Hiya, acupuncture is where they target certain vital points in your body, connected to blood flow and the nervous system.
Everything in our body comes from the nervous system - it sends signals to all our key body parts, including the pituitary gland, the ovaries and the hypothalamus (sp?)
It's not only for ttc. Acupuncture is an ancient chinese approach to cure more or less any illness.
I go to an acupuncturist specialising in fertility. They start by talking to you. They need to figure out where you are emotionally. That takes about 10-15 minutes. Then you lie on the couch, they check you eye whites and you tongue and take your pulse - in both wrists, for quite a while. This in itself is already very calming

They do everything to calmly, you are lying on a comfy couch and they touch your wrists very gently...send me to sleep by itself
Then based on what you told them and what they saw from your tongue/pulse/etc. they select the point where to insert needles. You don't really see the needles and 9 times out of 10 I don't feel ANYTHING. Even if I do - it feels like a mosquito bite.
And then they let you relax and doze off for about 20 minutes.
Seriously, I feel completely chilled and relaxed after each session. I can't even drive right away and need to sit and wait for a few moments.
They recommend that you go at critical times of the cycle. So around ovulation time and possible implantation. I also go at times of high stress - remember, acupuncture is not just for ttc.
In the UK a 1 hour session costs circa £40-45.