Weight Loss before Baby


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2011
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Dear BNB,

I sometimes feel like I am the only woman that is plus sized and has been told my their doctor that to have a healthy pregnancy and baby I must lose this much weight before I try to have a child.

Is there anyone else that has been told the same thing? I am doing everything I can to lose the weight before baby comes and it just seems like I'm running in circles and I am getting nowhere.

Please advise, I need help.


Twins Fan MTB
I'm not plus sized anymore, but I was in the past. I know I must lose some more weight before trying for a child, but I do know how it feels to have the Drs tell you to lose weight.

You're definitely not alone, weight loss is one of the things I've struggled with since my early teens :hugs: So I don't bore you with the usual 'advice' what have you tried to lose weight? A friend of mine swears by Slimming World, the weight just dropped straight off her, same with one of my Aunts.

The doctors never said a thing when I was pregnant with Emma and I was in the obese category. I've been in the process of losing weight now before trying again though. I gained 45 lbs while pregnant with my daugher and only lost 5 after she was born. Even though she weighed nearly 8 coming out. :dohh: But I'm finally out of the obese range and lost the baby weight from her. Now I just have to lose the weight that I gained from my miscarriage before Emma. I swear by myfitnesspal.com. It's really great to keep track of what you are eating. Its not a diet at all. Just a way to be accountable for everything you eat. :flower:
I'd definately second slimming world, you can eat so much!

I think having a clear goal is important, it keeps you motivated. Also take it say 1/2 stone at a time. Essentially though you have to decide to do it for yourself, not just because you've been told to, otherwise you'll never really commit.

Sorry to sound preachy! just wanted to try and help. Good luck
I am personally not obese, but am overweight for what I personally like for myself. Nobody has told me that I have to lose weight, but I am doing it for myself. I set a goal for myself in January, and was doing really great, until I got sick a month or two ago, and now I really need to get back on track. What have you tried so far? I'd love to help! We can use this thread (there are others on the go as well) to keep ourselves accountable, and share our goals/losses with each other if you'd like. I find accountability is one of the best things to help stay on track.
I'm not overweight but If i was pregnant and gained the 20-30lbs that is recommended it'd put my bmi over 25.
I want to get down to around 8 stone so i'll have to lose about a stone and a half and then if I get pregnant and gain weight it won't be as bad.
Hi everyone! Thanks so much for responding to my post. It means a lot to know I am not the only one who is going through this. I would love to lose weight before I have a child. Having a healthy pregnancy and baby is of highest importance. I am looking at a weight loss of 40 pounds before I attempt to have a child. I've already lost 110 and I am down to 282. I was on herbalife for the past year and now ky doctor wants me off it because she doesn't trust some of the herbs and such. Now I am at a loss. I have Jo clue how to way normal since I have been on shakes 2 times a day for over a year. My body is being stubborn and is holding onto the weight. I am at my breaking point. What is this slimming world about? I will have to Google it and see. I have an appt with a dietition in 15 days and I've been working out but it just doesn't seem to help. *sigh* I would love to use this thread to help anyone with weight issues or any issues dealing with trying to get pregnant. Thanks again for listening.

Hey girl,

I don't have to lose weight, but I'm am battling high blood pressure. I can't get pregnant until I lower it so it's definately something I'm dealing with. I know how you feel because it feels like no one is dealing with what I am. We're all in this together! Thank goodness for BnB!!! :hugs:
To be completely honest, if you have been on shakes only, your body might react negatively when you start a normal, healthy diet. However, once you get going, it will love you for it! It has to be a lifestyle change, and drinking only shakes is probably not the best (in terms of lifestyle). Do you exercise at all? Even walking every day can really help (especially if your'e not doing anything yet). Weight Watchers has also worked wonders for many people. I personally like to track my calories (set a limit and stick to it) - that way I can see where all my calories are coming from. You can do this using pen/paper, or online (Spark People is a popular tracking website). Make sure you drink lots of water (about 8 glasses a day), and eat plenty of veggies and fruits. Breakfast is an important part of your diet as well. Most will say to eat several smaller meals throughout the day, instead of a couple of huge ones. I usually try to eat a good breakfast, lunch, and supper, and have 2 snacks as well.

This is a lot of info at once, and we haven't even gotten into actual meal ideas! I'm sure your dietician will give you a ton of information, including a good calorie goal. I'd love to hear what he/she tells you!
Good Evening,

I do a lot of walking.. I have at times gone on a 7 mile walk without really knowing it. Haha. Tonight I went on a small little 30 minute walk to think and clear my head. Jen (my partner) said tomorrow she will come with me to the grocery store and help me pick out better food at the store. I've already cut out coffee, pop and most of the bad foods. I'm just trying to get my body used to normal food and not the shakes.. I've been trying to eat smaller meals every 2 hours but with my job it makes it hard to get those in as I get so into a project I lose track of time and before I know it, it is lunch and I've missed my snack and then I deal with co-workers who want me to go run errands with them and then I don't get a lunch.. So I've been skipping meals which I know is bad. I just need to figure out something that works for me and stick to it. Hope the Dietitian can give me some amazing meal plans and snack ideas. 15 days can't pass by fast enough.

On top of this weight issue my partner and I met with a friend that is willing to donate his sperm so that Jen and I can have a baby. We also found out he has twins that run in his family. Oooh boy. Lol

Have a good night everyone!

