Weight gain


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2012
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My little boy was born on the 4th of February, he was 8lb2oz. When we left the hospital he was 7lb12oz, two days later he was 7lb8oz. Today at six days old, he's 7lb9oz. The doctors are getting concerned that he's not really gaining weight ans said they would like to see him reach his birth weight by day ten.

He's feeding every two hours or less, anywhere from 20-60 minutes. The pediatrician said that that's too long (?) And would rather he feed for ten minutes on each breast and then wants me to pump and feed him that after feeding from the breast. And if he still isn't gaining like they want, they want me to top up with formula. They want him to gain ten ounces in two days! Is that even possible?

I definitely am not comfortable introducing a bottle or formula so early into our breastfeeding journey.
I'm just really confused and don't know what to do.
How can I get his weight up without having to use formula?
I experienced the same issue with my daughter, she lost 11% of her birth weight initially. We had to do the formular top ups as they wanted to re-admit us to hospital otherwise. I was really upset but it did help, she gained weight slowly. I was never really able to pump though so my supply never reached optimum and we had to continue with giving her one bottle at night (much simpler than top ups) until she was 6 mnths and started having solids. However she loves breastfeeding, never had nipple confusion, always preferred the breast and we're still bf at 13 months, so if you do have to give top ups, it's ok & not the end of your bf journey. I guess the best advice I have otherwise is to wake baby if they're falling asleep on the breast, keep tickling the toes etc until they've fed for atleast 10 mins. Possibly see a lactation consultant to check the latch is ok, and they might suggest block feeding or switch feeding to get more fatty milk to baby. My best advice is to make sure you do pump if you have to give top ups to avoid damaging your supply like I did. Try eating porridge and linseeds to boost supply too, and drink loads of water.

I remember how scary it was and how confused I was with people asking me about 10 minute feeds when baby was on the breast constantly. I don't know if my post makes sense but I wanted to try & help xx
Please dont let anyone pressure you into giving formula if you dont want too. My dd lost 10% body weight by day 3 and the midwife told me to feed no less than every 3 hours and pump in between and give whatever I got. I was told they like them to gain 4oz a week. It took her 3 weeks to get back to birth weight and no one was concerned. They just weighed her regularly and as long as she'd gained they were happy. Her weight gain started off slow but soon sped up. Your lo has gained so your obviously going in the right direction. As long as your lo keeps gaining id stay strong about no formula if your not comfortable with it.
I have read so many posts from Lactation Consultants etc saying that the 10% loss rule is BS! Different babies will lose different amounts of weight etc, and if your baby is content in between feeds and not unhappy, then don't feel pressured to introduce formula if you dont want to. Hang in there, you're doing great!
With DD2 we gave about 1/2 ounce of formula on day 3-4; she had lost 10%, (she was born 6lbs 14oz) but was also getting a little lethargic and for some selfish reason (i.e having an 11 months old to care for and needing more than 2 hours of sleep/day). My milk came in on day 5 and we stopped the formula. Well a week later she was back to her birthweight, and by 3 weeks, she had already put on 1lbs!!! Little piggy:haha:
Your baby hasn't even lost 10% (that would be 7lb 5oz) and has started to gain on day 6 (which might only be a day or two after your milk came in properly - there is little point looking for huge amounts of weight gain on tiny amounts of cholostrum, even if it is fatty). I'd basically tell them you don't want to make any decisions till day 10 or 14. Then if baby's weight is going in the right direction they have no reason to ask you to change what you are doing.
Thanks girls, noon child, that's a great suggestion. We're going back every day to check his weight so today I'll tell the pedi that I'm just uncomfortable doing anything other than what I'm doing until day ten or fourteen. I thought the same as you girls, as long as he isn't losing weight, and he hasn't lost 10% of his body weight then why are they trying to push formula on me already. I'll update later and let you know how the appointment goes. Hopefully she will be understanding.
Well it looks like my supply was going down in my left breast, they weighed him, had me feed him and then weighed him again and he barely gained a thing so I've been taking fenugreek and more milk plus and I think it's helping to increase my supply. We were just at the doctor yesterday and he's gained three ounces! He's now at the weight he was when we were discharged from the hospital after birth. I've switched pediatrician's and the one we have now is so nice and so much less pushy. We love him.
I've also been pumping just to help my supply and been feeding lo what I get from that (which isn't much) from a syringe. But we've not had to introduce formula at all! We go back on Sunday so hopefully he's had a little more weight gain then.

I also saw a lactation consultant and told her how I was told to only feed for ten minutes on each side and then pump and she said that's bull and to let him feed for as long as he wants and then pump so that's what I've been doing!
you should take fenugreek and blessed thistle together. It works better.
Also you can eat oatmeal not the instant kind. Drink plenty of water. And I have heard Gatorade helps as well.
And as your LC said let him feed as often and as long as he wants as that is the best way to up your supply.
Also have you checked for tongue tie? That can affect supply as well.
Thats great. Glad your happier and things are going in the right direction.
So just an update. Our last appointment was on Friday where he weighed 7lb12oz which was great because he was hovering at 7lb9oz so his weight went up three ounces. We had another appointment today and he's now 8lbs! So his weight went up another 4oz in two days! He's only 2oz away from his birth weight now and they're confident that he will reach it by Tuesday, when he will be 2 weeks old. They're happy with how things are going and we no longer have to have weight checks every other day.

I'm so glad. My supply is definitely increasing as well, thanks to the fenugreek and more milk plus I've been taking as well as keeping him on the boob as much as possible. I'm so glad we're overcoming these two obstacles and I'm glad I didn't give up and give formula to get his weight up.

Thanks for the support ladies. :)

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