Breast pads! At th very least a hand pump and containers, pumping can help when you become engorged, which is incredibly painful. Make sure you read up on where to get support where you live as it can be very frustrating and painful.
My hospital advised using a pacifyer to encourage sucking and it also helps against sids... but each to their own, it is what your comfortable with.
Did you use the pump immediately?
I was thinking I might not get the pump until I know him and I are able to do it. I don't want to go get a breast pump, use it once and then for some reason the breast feeding not work!
I'm assuming being in Belleville - and the hospital I'm delivering at being the one in Cobourg... that a lot of their stuff should be similar with different views. So maybe I will get some paci's!
You may not need to pump right away, but personally id have it on hand... And there is absolutely nothing wrong with pumping. You never know whats going to happen and how you will deal with bfing.
As long as your very determined and have good support at home then you will be fine... But you will be sitting bfing constantly in the beginning.
Some nurses can be really pushy with bfing... which can be good... But sometimes it can be really daunting and annoying. The nurses will come at certain times during the night and make sure he has fed, they make you chart it too.
Im not telling you this to put you off it... but some people like to make bfing sound like its not as hard as it is... And you need to be prepared for the worst.
Dummys are ok... I didnt get Jasmine right when she was born, and I didnt have the heart to let her go 7hrs without a feed... I couldnt do it, so they bottle fed. Actually my oh gave her her first feed.
I had trouble with bfing because no matter what we tried it really hurt, like a pain I could not handle... And the second night she was born she cried and scream the whole night... And there was no way I could try and keep her on the breast. So she had a dummy.
Nurses all will have their own opinion on things... Dummys, bfing etc...
I gave up after 2 weeks, I felt sick bfing and it was too stressful and painful, I didnt have any support at home because Tom couldnt take any time off work. He had just started his job.
So.... make sure you have support!!!! Good luck, I hope it is easy and you have no trouble with it.