Weaning off nipple shield?


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
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Hey mamas! I'm trying to get a good latch, and could use some advice.

Our little guy is 11 days old. He had a tongue tie that thankfully my L&D nurse spotted right away, and getting that fixed made a huge difference in nursing. He also may have a lip tie, but it doesn't seem to be really extreme from what I've read. My nipples are flat-ish, and he was having trouble latching at the hospital, and after a few visits with the lactation consultant and trial and error, she gave me a nipple shield (huge help!) and a set of SoftShells that she said would help pop my nipples out. Unfortunately, she gave me the ones for sore nipples, not the ones for inverted nipples. I'm also well endowed (an F/G cup before the baby came, haven't measured since), and we've been doing best with football hold so far. I've tried getting him to latch on without the shells a few times mid-feeding, with no success so far. I swear he's smaller than my breasts, which definitely makes it difficult for him.

So, a couple questions. Is it worth ordering the inverted nipple shells? I don't have my pump yet, but I plan to order once I have a few minutes to do so - has anyone had success with pumping for a few minutes to get the nipples erect and then latching? Any other shield-ditching advice? Or general advice for getting a good latch with big squishy boobs?
I have had some serious feeding issues from day 4....he made my nipples sore & cracked, bruised. So we went to shield Worst mistake ever in my life.
Then I used the shield until week 6 when I couldn't take it anymore because IT caused me pain (believe me, it will for you too so get rid of it stat!) and now we're working on getting my 3 month old back to breast feeding. Mega painful process. Had to do suck training on him since he had no clue how to suck a nipple in thanks to artificial nipples.
Let him feed with shield for a bit, take it off and latch. Keep doing this...over & over each feed until he stays on with out the shield.
Yes use your pump to get nipple "out" but what i learned they dont really need that - they have to take in a lot of your nipple to feed - so it shouldn't really matter.
Good luck!
With DS1 I used a nipple shield from day 4 through 3-4 weeks, then we were able to wean off it pretty easily. I used it because I had oversupply and forceful letdown issues that were causing a shallow latch. I didn't have problems with the shield itself, it was just a pain to have to wash.

To transition off, I just offered without first, then if he was none too pleased with that, then did shield through initial letdown and took it off to finish feeding. It wasn't too bad for me, I hope it's the same for you! I think I brought it back out during the 6 week growth spurt so that he didn't destroy my nipples and then went right back off after that.
Thanks ladies. I'm trying him without the shield periodically and he still thinks I'm trying to murder him, but I at least got him to sit with the boob in his mouth a couple times. I think I'm going to order a shield with more skin to skin access.
I have had to use nipple shields with both girls as I have a really flat nipple on one side which they just couldn't latch onto. The problem with nipple shields though is they can be hard to wean the baby off I've managed to get my current one to latch a few times without (frustratingy I didn't need the shields until the milk came in) but it's very hit and miss. With the last baby she just got big enough eventually (at about four months) to not need them so I'm not stressing about it. The nipple shields never caused me any pain (I see another poster has referred to them causing pain - I'm pretty sure they shouldn't do that!). Baby number 1 just stopped needing them. Hopefully it will be the same with this one but I personally am not going to stress myself trying to enforce getting her off them yet as then I'll probably just give up and give her formula!
He managed to latch on without the shield last night! So exciting! He still needed it afterwards, but he doesn't get so angry if I try without first. I'm finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. I saw the midwife yesterday and she agreed that size is probably a factor. Teddy was small, and I am definitely not. He's growing like a weed, though, and his mouth is finally catching up.
I used a nipple shield from the beginning until one day around 6 months in he just stopped using it and latched on his own one night. He is 18 months now and still nursing just fine. Do what you have to do to get by, baby will let you know when its time to wean off the sheild, I found.
I used a nipple shield, and it saved BF'ing for us. He just could not/would not latch correctly and I got mastitis twice and a plugged duct once - it was awful! I used the nipple shield for a month or so and then started weaning him off it (start out using it, then unlatch, take it off and let him relatch). And it worked like a charm. Still going strong at 9+ months. :)
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the shield is the only reason I'm not just pumping exclusively, or giving him formula. I'm really glad I have it, despite being so completely tired of it ;) He's still really cranky about trying without the shield. He'll kind of halfheartedly latch on, and he's even getting milk, but he just quits after a few seconds and screams til I use the shield. Naughty baby...
You're doing great MrsK, give it time. You'll be shocked at how much better breastfeeding goes 6+ weeks out.
Thanks, that's what I keep hearing. I'm 2/3 of the way there!

Honestly, if the shield is my only complaint at 4 weeks, I probably have it pretty good. Supply is good, it doesn't hurt, and my friends and family are all supportive, and he's taking bottles now and then with no complaint or confusion. I won't deny myself the occasional bit of self pity, but I should really focus on the positives.
You're a rockstar! And it's okay complain away, you have a 4 week old!! A license for self pity for sure
Oh, there's plenty of self pity for other aspects of newborn care. I'm exhausted, I can't get anything done because he won't sleep in the swing, and my mom wants to visit all the time now ;) It's a good thing this baby is cute.

I have been much better about trying to get him to latch without the shield, but I'm trying to decide at what point I want to call a lactation consultant or try to get to a La Leche League meeting or something. It's such a hassle getting out of the house these days...
He's doing a much better job latching without the shield now! I don't always try without (sometimes I just need to get the baby fed and go to sleep), but he latches more often than not now, and he started taking the right breast too the other day. Very exciting! I think there's an end in sight.

On the less exciting side of things, his latch on the left side is all of a sudden painfully shallow. I expected some pain and trouble at first, but this only just started in the last couple days. He was doing fine before. At least he's at a point where he'll probably keep trying if I detach him now. I'm really looking forward to that future awesome magical time when I can just pop the baby on, whenever, wherever, and we're both happy.
I think a switch flipped in his brain or something. We've gone almost 24 hours without the shield now, and the couple times I tried it, he sucked for a second then looked at me like I was nuts :D We still have some work to do, getting his latch more comfortable, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I guess we're right on target for that 6 weeks prediction.

Thanks for the cheerleading! It really helps when I'm feeling sorry for myself on bad days.
My pleasure, I'm so happy to hear when people have their successes with breastfeeding, probably because I remember those early days so well. The longest six weeks of your life for sure, but once that switch is flipped it's like you have a new baby, and a new life! Thanks for the updates, it put a smile on my face
This baby is driving me nuts. We still don't need the shield, which is great. But he's still not latching well on the left side, and he's chomping the hell out of me. He's perfect on the right side, and chomps the left. I've tried different positions, I've flipped him from football to cradle hold, and still chomping. I'm considering pumping a feeding or two just to give poor Lefty a break. The only thing that saves me is that he only takes one side per feeding, so at least it's not constant chomping. I'm gonna have to hire a damn lactation consultant, and I really don't want to go to all that hassle and expense. And I won't have the money til our tax refund arrives, so I still have to deal with the chomping til then. This is lining up very poorly with the 6 week growth spurt cluster feeding...
Oh no! Does your insurance not cover the LC? That is my only suggestion. Or going back to the shield on just that side during the growth spurt. Just to preserve your poor nips. I hope it sorts out soon!

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