I just got my BFP!!!
I still can't quite believe it and probably will be peeing on a stick every day until the birth lol
I barely had any symptoms in the 2ww (I've had way more 'symptoms' in other months) just some fluttery feelings in my abdomen, almost like I could feel something pulsating! I had some twinges but nothing out of the ordinary as I've felt that in the days running up to me getting AF. I had sensitive nipples but I always get that after ovulation and I suppose I felt quite tired but again, it's nothing unusual for me.
The only real thing that gave me hope was my BBT chart as it went triphasic on 11dpo and there was a massive temp dip on day 5 ... whether or not it's too early for an implantation dip, I'm not sure.
But the funniest thing is that this was my longest cycle yet - I ovulated on CD41!!! And not only that but by the time I ovulated we had calmed down on the BDing and so we ended up missing the fertile window almost completely! We only BD'd on the morning after ovulation and again the day after so really we totally thought we were out for this cycle!
I even went to my gyno on the day of ovulation (not knowing I was o'ing) and she gave me pills to start next cycle to make my periods more regular!
So I hope that any ladies out there who are reading this and who feel 'out' this month can take some hope from my situation. they always say it'll happen when you least expect it and for me that was true!
I still can't quite believe it and probably will be peeing on a stick every day until the birth lol
I barely had any symptoms in the 2ww (I've had way more 'symptoms' in other months) just some fluttery feelings in my abdomen, almost like I could feel something pulsating! I had some twinges but nothing out of the ordinary as I've felt that in the days running up to me getting AF. I had sensitive nipples but I always get that after ovulation and I suppose I felt quite tired but again, it's nothing unusual for me.
The only real thing that gave me hope was my BBT chart as it went triphasic on 11dpo and there was a massive temp dip on day 5 ... whether or not it's too early for an implantation dip, I'm not sure.
But the funniest thing is that this was my longest cycle yet - I ovulated on CD41!!! And not only that but by the time I ovulated we had calmed down on the BDing and so we ended up missing the fertile window almost completely! We only BD'd on the morning after ovulation and again the day after so really we totally thought we were out for this cycle!
I even went to my gyno on the day of ovulation (not knowing I was o'ing) and she gave me pills to start next cycle to make my periods more regular!
So I hope that any ladies out there who are reading this and who feel 'out' this month can take some hope from my situation. they always say it'll happen when you least expect it and for me that was true!