Wee wii's birth story


1st timer!
May 29, 2010
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Oscar Joseph Childs born 27th January 2011 at 00.13 original due date 2nd Feb 2011

Apologies I find it hard to write, short concise stories, so apologies for the length and hope I don't bore anyone too much! :flower:

Can't believe I'm finally here...writing my birth story after all these months of anticipation:

So it all started in the early hours of Wednesday morning (26th January), well actually it probably all started the day before when Ash and I started operation eviction with a quick session! First in a while and not the most stylish, sexy or loving engagement, but it was fun and not really thinking it would do anything, later I woke up, and low and behold…the usual story – went to use the toilet, felt like I’d peed myself, changed my knickers and pad and back to bed.

Couldn’t sleep at this point, all of the what-ifs, the can it be’s, running around my head! I popped to the loo again about half an hour later to be met with the same small trickle of water! Hmmm!

So I went downstairs to lie on the sofa and try and chill out! Stupidly all I could think about was that I couldn’t go into labour yet because I had the internet shopping being delivered this morning and I needed to be at home to let them in! Duh! :dohh:

Informed Ash that he wouldn’t be going into work today but that he could work from home in the morning…I don’t think it really sank in, he was just relieved he didn’t have to get up early and could have a lie in!! Little did he know…! :wacko:

So we pottered around that morning, sorted the shopping, Ash sorted out work and I rebounded between feeling the need to run in circles clutching my head and calmly sitting and chilling out on BnB. I spoke to the hospital who asked that I come in for monitoring, so in the afternoon we headed in to the Royal Surrey for “monitoring”! Totally expecting to be home later that day!

Sat on the bed, hooked up to the monitors, I could see some very vague uterine contractions, which I couldn’t actually feel…the ward weren’t concerned and discussed with me that I’d need to come back in at 8am the next day to be induced. Unless of course I began to get contractions that were, less than 5 minutes apart and lasting longer than a minute. The ward were pretty busy that afternoon, and it took them a while to write up my discharge notes! So let’s just say that by the time they came back, my contractions were every 3 minutes and lasting about 1 ½ minutes long!! Oh and I was 4 cms dilated!

Obviously I was not going to be going home!

They transferred me off the ward into a room on my own, as by this point I was in a lot of pain and finding it hard to control myself in front of everyone else. They gave me gas and air – the most bizarre stuff!! Not sure how much it works, but it seriously becomes a lifeline like no other and you will kill for that mouthpiece when the contraction starts! Unearthly screams of “give me the fucking gas and air” were heard on occasion over the next few hours, and woe betide Ash if he didn’t respond quick enough! :blush:

So…with some rough approximations of time…this is how we got our little Oscar:

17.00 – moved to labour ward, to be met by the ice queen personified (my midwife – great!) having had to walk myself contracting all the way from the previous ward, on crutches! Yep that was a painful walk!

17.30 – roughly 6 cms dilated and advised to have Pethidine…but I want an epidural. Obviously we’ve landed ourselves not only with the ice queen but she’s also an anti epidural midwife who spends the next few contractions trying to explain why I don’t want one, and why I really shouldn’t! :dohh:

18.00 – anaesthetist arrives, I’m in agony by this point writhing on the bed. Cannula goes in, and comes out again, blood spurting everywhere, Ash nearly passes out and has to be removed from the room! Unable to stick up for me…Midwife then informs me that I can’t keep still long enough so can’t have the epidural…anaesthetist sent away. Also, that I’m now 7cms dilated, and “it won’t be long now” (famous last words, bitch!) :cry:

I agree to Pethidine now…anything I’m thinking, devastated that I can’t have the epidural. :cry:

18.30-19.00 – Pethidine given…amazing stuff at calming you down, suddenly I’m not writhing around on the bed anymore, and am in lala land for any time other than contraction time! Contractions however are still overwhelmingly painful and am contorted on the bed, growling like a large cow/elephant with constipation! Midwife tells me off for making such a noise, and that I’ll have a sore throat in the morning…uh like I give a shit? :wacko:

20.00 – Midwives change shift and during handover Ash again asks… “About that epidural, uh…we want it!” Both midwives again attempt to talk us out of it, “you’re nearly there (8-9cms), you’re so close, it’ll slow down labour, you can do it without, you may need interventions,” etc.

