My FOB is supposed to see my LO every other Monday from 10am ish to 7pm ish. He has another son by another woman who he sees the other week from Sunday evening to Tuesday evening. He was supposed to come see LO on Monday but he had crashed his car and then all the excuses started, Oh I don't have money for the train, I don't want to sit on the train for half the day, blah blah blah. So he didn't come down. He is already making excuses for the next time he is due to see him. He says he wants me to drive up with LO to see him (85 miles each way) even after I've had to put 4 new tyres on the car cos he drove it so badly that it ruined them! I would be perfectly happy for him to see LO more often (but then I was the one who left) but he doesn't make the effort.