six month old or older baby I would say it should always be their decision when to stop eating.

Claire simply stated she personally didn't agree with early weaning...these sorts of statements happen in loads of posts and generally they add to the diversity of a thread, however in certain subjects (in particular early weaning, and FF) people take them as a personal attack and r really quick to get offended. I don't think u should. do u think the feeling of being judged might stem more from ur own doubts or insecurities?...y else would u plan on doing something but keeping it a secret? Even if i was the only person in the world that thought something, and everyone else told me i was wrong i would b out and proud with my choice if i felt i was doing the right thing....have courage in ur convictions!

anywho...i just wanted to say my bit coz from where i'm standing it seems like claire was being a little bit 'picked' on for replying even tho she was offering advice like everyone else.

Thanks Purple socks that is exactly what I think. I also think the OP was very rude.

If someone questioned one of my parenting decisions, such as using a routine, I wouldn't be in the slightest bit upset because I am confident it's right for us as a family. In fact this HAS happened on here, someone posted saying that routines are for parents who expect their babies to fit around them. I know that's not true for us, so I wasn't upset or offended!

I agree with purple_socks, why keep it a secret if you feel this is what's best for your child?
Claire, I also think that the OP was rude, and very aggressive towards you which isn't needed.
would it not just make things easyer if people who are already "weaning early" only got answers from people who have done the same thing? rather than kicking off this whole do wean/ dont wean thing??

Its not like she asked if she should be weaning there for there is no reason to be given evidence against "early weaning".

Now im not trying to argue with anyone but by all means i guess is someone wants to no if they should start weaning before 6months post your links and "fact" **facts is like that because every baby is different**

But if someone who is already "early weaning" asking about her weaning as in how much should she be giving due to how her baby is taking the food/bottles then it should be answered by people who are also or have already been "early weaners"

I chose to " early weaning because weaning if different to every baby some babies are late early or on time as books would state but how many people have textbook babies ?
would it not just make things easyer if people who are already "weaning early" only got answers from people who have done the same thing? rather than kicking off this whole do wean/ dont wean thing??

Its not like she asked if she should be weaning there for there is no reason to be given evidence against "early weaning".

Now im not trying to argue with anyone but by all means i guess is someone wants to no if they should start weaning before 6months post your links and "fact" **facts is like that because every baby is different**

But if someone who is already "early weaning" asking about her weaning as in how much should she be giving due to how her baby is taking the food/bottles then it should be answered by people who are also or have already been "early weaners"

I chose to " early weaning because weaning if different to every baby some babies are late early or on time as books would state but how many people have textbook babies ?

My thoughts exactly!!
I am a little shocked at this thread - I looked at it as I have been told by my hv that it might be worth introducing some baby rice in 2 or 3 weeks time (4 1/2 months) and I am not desperately keen but open to hearing other people's opinions and experiences. Weaning is one of those topics that a lot of people have different opinions on - as long as someone isn't being abusive or unpleasant then they should be able to express their opinion, especially if they are offering advice at the same time. This seems to happen quite a bit on this forum - people trying to narrow a discussion so that no different opinions can be expressed. I personally think that the torrent of unpleasant comments that mum2b Claire received was unnecessary and unfair, particularly when comments were made about her contributions to other threads - it was personal and critical. It has made me not want to read this thread any more and therefore potentially lose out on information.
If someone disagrees with you, why can't you just say something like 'that makes me feel bad' or 'I don't really want to debate that particular issue'?
I am in the same boat- have given my 14 week old son baby rice this week as he is getting big and looking at our food and also stopped sticking his tongue out. He is also chewing his own tongue.

In MY opinion, if we didn't have any guidelines whatsoever and in the absence of any research, I think most mothers (notice how I didn't say all) would have instinctively fed their children more than milk by about 3/4 months, particulalry if they were big babies at birth. Bloody hell, I was fed 2 wheetabix for my breakfast at 4 months!

I genuinely think people now adays have so many allergies/health problems because of our shocking eating habits and other cultural things (drinking, etc). I don't think it's because they were weaned early. Years ago, babies were weaned at 12 weeks or 12lbs, whichever came first (according to my granny) and that was the way years and decades before that.

As for the research, well I am well aware of that. I am an academic and believe me I have have downloaded proper research and read the papers. But as always I remain skeptical being a researcher myself. And anyways, children develop at different rates. I think I trust my own instincts as a sensible mother.

Who knows, maybe research in a few decades will say, Ooops we should be weaning them earlier. We know what research is like!!

TO ANSWER YOUR ORIGINAL QUESTION, I think that you keep the same amount of milk at least until they are 6 months old as this is still their main source of nutrition. After that, as long as they are getting at least 20oz milk a day I think that's ok. They will need extra fluids though xx
I agree lesleyann. She was asking for adive from women that had weaned ealry. She wasnt asking it it was right or not.

And as for the above post, way to go, now everyone who has weaned early now feels misinformed and a bad parent. Happy now?

No one can make you feel like a bad parent. You did what you believed was appropriate, and presumably your child is fine. If you feel so strongly that early weaning is fine, then why be upset when others point out that it can sometimes be harmful?

As I have already said, if someone else criticizes one of my decisions that I have researched and made an informed choice about, I'd listen, then explain my reasons. Or I would just ignore the person. But nobody could ever 'make' me feel like a bad parent :nope:

As a first time mum of a 4.5 month old, this is an issue I am starting to think about...A LOT! I have been researching quite a bit on the internet, books, forums (such as this one), reading books. As well as discussing it with my doctor at Stevie's last check up , the mums at play group and my own mum.
I would never make such an important decision without doing this as I am sure most of you wouldn't either.
I have personally decided to wait until she is 6 months old to start. This is my decision and I feel very comfortable with it based on the knowledge I have.
I agree with mum2b_Claire if you have made an informed choice, are happy with your decision and you have done what you truly think is best for you child then why care what anyone else thinks. My own mum thinks I am 'mean' (by not giving her some food now) but I really don't care.
Forums such as this should promote discussions and debate but it should be done in a respectful way. I was quite shocked that someone on here referred to mum2b_Claires baby as 'very large' and implied she did that to her own child by over feeding her.
That is really below the belt...
This seems to happen all the time with this topic. I know I have read the advice and guidelines countless times so if I had made this thread, I wouldn't have appreciated being given the same information again. Unfortunately, despite what books and research say, some babies are hungry and losing weight and NEED to start solids before 6 months and the mummies of these babies have no choice but to go against guidelines, for their babies benefit. Unless you have one of these babies I do think it is unfair to pass judgment on those who early wean. There will always be doubt whether you are doing the right thing in these situations because you are going against guidelines, which makes people defensive when they are given the spiel on the dangers of early weaning because they feel they need to justify their decision, which no one should HAVE to do. Especially when they have not asked for opinions on the subject.
I do, however, think there has been things said that shouldn't have been said which I can imagine would be very hurtful.
was quite shocked that someone on here referred to mum2b_Claires baby as 'very large' and implied she did that to her own child by over feeding her.
That is really below the belt...

Yup it was below the belt and rather nasty, but that comment only made her look bad and damage the credibility of her argument!
Who the hell called mum2b_claire baby very large

Whoever it was that is disgracful, her gorgeous baby looks healthy and a very good weight. That is completey out of order and I am disgusted that anyone would say such a thing on here

Yes we all dont agree on this topic but like claire said as long as we make an informed descion and a health practitioner is informed then its fine. I weaned at at 5 months and my health visitor agreed with that discion.

For god sake though don not bring other people children into an argument how low can you get
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