I have been getting headaches for ages & ages now, i've been to docs & had a CT scan which was fine & I have just put them down to hormones etc as they really started to get bad when I got pregnant.
Anyway, lately they have been alot better, i haven't had one for quite a while (yippee!) but DH bought me a huge bar of chocolate & being the fat pig I am ate the whole lot in nearly one go
and I have had a banging head for the last 2 days, I got a horrid feeling its chocolate triggering them
(I ate truck loads during my pregnancy & after
Please God no, tell me i'm not allergic to chocolatehttps://www.augk18.dsl.pipex.com/Smileys/c021.gif
Anyway, lately they have been alot better, i haven't had one for quite a while (yippee!) but DH bought me a huge bar of chocolate & being the fat pig I am ate the whole lot in nearly one go

Please God no, tell me i'm not allergic to chocolatehttps://www.augk18.dsl.pipex.com/Smileys/c021.gif