Breastfeeding is amazing, I love it and my baby loves it, thinking that I can provide my baby with all the food he needs is just fab, The milk adapts and changes as your baby grows and it provides them both with a drink (at the start of the feed) followed by more fatty and filling milk for food (later into the feed) I just think that it is amazing how our bodies work and feel so proud of myself for giving my baby the best start I can and apart from a bit of pain at the start, I have found it a breeze, My baby is a booby addict, I will feed him when and where he needs it and have never had any negative comments about it, If you are discreet then I dont think you will have any issues. I have expressed a few times so hubby and my mum can feed him, but to honest I cant be bothered with all the sterilising and faffing. It may sound a bit selfish but I love that feeling when he's getting grumpy and no one can calm him and I have the magic remedy to make him feel happy again, and that no one else can do it. He not only gets food from me but sometimes uses it for comfort, like when he had his injections I fed him while they were doing it and I know that it helped to ease him. The first few weeks are hard but if you can get through it the rewards are amazing. I took him to get weighed today and he had put on 8oz I was so proud because I did that!!. I cannot reccomend it enough.