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What are your worst fears?


Oct 3, 2007
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Hey guys.

I have just joined and wanted to say that I am pregnant! I love being able to chat with other people and have someone to talk to during my pregnancy.

I was just wondering what your guys' biggest fears are while pregnant.

I will start off by saying that my biggest fear is having a baby that has health problems. :sad1:

My next thing would be of gaining way too much weight.:hissy:

How about you guys?
:hi: Welcome to BnB!

Congrats on your Pregnancy.

I am not pregnant yet so Im not sure what my fears will be, but I know I worry if I will be a good Mom....
That has always been on my mind as well. I am not sure why I didn't post it, but I think I will be a good mom. Sure there will be times when I do things I regret, but it is a learning process and I have a great family to help. My OH is also a great help.
Oh I have a WHOLE list of fears! I freaked out on DH on Sunday cause I have so many.

1. that I'll miscarry
2. that there will be something wrong with the baby (my ex-DH just had a still born baby)
3. that I will be a bad mom.
4. that I will gain too much weight.
Hmm my biggest fears:

-Complications during labour

-My emotions won't level out and I'll feel over emotional about everything forever

-Since it's my first, I'll be a bit overwhelmed as far as what I should do for my bub. Hope mom helps out a lot here.

-Ppl will stare at my big belly and ask me a pile of personal questions.
Mine were:

*That id have an ectopic pregnancy
*That id miscarry
*I found out I was pregnant whilst doing a lot of cleaning/decorating, so I was worried id harm my little one
*That she would be born with a stump for a hand (I had a dreadful nightmare about it)
*That I couldn't cope with being a mum
*Pushing a big head out of my moo!! my god, that kept me up nights on end lol
*Giving birth in a corridoor (that almost came true as well)
*One of us dying during childbirth
*Bethanie was born with Polycythaemia and Hypoglaecemia (basically her blood was too concentrated and she had low blood sugars). Even to this day, I think it was because I did something wrong..

Big congrats on the pregnancy and remember, it's only normal to worry!!- as you can see, I worry a lot!
Basically I was worried that i would have an ectopic pregnancy, or miscarry. Now I'm worried about how I will be as a mommy, what my body is going to look like afterwards, and if there is going to be anything wrong with it when its finally here...Oy. :wacko:
Oh I have a WHOLE list of fears! I freaked out on DH on Sunday cause I have so many.

1. that I'll miscarry
2. that there will be something wrong with the baby (my ex-DH just had a still born baby)
3. that I will be a bad mom.
4. that I will gain too much weight.

sweetie you''ll be fine ur almost past the scary range now just a few days more---and u'll be well out of it

u wont be a bad mom---

judging by ur wedding pic---let me tell u that its gorgeous first of alll
u'r obviously not overweight to begin with and u look fit so u i assume ur going to work out after the baby's born ---and the pounds supposedly melt off of u when ur breastfeeding ---if u choose that route---
and gaining too much---lets just say even if u start out with a lot in the first tri--the rest could be a lot better--- i'm almost done with 2nd tri and only put on almost 2 pounds for the whole 2nd tri---- but i put on 18 1/2 in the first tri---
biggest fear --- that i'll; be in some terrible car accident and lose the baby ---i know its weird--- and of course the biggest fear of all labour (i dont know how i will handle that pain --im a wuss --- even the lil pains of preganncy send me crawling in pain--esp the stretching of my uterus/stomach--- the worst of it was about a week ago when it felt like my stomach would burst and that there was no more room in there for baby---but thankfully this week is better and dont feel it anymore---but yes i now have the stretch marks to show for it ---- i guess its better than the pain of having them stretch out--i think i literally ran out of stomach fat and it had no more room but to stretch out so i'm just gonna have to live with the fact that i'll have a lot of stretch marks i had some stomach fat mind u--- i wasnt flat to begin with but i wasnt fat either--- just in my tummy )
My biggest fears are
- that the baby is dead inside me - i am so scared that is going to happen, i think i might get one of those things that u can listen to babys heart beat at home but think i will get addicted and do it like all the time
- That i have a terrible labour - i cant take pain
- That baby will not be born healthy

Think that is all my worries.
My biggest fears are
- that the baby is dead inside me - i am so scared that is going to happen, i think i might get one of those things that u can listen to babys heart beat at home but think i will get addicted and do it like all the time
- That i have a terrible labour - i cant take pain
- That baby will not be born healthy

Think that is all my worries.

