Welcome to the world Aaron James


Mommy of 2
Sep 10, 2010
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I had my little man on April 3/11 at 3:19am, he was 8lbs 2oz and 20inchs long. Here is our birth story. Not the birth I wanted, but still ended with a baby that I had wanted for years. Sorry its a long one.

My story starts on March 29 at my 40 week doctors appt. Doc checked and I was 1cm and he was able to stretch it to 2cm, and 90% effaced. He did a sweep and within half a hour I started loosing my plug and having light cramps. I thought great it worked, things would start soon. March 30, my due date came and went…nothing. The cramps stopped, but the plug was still coming away. The next few days I got more and more miserable and convinced I was going to have to have an induction.

For weeks I had been doing dishes and making sure the kitchen was nice and clean, before going to bed. The last thing I wanted was to go into labour in the middle of the night and have to come home from the hospital days later, to a dirty kitchen. April 1st I wasn’t feeling great, so OH made supper. He is a great cook…but always makes a big mess in the kitchen.:dohh: I just wasn’t feeling up to cleaning that night, so I left the mess and went to bed, it would be there in the morning and I could do it then.

The next morning was Saturday and OH was off work so we slept in, and then layed in bed for a bit chatting about our plans for the day. Before getting up I thought sex might get something started, so we :sex:. We layed in bed for a while after. Then I got up to go pee and start making breakfast. While I was sitting on the toilet, I felt what at 1st thought was a kick really low. Then a small gush of water come out. Could that have been my waters breaking? No, I thought it would be a lot more fluid than that. I came out and sat on the sofa and about 5mins later the 1st contraction hit me. Ouch that was stronger than I thought it would be. By now OH was up, and sitting beside me asking if we need to go to the doctor. No I say, if this is it we have lots of time, 1st babies take their time. I told him I wanted to have a bath and clean up the kitchen. He asked if it was ok for him to go have a shower, sure, like I said we have lots of time. While he is in the shower the contractions keep coming and wow do they hurt. I couldn’t talk through them, I was hunched over the back of a chair to try to deal with the pain. They seemed to be coming very close together, I better start timing them. I got paper and started writing them down. 4 mins apart and lasting almost 2min each. This can’t be right, they just started 15mins ago. OH gets out of the shower and I asked him to time them for me, he isn’t in pain maybe he can get the timing right. :haha:I started putting the last min things in the hospital bag, and was then going to do dishes. Hun he says they are 3mins apart now. We are now about 50mins into the contractions and I’m in extreme pain. I looked at OH and said I think we better go. The hospital is 45mins away and we needed to drop our dogs off at my parents house.

The drive was awful, I moaned and cursed the whole way repeatedly saying I needed drugs. OH said I kept yelling get out of the way ass hole, and then would look at him and say not you, they guy in that car. I was so hot that I had my window open and it was snowing a bit, so the snow was all coming in the car. Finally we get to the hospital and I walk through the doors as an intense contraction hits. OH hands my hospital cards to the admitting clerk as I’m hunched over the back of a chair trying to breathe. I remember the clerk saying to OH, thank god she is pre registered! :thumbup:We are very lucky to have a world renowned woman’s and children’s hospital here, it is set up to cater to labouring women. So there is an elevator in the admitting office that takes you right to the labour and delivery dept. So I didn’t have to go through a hospital full of people with towels between my legs because the water kept leaking.

When the elevator doors opened, we were greeted by a sweet nurse. She helped me into a hospital gown, as I bagged her for drugs. She said she needed to check and see how far dilated I was before giving any pain meds because I had only been in labour for about 2 hours. She checked and had a surprised look on her face, and tells me I’m 5cm… almost 6! Then says you can have what ever you want for pain. I quickly tell her epidural. So she takes me to my labour and delivery room and introduces me to the nurse who will be with me for the next few hours. She was also a sweetheart. I’m still begging for drugs and she says she needs to get a IV in 1st. She does that and goes to order my epi. When she comes back she says she has good news and bad news. Bad news is all the anesthesiologists are in surgery and would be about an hour, good news was she brought me Fentanyl which should take the edge off. Before feeling my 1st contraction, I said I didn’t want any type of drug that made me feel high. But now I couldn’t get it fast enough! It didn’t take the pain away, but it took the edge off so I wasn’t so focused on it. I did find it gave me the spins and it only lasted about 30mins. The nurse gave me another shot of it as soon as the 1st wore off. Just as the 2nd shot was kicking in, the anesthesiologist showed up. So he and the nurse are giving me instructions on where to sit and what to do, and all I can think is wow the room is spinning lol. The nurse asks OH to help her get me into position and the epi is in without me even realizing it. The timing was actually great, I was very relaxed for them to put it in, and as the Fentanyl wore off the epi started to work. Ahhhhh epi, what a wonderful thing! I didn’t feel any pain and was able to relax and talk to OH and the nurse again. My mother then shows up and said she couldn't believe the difference from when I was at her house dropping off the dogs.

