what did your one year old eat today


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2012
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Hi everyone! My son just turned one and at his checkup he weighed in at 18 1/2 lbs! He is in the 12th percentile for weight. Doctor isnt concerned because he is on the shorter side and very very active as well as developing normally if not a bit ahead of his age group. However my entire family seems to think i dont feed him enough and im sure i do. He lets me know when he is full. He eats three solid meals a day. Three snacks. Five sippies of milk and still breastfeeds before a sleep. I admit i am a little bit paranoid about the things i feed him, he is my first child so im super concerned about choking and all that so i tend to be a little bit crazy about the foods i give. Anyways, here is what he ate today.
Breakfast: 1 pancake with homemade unsweetened applesauce on top, a sippy of milk, and half a individual portioned cup of yogurt.
Snack: 2 mum mum rice crackers and a bowl of rice krispies with milk
Breastfed at nap time
Lunch: 1/4 avocado diced. 1/2 piece of whole wheat toast with cream cheese cut into rediculously small pieces (like i said im crazy) a sippy of milk and a slice of honeydew melon diced.
Snack: sippy of milk and about 1/2 cup of watermelon
Breastfed at nap time
Dinner: one cup shepherds pie- ground moose meat, corn, mashed potatoes
And 1/3 cup cottage cheese with a sippy of milk
He will be having his third snack right before bed along with his bedtime breastfeed.
Also, does anyone know of healthy foods to feed to help him gain a bit of weight? Thanks in advance
Sophie isn't 1 yet but close!

She had a breastfeed, toast, a banana and yoghurt for breakfast. No snack as she had a long nap. Lunch was meatballs, potatoes, carrots beans and broccoli. Afternoon snack was mini pancakes with butter and strawberry jam. Dinner was a bowl of cereal, desert was strawberries and cream.

She had some cheese too at some point but I don't recall the time.
Do you cut everything up rediculously small :) i cant help it! Im terrified of large chunks...even cheerios freaked me out ..im getting better with it now but still go a little bit nuts with the chopping :/
Erm mine had
7Oz bottle

Porridge with a banana chopped up, then ate the rest of the nana himself holding it

Lunch was spinach and ricotta lasagne

Snack yoghurt and some fingers of chicken

Dinner fish pie, cream cheese, another yoghurt, Ella kitchen purple fruit pouch and a finger of brown bread and butter (he was hungry!)

Before bed 7Oz bottle

He is on the 25th percentile, he's def not chunky, but not skinny. Very very active, walks and climbs all over the place!

Edit, no I don't cut stuff up, I just hand it to him. He loves Cheerios! I'll cut lasagne pasta up though for example or he'll shove a whole sheet in! Meat I cut up too, last night he had pork casserole and I cut the pork smaller as they were big cubes, but still left them big enough for him to pick up. He can pick up peas and things like that
My lo is 13 months. He has an allergy to milk, wheat and egg so has a limited diet. He eats and eats and eats though :haha: Today he had 60z non dairy formula with glutern free apple cereal and a fruit pot. Some organix carrot stix for snack. Lunch was a 10 month+ jar (he was at the childminders so easier to send these) and a fruit pot, a box of raisons. Snack later on in the afternoon was a full pot of blueberries and raspberries. Half an hour before his tea he had 4 more organix carrot stix. For tea he had half a piece of salmon with mash, carrots and broccilli, another fruit pot :shrug: and some more carrot stix then before bed he had 6 oz of milk in breakfast cereal (he wont drink it, he used to be breast fed up to 1 year old) then half a banana. He is nearly on the 50th centile. He was born on thiis but dropped right down to the 2nd and is slowly getting back up. He is very very active x
Breakfast: 7oz of milk with cereal, bread and whatever my OH had for brekkie (I think today was half a banana).

Lunch: Lasagne, + yoghurt

Tea: 7 oz of milk + bread + fruit

Dinner: Couscous + tuna + pepper omelet, fruit puree + cheese. + 7 oz of milk.
average day: breakfast: about 8.40 weetabix. snack: about 10.30 strawberries and a biscuit. lunch: about 12.45 milk, omelette, yoghurt. snack: about 3.15 banana. bottle about4.30. dinner: about 6.15 chicken potato veg. yoghurt and fruit. bedtime: about 8.30 bf. one bf during night

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