OMG! I thought I was the only one who had the fear of their baby dead inside them! Any time I told someone, they would just give me this weird look,and then say that it was a terrible thought, but I can't help it. Every time I go for an ultrasound, I'm so afraid that I won't see him moving, and the doctors will get all serious or something. :nope:

So far everything has been going good. I think once I finally feel him moving around more often, that fear will start to go away.
Just try to think positive!
Im terrified of my first scan if they tell me there isn't a heartbeat or something. I'm actually desperate to go,purely to check everything is ok.

Im scared as well that Im going to be a bit of a rubbish mum... it's my first, and I don't even know how to hold a baby. And I know theres going to be a time when Im completely on my own and Im scared I wont be able to handle it.

And I was taken away from my mum when I was very young, so Im really scared that that might happen to me. Theres no reason for it to, but you know.

Apart from that Im trying to stay as happy and positive as I can!
Some of my biggest fears are:

1. That I would miscarry.
2. That the baby isn't alive anymore (the last 2 times we went to hear the heartbeat, none could be detected. Thankfully we had an emergency U/S and everything looked fine).
3. That the baby isn't healthy.
4. That I'll go into preterm labor again. My son came 6 weeks early and I never want to go through that again, especially seeing him in the NICU :cry:

Those are the biggies, I'm trying not to overthink things and trying to stay positive. Having you girls to talk to has been helping though :hugs:
My fears are pretty much the same.

losing the baby, nothing being in there, it being dead in there, something being wrong with the baby.

Labor doesn't scare me, I can not wait to have this baby. I think it is the most amazing thing my body will ever do, and I am kinda excited about it. This may change as I get closer to the actual event.
nikkybaby - I know its so scary I cant help myself thinking like that its horrible ....................... When i went for my first scan thats all I wanted to hear was that heart beat. My next scan isnt until 6 weeks time I dont know how i am going to wait that long . Unless i start feeling baby move very soon im going to be panicking
Samantha675 - Not scared of labour you lucky women - I am terrified of labour I really cant take pain plus terrified of needles
Firsttimer - I guess I am not afraid because I have passed 3 kidney stones. The only pain I know that is compared to childbirth. The 2nd one was the most horrible pain of my life, I thought I was going to lose my mind it hurt so freaking badly. But I didn't know what was happening till after the fact, so it made it that much worse. This time, I know that I am going to have a painful experience, but I will know why I am in pain and what is going on in my body at the time. I will be surrounded by women who have already had children, who have been there, and done that, and I trust that they will get me through it. This is what my body was built to do. And I know that as soon as my baby is in my arms, it just won't matter. At the end of the day, that is all that matters, holding my baby in my arms. This amazing little mircle that I created. If I could do it today, I so would!
Aww that is true I cant wait to hold my lil baby as well must be best experience ever....................... something you made something thats been inside you for 9 months its crazy.

Well i just hope i have a nice labour

I have many fears

in the first three month it was to have a preterm delivery

and now:
premature labor
and to get a disabled or sick baby
My biggest fears are
- that the baby is dead inside me - i am so scared that is going to happen, i think i might get one of those things that u can listen to babys heart beat at home but think i will get addicted and do it like all the time
- That i have a terrible labour - i cant take pain
- That baby will not be born healthy

Think that is all my worries.

ur not the only one:rofl:
anyway those fetal heart monitors u use at home are completely safe u can use them as often as u like even up until the time u deliver ---so so what if u get addicted to them----u get to hear the baby's heartbeat --- i personally dont use mine as often as i did in the begining cause now i just wait for a kick or discomfort that says ---mommy im still in here---im doing fine ---look mommy i'm doing tricks---lol

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