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What did your baby eat today? (all-inclusive edition!)

B-Apple purée with oatmeal
L- Sweet pea purée with rice
D- Carrot and butternut squash, Cheerios and banana chunks. (Venturing into finger foods! Woo hoo!)
B: Mixed grain cereal with baked pears (blended)
L: Banana and avocado (chopped into finger food size pieces)
D: Sweet potato (mashed with breastmilk), cauliflower with cheese (pureed with shredded cheese melted in), baked pears (blended)
Yay I can finally join in as Micah has been feeding himself the odd veggie from our plates for a while we started BLW properly this week! Slightly early but it's definitely the right time for him.

B - slices of pear which he adored

L/snack - not planned but met up with a friend and her baby had organix biscuits and rice cakes, Micah was grabbing at them so tried one of each and devoured them!!

D - steamed asparagus spears and leek risotto (used a baby stock cube and left the parmesan out of his portion)

He loved the asparagus and definitely ate some risotto from loaded spoons but got frustrated that he kept dropping it off the spoon.
Breakfast_ toast with fruit puree, cheerios, fruit puree
lunch- spinach and ricotta quiche, cous cous, cheese, rice puffs, saltaners
snack- ella kitchen biscuit
Tea - fish pie with broccoli (actually are some broccoli!), small amount of fruit pot
Hehe a little fish :) she loves petit filous (so do I!)
B - couple of spoonfuls of porridge with banana, strawberry purée

L - couple of bites of humous and tomato sandwich

D - lentil recipe from annabel karmel book, yogurt

My poor little baby has a virus, she seemed to be really off colour today, so hardly wanted to eat
B: weetabix
L: mashed sprouts and mashed potato in cheese sauce
D: pureed peas with tuna and cheese

B - 'Porridge pancakes' (recipe from BLW site) and blueberries
S - Raspberry and blueberry rice cakes
T - Steamed carrot batons
B - a slice of wholemeal toast with mashed bannana and a drizzle of honey, cows milk in her sippy cup

L - 1/2 jacket potato with cheese and a yogurt

D - sausage and lentil stew and some custard

8oz of formula at bedtime and snacks of rice cakes and breadsticks.
B - couple of spoonfuls of porridge with banana, strawberry purée

L - couple of bites of humous and tomato sandwich

D - lentil recipe from annabel karmel book, yogurt

My poor little baby has a virus, she seemed to be really off colour today, so hardly wanted to eat

Hope your LO is feeling better soon, it's horrible when they're sick :(

How does the lentil dish usually go down? Any chance of the recipe? I really want some new, healthy recipes for my little vegetarian :)
B: Mixed grain cereal with BM and pears
L: Toast with pear puree; avocado chunks
D: Peas, Sweet Potato, Avocado/pear mix
B - Strips of pear and a potato cake with olive spread

S - Another raspberry and blueberry rice cake, there are a lot in a packet and he eats two at the most!

D - Homemade 'samosa' (filo with mashed potato inside) to look like ours. banana for pudding.
B - couple of spoonfuls of porridge with banana, strawberry purée

L - couple of bites of humous and tomato sandwich

D - lentil recipe from annabel karmel book, yogurt

My poor little baby has a virus, she seemed to be really off colour today, so hardly wanted to eat

Hope your LO is feeling better soon, it's horrible when they're sick :(

How does the lentil dish usually go down? Any chance of the recipe? I really want some new, healthy recipes for my little vegetarian :)

Thanks she seems much better now, just a bit of cold lingering. She really enjoyed the lentils, she's had them before and really enjoyed them too.

Recipe - 1 tbsp sunflower oil
2 large tomatoes skinned, deseeded and chopped
2 carrots grated
1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
115g red lentils
200ml coconut milk
300ml vegetable stock or water

Cook carrots and tomatoes until soft, then add spices give it a mix, then add everything else, bring to the boil, cover and simmer gently for 20 minutes stirring occasionally.

It says it makes 4-5 baby portions, I got 8 as my lo doesn't eat a lot. Recipe can be frozen.

It's really easy to make, hope lo enjoys it

B - toast with Philadelphia, banana

L - jacket potato with Philadelphia (lol she loves it!), grated cheese and humous, satsuma

D - Heinz jarred chicken curry, rice pudding
Thanks very much, I'll let you know how she likes it :)


Breakfast - oats with yoghurt

Lunch - homemade potato & sweet potato chips and cheese slices

Dinner - steamed brocolli, courgette, sliced cucumber, a boiled egg, and a bit of pasta with tomato & capsicum sauce
B: Mixed grain cereal with pears
L: Toast with pear puree, plain whole milk yogurt, avocado chunks
D: Poached chicken legs (blended), sweet potato, peas (Haven't had dinner yet, but making it now)
B - weetabix and a strawberry

L - gave her tuna and humous sandwich, she maybe had 2-3 bites, yogurt

D - cod with sweet potato, rice pudding

Spoke too soon about lo being better, she's been so upset with herself all day, it's so hard when they're ill isn't it? I just want to make her feel well again
Forgot to ask daycare what she had for breakfast and lunch. She has a stash of my homemade fruit & veggie purées and cereals.

Dinner- Peaches with oatmeal and BM. Pea puree with a little whole milk yogurt. Blueberry puffs.
B- whole grain toast, baked apple slices, pear & cinnamon puree
L-cauliflower & broccoli puree, mango slices
S- cantaloupe slices
D- chicken sweet potato & apple puree and green beans
Organix porridge
Pea,broccoli and cauliflower and a mashed banana
Sweet potato and carrot

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