Weight check disappointment :'(


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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I posted a few days ago about slightly green poos, we are having them less but still there. Anyway I brought Des to a nurse visit because he was having a lot of green eye discharge, well they weighed him and has only gained 2.5 oz since his 2 week checkup (5 days ago) so I'm extremely upset. I'm not sure what's going wrong, he latches well, feeding every 2 hours, enough poop and pee. He does fall asleep in the middle sometimes so going to call LC incase I'm wrong. But I'm really upset and crying my poor oh keeps telling me its ok. Should start pumping to help increase my supply in the meantime?
He's gained some weight, don't panic!

Green poo can indicate that he's not getting much of the fattier hind milk, how long does he feed for and how often do you swap breasts?
He feeds every 1.5-2 hours during the day. He'll nurse for 10-20 mins before be falls asleep, then ill change his diaper to wake him up and either put him back on the same side if he fell alzeep or opposite. He likes to use me as a pacifier and I think that is where some of the greeny poops come from.
Green poop could mean you are eating something that doesn't agree with him. Try cutting out all dairy. If the green poop goes away, then there's your problem. If it persists then he could also have an allergy to chocolate or nuts. Those are usually the top 3 allergens for babies.

I daughter is so much better when I don't eat dairy and chocolate!!

As far as the weight gain... I think you should look at the positive. He gained weight not lost!! :)
BF babies gain weight in fits and starts so they may not gain anything for several days then put on 4-5oz in 24 hours, honestly. This is why it is only recommend to weigh a BF baby indeed any baby once a month after birthweight has been regained and healthy babies can be weighed less than that xx
I wouldn't be worried about that at all. In all honesty, they shouldn't have weighed him if he'd only been weighed five days ago. Just aa summerrain says, they gain in fits and starts. You could get him weighed in another five days and he could have gained 6 oz. Please try not to worry and just keep doing what you're doing. Take him back in another couple of weeks and see how he's doing xx
I agree that weighing them to regularly can cause unnecessary upset, I did for me. I think 2.5oz in 5 days is fine! But maybe the green poo is more the issue here. I would ask gp about that, you can cut out all dairy try it for a month it takes at least 3 wks to remove it from your system and there for babys. Has he always pooped green?
Thanks everyone, I'm feeling much better :hugs: The green poops started maybe 5 /6 days ago. And it started out just slightly green, . Like if you mixed mustard with a little bit of pickle relish. Its changed to mostly green now, and mucousy. I have eaten alot of chocolate this past week, im cutting that out first.
I am in the exact same boat as you: slow weight gain, unexplained green poops. I am on day 4 of no dairy and am heading to a lactation consultant tomorrow.

My little guy was born in the 50th and is now in the 10th percentile for weight. It is upsetting. Right there with you. : (
I am in the exact same boat as you: slow weight gain, unexplained green poops. I am on day 4 of no dairy and am heading to a lactation consultant tomorrow.

My little guy was born in the 50th and is now in the 10th percentile for weight. It is upsetting. Right there with you. : (

:hugs::hugs: It really is upsetting and fustrating, I keep telling myself that it will get better! I hope your consult helps, ive got one at noon tomorrow. Looking around babies mouth i noticed he's got "lip tie" so will mention it. Did your LO have any other symptoms besides the green poos?
Did your LO have any other symptoms besides the green poos?

Oh yes - DS's symptoms include: coughing/slight gagging during nursing, gassiness/belching, forceful spit up after every feeding, red irritation around anus, arching back and head banging after eating, congestion (baby struggles to clear throat all night while sleeping), etc

With these symptoms and reflux, I'm assuming it's an allergy or a fore/hindmilk imbalance. Hoping it's not anything more serious.

Good luck on your consult! Let's compare notes.
How did your appointment go? Mine was blah. They weighed Des and he had actually lost an oz, now weighing 8#3oz (birth weight) at 3 weeks. I nursed him and weighed, he took only an oz, pumped and got another oz. She said my let down was slow probably due to low milk supply so gonna try and get a pump from wic tomorrow. She wasn't concerned about the green poops which was strange and noticed he did have a lip tie but said latch was ok. If I had a low supply I don't think he would have green poops? Ugh I dunno :(
Re green poo, this is what Dr Jack Newman posted on his Facebook page on the 27th October:

I was just asked by email to post about green bowel movements (stools, poops). My usual response to mothers is along following the following lines:

"Is the baby usually content? Is the baby drinking well from the breast (see the videos at our website that show babies drinking well from the breast or not)? Is the baby gaining weight well? If the answer to all these questions is "yes" then don't worry about the colour of the poops, don't go on any special diets, don't feed the baby on just one breast at a feeding. Feed the baby normally, that is "Finish one side and offer the second side". If the baby doesn't want the second breast, fine. But offer it. Do not do "block feeding"."

Note that keeping the baby on just one breast is not the answer. If the baby is not actually drinking at the breast, he is not getting hindmilk. I wish we had never heard of hindmilk. True, milk increases in fat as the baby continues to get milk from the breast (but not if he's sucking without drinking). Usually the notion of hindmilk causes confusion and results in mothers getting advice that doesn't make sense.

I am often tempted to say also, "put on sunglasses, so you don't see the colour of the bowel movements", but I don't.

If the baby is not usually content, if the baby is not drinking well, if the baby is not gaining weight well, then the problem is not the colour of the bowel movements.

What causes the bowel movements to be green? Rapid transit through the baby's gut. That's all!


He also has some very interesting points about weight gain/loss so I'd have a look through that. If your LO is weeing and pooing often enough and is happy and healthy (not what the scales say, but what you see), I wouldn't be too concerned.
How did your appointment go?

Sorry to be so long in responding. Mine was actually ok. DS had gained about 12 oz since last week and the lactation consultant seemed to think he was past the slow growth.

If your baby is only 3 weeks I wouldn't worry so much! An OBGYN friend of mine told me it's perfectly normal for a baby to take 3 weeks to regain his birth weight!

Also, if you have low supply, you might want to try an herbal tea like Mother's Milk https://www.amazon.com/Organic-Mothers-Milk-Tea-Bags/dp/B0001VVDPY I read the reviews and it sounds miraculous for bulking up your supply. I just started some myself.

Also I have been dairy free for a week now and just this morning, DS had a yellow poop! Maybe I've found the answer. Have you thought about cutting out dairy from your diet?

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