So now we are about 4hrs into labour and the nurse checks me again and I’m 8cm!!!! They called my doctor to update him, and let him know he should be making his way to the hospital soon. I’m thinking this is amazing, a few hours and I’m going to have LO in my arms. Another 2 hours pass and she checks me again, but this time something is different. She was really focused on something and taking a long good feel around. She said I think you are 10cm, but I’m just not sure. So she had the charge nurse come in and check, she also takes her time in there and looks very focused on what she is doing. The charge nurse says yes 10cm, and that my doctor had just shown up so they were going to go out and update him. My doctor comes in and checks me and says yes 10cm, but baby is still very high and face up (back to back). So they have me push for about 40mins to try to get LO to move down. Despite what they tell are amazing pushes that would have already brought a face down baby into the world, my LO hadn’t moved at all. So they had me stop pushing and put me on Pitocin to try to get even stronger contractions to help with the pushes. I waited about an hour and we try pushing again for another hour, in hopes that LO would come down enough that they could use forceps to turn him. My doctor checked me again and baby still hadn’t moved. He said he thought a c section was going be to my best option at this point. I started crying because I really really wanted a vaginal birth. 2 more OB’s came in and check and both also said LO is stuck and a c section would be best. Still crying and in a complete state of panic, I sign the consent forms for surgery. The labour unit was really busy that day, and there were already 4 sections going on, so we had to wait a bit for a OR. As I’m still crying, I ask my doctor what are the chances the next baby could be a VBAC, and he laughed and says I’m the 1st labouring woman he has had asking about the next baby! But there is no reason to believe I couldn’t have a VBAC next time.

While we waited they prepped me for surgery. By this time shift change had happened and I had new nurses. One tried to put a catheter in, but was having a really hard time getting it in. She tried 4 times with no luck…thank god I didn’t feel any of it with the epi. So she got another nurse to come in and help her, the 2 of them tried 4 or 5 more times and still no luck. Babies head was blocking it from going in. The charge nurse came in and pushed LO’s head up while the other 2 finally got the catheter in. Then it was time to go. They dress OH in gowns that are so tight he can hardly move, poor guy, they didn’t have anything bigger available at that time. He held my hand whispering in my ear everything was going to be ok, the whole time they pushed me down the hall to the OR.

The room was filled with people, and they explain to me that because this is an emergency the NICU is there, there are 2 of the hospital OB’s and my own OB, 2 anesthesiologists and countless nurses. I’m laying there in a panic and my way to deal with that and try to keep calm was tightly shutting my eyes and breathing deeply. But they kept asking me if I was ok, they kept thinking I was passing out. Just as they are about to start one OB has to leave to go to another emergency. They start and after what seems like forever, but was really only about 25 mins and what seems like more pulling and pressure than they said I would feel, I hear LO cry…finally something else I can focus on. Just then the phone in the OR rings and the main OB doing the surgery is told he needs to go to room 8 for an emergency. I hear him say can they wait a few mins, I’m busy. But he is told he has to go NOW. Then I hear a woman’s voice saying what’s more important than this (which is exactly what I’m thinking). So the 2nd OB leaves and I’m left with my OB, a bunch of nurses and my belly wide open. Now instead of relaxing and focusing on the beautiful baby boy OH is holding by my head, I’m back into a panic. The main surgeon returns after 10 mins and they spend an hour closing. I tried to spend this time talking to OH and LO to keep my mind from wondering why it is taking so long. They finally take me to the recovery room, I’m shaking so bad from all the drugs they wont let me hold LO for a while. The doctor comes in and tells me they had some complications during the surgery and I will have to have c sections with any other babies I might have. LO’s head was so severely stuck that they had a very hard time getting him out. When they did get him, it tore my uterus up both sides of it. The damage is so bad that any other births will have to be planned section for 36-37 weeks to prevent me from going into labour on my own. The nurse could see how upset I was about that, so she took LO from OH and put him on my chest. She easily got him to latch on and breastfeed. For the 1st time, I finally felt that bond I had been waiting for for so long. I was so happy:cloud9: and the last 14 hours was a distant memory.

I’m disappointed I will never get a VBAC, but in the end all that matters is that baby and mommy are healthy and happy. I’m so in love with him, I would do it all over again. We spent 4 days in the family and newborn unit, recovering and getting to know each other. OH stayed by our side every moment we were there. I think I have actually fallen even deeper in love with him too. He is such an amazing daddy and partner. I had IVs and the catheter in for 3 days, so I couldn’t get out of bed easily. OH did every diaper change until yesterday, he jumped at every little cry, and has just as close bond with LO as I do. I realize more and more every day just how lucky I am to have him in my life. We finally came home last night. I still have 30 staples in my belly, so I'm still taking it very easy and enjoying every day with LO and OH.


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congratulations. i'm sorry you had to have a c section (i also had one) but as you say the important thing is a healthy baby and mum.
Sorry you had a rough time, but look at him......

He's GORGEOUS !!:happydance:
Congratulations! Hope you have a speedy recovery!
Congratulations. Sorry you had a rough time but as you say as long as you and baby are healthy.
congratulations hun! so sorry the birth wasn't quite as planned and you'll nevver have a VBAC. You're little boy is gorgeous though! xxx
Congrats honey, what an amazing story! As everyone has already said, sorry things didn't go as planned, but when a healthy little one arrives that's all that matters in the end.

Aaron looks so much like his daddy, just precious!!!!
My baby's name is Aaron James!!!! :haha:

Congrats hun he is beautiful!~!!! :D
Congratulations he is VERY cute!!!
Congrats, sorry delivery didnt go as planned but as you said you and your lo are healthy. He is gorgeous! Great Job Mommy
Huge congratulations! I had a c-section for the same reas
Congratulations, he's totally gorgeous, sorry you had such a difficult birth xx
Just thought I would update with a few pictures. 1st is 4 days old and the 2nd is 4mths old.


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