what a difference a week makes


Mummy to Matthew & Daniel
Nov 6, 2008
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Well in the space of only 1 week Matthew is doing so many new things I just had to share....:cloud9:

He can now say mama....ma..ma..mama :happydance:

can pull himself up to standing holding on the the couch/ and his cot (which has to be lowered now)

will now give kisses

when you go to pick him up will put his arms up to you

starting to 'cruise' along the couch

manages 2 steps holding on to his walker

if he drops something he looks for it, before it was just gone

My little man is becoming a big boy, im falling in love with him all over again.

What new amazing things have our Lo's been up to lately xxx
Awwwww how sweet. I bet your the proud Mummy all over again. He's such a sweet heart.

I was just thinking the same as you funny enough. Archie has come on since he started Nursery. He too can do all what Matthew's doing except for the kisses and saying Mummy. It just mad how quick they pick things up.

I think we are both on :cloud9: with our little boys xxx

In the last week, Andrew has started grabbing small things (the rings attached to his bouncer) and smiling when I smile at him. :D
don;t you love the mamamamamamama! and then dadadadada....... beginning talking is so amazing!
Well done Matthew:thumbup:

Abby is just starting to respond properly to her name and has started actually drinking from her cups rather than fighting us on it. We do seem to be on a bit of a plateau for everything else at the moment. She's "just about" doing a few things and I can't wait until she actually does them! (although as she is still static - I know I'll regret wishing for her to be on the move!)
Well done Matthew:thumbup:

Abby is just starting to respond properly to her name and has started actually drinking from her cups rather than fighting us on it. We do seem to be on a bit of a plateau for everything else at the moment. She's "just about" doing a few things and I can't wait until she actually does them! (although as she is still static - I know I'll regret wishing for her to be on the move!)

C didn't crawl until she was nearly 10 months and she wasn't really early at all. They all do things in their own time ( a cliche, I know)........it does seem that they pootle along for a while not doing much more, then all of a sudden lots of things happen at once.

And yes....mobility brings a whole new set of challenges :winkwink:
oohhh all the babies are doing so so well arnt they. Matthew not crawling yet (well kind of backwards) not sure he will I think by his 1st birthday though he will be on his feet and causing havoc, cant wait...................... xx
awwwwwwwwwww congrats Matthew, before u know it he'll be saying complete words, then short sentences. by the way, hes adorable!
Well Findlay is very behind with his motor and language skills but when his muscle tone is ok he can now hold his head on his own for about 5 mins :thumbup: He's being a very good boy with doing his physio exercises 3 times a day as well :)

He's also starting pinching :dohh: Dave thinks that Findlay is just trying to hold onto me but I've got really delicate skin and it leaves really sore red marks on my arm and bloomin hurts!!

I just really really want him to start giggling soon as I absolutely love the video of Alex on here giggling.
after all wee Findlay has been thru 5 mins holding his head steady is amazing he's working so hard with his physio and it will really pay of. He will be giggling away in no time and will open his grasp more to hold on - he just wants to cuddle mummy xxxx
Awe way to go Matthew! And all the other babies!! =)

Lakai has been doing.....

Giving "high fives"

Said "Mom" and "hi" but it's hard to hear him because of his vocal cord issues and sometimes you think you hear words..and aren't always 100% sure. Either way he is WAY more vocal now, making all sorts of strange and wonderful sounds.

Feeds the dog from his hand while in his highchair...LOL

Is cruising on the furniture very well, even around corners.

Can walk a fair distance when you hold his hands or hand.

Stands without aid of anything for moments.


Gives kisses.

Knows some colours, shapes and objects by sight and will gesture to them if you say like "wheres the kittie" or "give me your green square" he will get it out of his shape sorter.

Knows what books he likes to read and will pull them off the shelf to bring to you
Awww. I LOVE hearing what all our LOs have been up to!
Molly has...
started cruising round the furniture
hiding form the camera and giggling!
laughing when I say 'no Molly' when she does something she knows she shouldnt eg pulling the tv off hte stand :dohh:
clicking her tongue
started giving really good hugs!
aswell as saying Mum, Mummy, mama, she knows its me now, still not saying Daddy!

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