Opposite end of the spectrum story (and please bear with me as I am pretty convinced that i'm going to not cope well with toddlerhood and terrible twos/threes and will porbably be doing EXACTLY the same in two years time
In the doctors surgery and a very cute 3 year old boy with his parents comes in. They have a baby girl too (maybe aorund my LO's age SUPER CUTE) and the boy starts making a noise but not crying or throwing a tantrum just not realising that being in a public place means that volume control is sometimes appreciated. I found this very funny as my LO (only 8 months) can babble VERY loudly on the tube which is obviously VERY out of place especially in London.
He then sits on the chair with his legs all akimbo and sprawled limbs. His mother and then his father get more and more wound up and are speking to him in restrained hushed tones. I'm sure its from knowing that he loses it in public all the time but poor little boy seemed so chuffed and they slowly just kept telling him not to do this and not to do that and on and on and on and I honestly don't think his loud talking and exclamations should warrant a telling off. They then keep telling him to do this and do that and not do this or that and it all seems so much for such a young child. But I dunno. But obviously his parents were trying to do their best and it ended in a tantrum with him crying and then taking turns to tell him off and take him to the outer waiting area and leave him there till he behaved himself etc.
I just felt so bad for him. I tried talking to him softly but he was in tears (i was in the outside bit where he was just before leaving) and it just made me think that I hope I can pick my battles when my baby reaches that age and that that little boy is VERY unlikely to be shouting in the doctors surgery or sitting with his arms and legs sprawled all over the place when he's 35.
In that circumstance I just thought, maybe instead of caring if there were people in the surgery who didn't like kids being noisy, I'd rather foster a good relationship with my kid and either take him for a walk or sit with him as a family in the outer bit.
In his mind he wasn't misbehaving and didn't understand why he was being reprimanded.
Sorry to go off topic a bit but I've been thinking about this for a few days now. I don't blame the parents as being a parent is tough and you could tell they meant the best and just wanted to teach their little boy good manners etc.
Before I had or wanted kids I would have been annoyed at crying tantrum kids but now I'm a hypocrite and now think as long as the mum is trying and not being abusive or neglectful then it's enough for me.
Although after a while on this forum I've decided sam9kids is the queen of all parenting knowledge and if she disagrees with me then I'm obviously wrong.