Hey everyone! How's y'all doin?! I feel nauseous pretty much all the time and I'm sick of this taste in my mouth I did another Clearblue a few days ago and I've jumped from 1-2 to 3+! in a week! I'd love to know my hcg level cos it must be well over 2000 by now I can't have my booking appointment with the midwife until I'm 6/7 weeks so I'm really impatiently waiting
Hi everyone! Guess what...I'm officially on maternity leave as of yesterday! And even more exciting, to mark the occasion my mucus plug has decided to start coming away!!!
Saw the midwife today and she did say it could still be weeks before I actually go into labour, but is nice to know everything is heading in the right direction!
Hope everyone is well, sorry I have been MIA have been so busy with work and swimming. I have lost 3kgs so far so only 9 to go. I have been advised by my OB to see an Allergist before our IVF appointment. We are seeing the allergist on the 29th May, IVF on the 31st May and follow up with the OB on the 5th June.
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