What else can I do? :(


Mumma to William
Oct 1, 2009
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William had a perfect latch when he was born 2 wks ago, but unfortunately my milk took over a week to come in which caused weight loss of 11.3% and jaundice. I was understandably exhausted too as I had been awake for nearly 1 week straight trying to nurse.

We took him to the hospital and were told we had to start on formula plus whatever I could express. We decided to put him to breast before formula to encourage my milk to come in. He suckled fine but got frustrated when he couldn't get anymore than a few drops. I was only able to express 5ml by hand and we were told to feed AF through a bottle so hubby could feed him as I was getting no sleep etc.

William now (obviously!) will only suckle at my nipple and not latch properly. It's great to encourage my breast milk supply to increase with hormones etc. but doesn't do much else.

Prior to today I could express 1oz every 2-3hrs with a combination of electric pumping and hand pumping. I have just managed a 2oz expression with electric pumping.

I am still putting William to breast every feed and encouraging him to latch but he just won't and I get so depressed when he refuses breast as breastfeeding is something I was desperate to do. I still am really.

Here's what I'm doing to encourage my milk supply - is there anything else I can do?:
  • Fenugreek x3 caps x3 times a day
  • Domperidone 10mg, x2 tablets 3 times a day
  • Skin to skin
  • Letting William suckle at my nipple
  • Warm wheat bag on my breasts before pumping / A warm bath
  • Attempting to express every 2-3hrs in line with his feeding at bottle, and trying to express when he is feeding as I find my flow is better if he's feeding
  • Compressions / Massages
  • Eating 2000 - 2500 kcals a day including high energy meal supplement drinks; I have Bulimia and am an average weight. I am basically eating like a normal person and not indulging in Eating Disorder habits for the sake of BFing
  • Keeping my fluid levels up (I'm not even sure my pee is pee anymore!)

Is there anything else I can do to encourage William to latch? Sometimes I let him cry for a feed for 5 minutes before I try and get him to latch as if I can catch him with his mouth open mid-scream he gets more boob in his mouth. I am positioning him correctly etc. I saw the BF consultant at the hospital when we had to take William up there. I am also letting him seek boob himself when he is not screaming, which he will do but will only take nipple.

I'm not panicking about anything as my main priority was him gaining weight, so I know that putting him on AF was the best thing to do at the time (he is only 160g below birth weight now).

Hey hun,
It sounds like you're doing everything possible. I can't really think if anything else except trying a SNS feeding system. However if he won't latch, it might be a problem to get this one going. Continue to offer breast as much as possible!
Good luck xo
You definitely have the right attitude. I'm sure little one will come around if you keep trying!
By the way... My little girls name is Anna Rose :)
I would try supplemental nursing system. He might BF more if he gets some extra for awhile.
You could also try nursing him in the bath as its more relaxing for both of you and he might feed better that way. Also try laying down in bed with him skin to skin when he starts getting hungry but isn't crying yet. And let him try for the nipple himself he may latch better that way.
Also you can try drinking Gatorade for your supply as well.
My baby had a hard time feeding the first week or 2; not sure why. She was really gassy and in pain, so was too busy crying a lot of the time, I think. So not really the same situation, but here's something kind of odd I stumbled on out of desperation that worked for me.

I had no pump or bottles or anything, but was desperate to get some milk into her, so I hand-expressed some, put it on a spoon, and spoon-fed her a few tablespoons full. Then I'd squeeze my breast so a drop was sitting on my nipple, and would pop that into her mouth. Most of the time, she'd latch on and start nursing. I don't know why it worked, but it did, and after awhile I had to do the spoon thing less and less and she'd just nurse without it. Now she's 11 weeks, super chubby, and a champion nurser.

I don't know if it would work for you, but might be worth a shot. Good luck!
Sometimes baby gets used to a bottle and has a preference. My baby latched on for first few days but started to wt frustrated and wouldn't latch I started expressing and using bottles and she would no longer latch at all. I tried again when she was four weeks she cried and cried and screamed and it took forty mins atleast each time to get her to latch but she did it and now one week on she latches pretty much straight away. Just letting you know that it is still possible for them to continue breastfeeding weeks after stopping!

About supply I'm not really sure other than what you have already mentioned and maybe a prescription of domperidone. Good luck really hope it gets easier for you and your supply increases!
Sorry I've just seen you're already using domperidone. It sounds like you're doing everything possible!
I had a really hard time bf my first it took us 5 very long and emotional weeks before we were exclusively bf. I had inverted nipples and his bottle lip would suck in so we had a really hard time latching properly. I did all the things for supply but it still didn't work and then I started using nipple shields omg they were a life saver hunter loved them and my supply just grew and grew and we slowly weaned off formula. Also the only way I could feed him for a long time where he could latch was the footy/rugby hold he hated the cradle and could never latch. I would try those 2 things and hopefully they are as successful as they were for me. I also use to put him to the breast constantly even in between bottles to encourage him to want it. Good luck I feel for you hun but you are doing a great job already by being so dedicated so well done!
Wow it sounds like you are doing an awesome job. I can't think of too much more to do.

I put DS to breast every 90 minutes, drank a ton of water (with a week snack every feed) and had oatmeal.

It took a few weeks for me to build up supply.
What a great job you are doing, breastfeeding is not easy especially after a rocky start. My milk took a week to properly come in to and as a result my LO lost a lot of weight and had to be admitted back into hospital. She was fed by feeding tube my milk and also formula to her her energy and weight up. Luckily after two days of this she was put to my breast and nursed straight away so there was no issues with bottles etc.

After we took her home she wanted to nurse 24/7. It was exhausting for me but by having days in bed together or the sofa definitely got her well established at the breast and her weight quickly crept up.

So a bit if a different story but other than all the great things you are doing to keep your supply up I would send all day with a book, tv, DVD etc and lay in bed or the sofa with skin to skin and encourage her to nurse. I found lying my LO on top of my chest with no clothes on was best as she would be nice and sleepy and would instinctively shuffle down my chest and latch on. She hated the cradle position and still does 6 months on! She will now only lie next to me to nurse as that's what's comfiest for her.

Hang in there you are doing a great job xx
I would definitely have to recommend a supplemental nursing system, you can supplement at the breast with formula or ebm. In my past experience when I used one while relactating for DD1 the faster flow would help keep her interested but still wasn't as easy as a bottle. Plus you get the added benefit of all the extra breast stimulation while using it.

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