“NOPE” we’re not having it, Ash sticks by me and eventually they give in. :growlmad:

21.00 -Another anaesthetist is called, this time he doesn’t get blood everywhere and the Cannula insertion is a success…Ash however still manages to nearly pass out on seeing the insertion of the epidural into my spine! Poor *******…he’s not eaten at all by this point.

Suddenly I’m much more with it and mostly painfree, I send him off to buy some food and start texting/updating BnB!! Madness!!:coffee: I can still feel the contractions and these are still pretty powerful. A little like when you’ve got yourself ridiculously drunk or have food poisoning and are violently throwing up, your whole body convulses as your stomach contracts. Well like that but out of your other end…all dignity is gone by this point. I remember thinking I’ve got poo on my leg and all over the bed…oh well! Nice! :blush:

21.00-22.30 – Syntocinon started to continue contractions, various positions tried, lots and lots of pushing and no success. Advised to stop pushing, something is up!

22.30 – SHO comes in, hands go in…and confirms bubs is back to back, and attempting to come out brow first, therefore the largest part of the head is now stuck in my cervix.

All systems go…sign form agreeing to intervention, potentially c-section, Ash is dressed in scrubs, and I’m wheeled into the bright lights of theatre. To be met with an audience of about 12 people, all ready and poised between my legs!

Doped up to my chest now, wires and tubes are everywhere. When up pops a big African man, hands deep inside me and confirms that lo is stuck! Manually he turns him – ewww! Ventouse is tried without success. So out come and in go; the forceps! I’m asked to push, could not feel a thing so god knows whether I actually managed to be of any use! Nothing works…one last try I’m told, then it’s C section time!

00.13 - So, on that one last try and out he pops! :baby::cloud9::baby:

Apgar is 9 and then 10 – he’s screaming away blue murder! Lying away from me, I can’t see his face, just a bloodied back, but he’s mine and he’s out! :cloud9:

Passed to me finally to hold, I can barely do this but manage to for a few moments before passing him to Ash.

2 tears and a “substantial” episiotomy later and I’m stitched up and taken back for some skin to skin and feeding time.

All is well with the world, and my new little family, if a very sore and dazed!

Pictures of the above (some will be behind a spoiler) to follow.

But in the meantime some cute babyness...


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Congratulations! You did brilliantly & your little boy is gorgeous :flower:
Oh wow, great story Bex. Shame you got such a bitch of a midwife to start with but you did so well. Hope the pain is easing now?
Wow what a story. Glad it all went well in the end. Oscar is just gorgeous :)
Wow what a story, sorry you had such a rough time and that you had such an ice queen midwife. Glad you managed to get LO out without a c-section. You will def heal quicker.
Oh, and i'm sticking with Frimley with my 3rd lol.

sorry about the ice queen but i did laugh at how you wrote your story!
sooooo beautiful!

well done hon... boo the ice queen!!!
Oscar is gorgeous! Congratulations :)
Oscar is beautiful. Well done and congratulations xx
have totally subscribed to this bad boy! Will have a read through your birth story in a bit but am procrastinating already and that will just make me late :haha:
congrats, your little boy is gorgeous, crappy that you had a miserable snotty midwife though.
omg I swear to god you must have had the sama anaesthetist as me - I had exactly the same thing and Marting was going to kill him! I had blood everywhere and it took him about 6 goes and M eventually looked him square in the eye and said WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? DO YOU EVEN KNOW??? :rofl:

Hmmm maybe I should transfer to Grimley Dark hospital too....

Baby is just beautiful though, a real poppet x
omg I swear to god you must have had the sama anaesthetist as me - I had exactly the same thing and Marting was going to kill him! I had blood everywhere and it took him about 6 goes and M eventually looked him square in the eye and said WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? DO YOU EVEN KNOW??? :rofl:

Hmmm maybe I should transfer to Grimley Dark hospital too....

Baby is just beautiful though, a real poppet x

Grimley dark or Royal Slurry. We love our hospitals don't we.:haha:
Haha you two make me laugh!! you didn't have the ice queen midwife as well did you? ;) xx

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