I haven't been told but I know I need too, my bmi is about 36.1% and for a HEALTHY pregnancy they generally suggest being around 24% BMI. That would mean i'd have to be under 120 pounds, personaly, I don't want to be that low, and I think a lot of that is b/s. I have made a pack to LOOSE at least 40 pounds before we concieve, which has been hard because I have no idea where to start.... But even 40 pounds still puts me at a BMI of 27%...

So any tips you find for urself, feel free to pass them on :)
Hi everyone! Thanks so much for responding to my post. It means a lot to know I am not the only one who is going through this. I would love to lose weight before I have a child. Having a healthy pregnancy and baby is of highest importance. I am looking at a weight loss of 40 pounds before I attempt to have a child. I've already lost 110 and I am down to 282. I was on herbalife for the past year and now ky doctor wants me off it because she doesn't trust some of the herbs and such. Now I am at a loss. I have Jo clue how to way normal since I have been on shakes 2 times a day for over a year. My body is being stubborn and is holding onto the weight. I am at my breaking point. What is this slimming world about? I will have to Google it and see. I have an appt with a dietition in 15 days and I've been working out but it just doesn't seem to help. *sigh* I would love to use this thread to help anyone with weight issues or any issues dealing with trying to get pregnant. Thanks again for listening.


im personally not overweight but my parents have been using a diet called nutra system, they deliver my parents meals to their house so that they only eat what is on their plan. also if you want to cut costs my mom has also done weight watchers. its a big accountability group. and one other thing is have you had your thyroid checked? my OH's mother is a nurse and she said as a women gets older her thyroid levels drop and since the thyroid controls your metabolism it causes it to slow down so a lot of women are taking thyroid pills to help boost their metabolism. anyway best of luck to you. :hugs:
Hi, i've not been in your position but just wanted to hello :)

I have heard recently that doing weights can actually help you lose more weight than just doing cardio- as the process of your body repairing the muscles continues to burn calories (don't quote me on this as my comment is just general and not exact lol)

But i think the main things you can do are, calorie and portion control, cardio 3 times a week and incorporate weights into it.

Doing weights will also help to tone and define your muscles and so even if you don't lose loads of weights your body will start to look 'better'.

If you don't go to the gym then buy some weights and do it at home- look up some weights plans online- i use 2 lb weights as you don't need anything really heavy- just do lots of reps with your weights.

This book seriously gets me through the week. If I could afford to live off the recipes I would! I don't know how slimming world works, but it is to do with food optimising or something. But somehow, you have the freedom to eat as many of certain recipes as you want and still lose weight. You're still alowed to treat yourself to chocolate some times too!

:thumbsup: congrats for finding a donor! That's such a difficult step to cross. I'm really thrilled for you :D

Feel free to pm me for anything x
Good Morning everyone!

I've checked out Slimming world and it seems like it's not for the USA, it is for other countries it looks like. I've also done weight watchers and have been on diets and all kinds of plans. I've always had weight issues. When I was 13 my mom put me on phen phen and some other pill and I lost a lot of weight in a bad (but very fast way) I was removed from that program and then gained all the weight back. Now I'm trying to get it off again. Herbalife helped for a about a year and now it just doesn't seem to be working. (Not to mention my doctor doesn't trust the product)

Things I'm doing now..

I go to the workout room at my office 2 times a week and use the weights and get on the tredmill, then I go on longer or shorter walks through the week. The hardest part is my partner (who is much smaller than me..) doesn't need to be on a certain kind of meal plan and she likes the "college" types of food. She keeps saying that she will help me and go with me for a walk, but we never make it. I just need to hold myself accountable and figure out what works best for me.

Have a good day.. I better get to work now. Haha.


Hey again Brie,

It sounds like you're doing a lot to help yourself! It is a shame you're still finding it hard to lose the weight. I'm not a huge believer in the herbal pills and things like that as they can really mess with your body without you realising it!

What kinda things do you eat?

It's a pain your partner wont join you in walking and things! Maybe if you have separate meals it will help. I know it's a total pain, but I did that with my ex - she'd eat pizza and chocolates, and I'd have a salad! It sucked, but it helped. She was just lucky to be skinny when I was really struggling with weight. Luckily my current OH is such a fussy eater he decides to cook and he does nice healthy things :thumbup:

Another vote for Slimming World here, I lost nearly 2 stone (28 pounds) when I joined SW in Sept last year. It was a really good plan, but I had to stop attending the classes due to other commitments and as soon as I stopped having the pressure of being weighed by another person I started putting the weight back on again. I've put a lot of it back on again and ideally i need to lose around 3-4 stone to get myself to a healthy BMI before having a baby.

It's a shame you can't get Slimming World in the US but there a some good SW forums online which can give you all of the basics you need, plus support. Good luck!
:hugs: Check out the dieting, weight loss & fitness area of the forum. You will find you are not alone in trying to lose weight :hugs:

I was obese before I had Hannah and piled on the weight after she was born. None of my doctors ever said anything though :wacko: I'm *almost* to a healthy BMI now but it's taken about 16 months to get to this point
Thanks millions everyone. :) I've gone shopping and picked up lots of stuff to eat that will help me lose the weight. How do you get a lilypie counter to stay in your signatures? I'd like to add a few.

Thanks again!

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