What has been your most hormonal pregnancy moment?


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2010
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Since our hormones are going crazy i was wondering what your wierdest/most explosive hormone moment has been?

Mine was about a month ago. I'd just gotten home from a VERY crappy day at work. When i was unloading groceries from my trunk the bag of dog food ripped and spilled all over my drive way so I had to go back and get more. By the time I was finally inside I was on the verge of tears and I discovered my cats had eaten through my vaccum wire, my dog had pooed diarreha all over the carpet and I just lost it. I sank to the groud and couldn't stop crying and started screaming at the animals to get the hell away from me (I felt really bad after) and basically started acting like a raving lunatic for an hour.

My DH made it all better when he got home, ran a bubble bath for me, cooked me dinner and gave me a massage. But still, I'm slightly embarrased about how much I lost it.

What about you ladies?
DH got one of those glade plug in air freshener things when he went to the grocery store, and he came home and had it plugged in. It stunk. It was like the worst smelling thing ever. But I tried to just ignore it and figured I'd just throw it away when it ran out, and replace with a better smelling one.

Well, one day I came in and the stench just overpowered me. And I lost it. I yelled at him to get that damn thing out of the house that it made me sick to smell it and it was absolutely disgusting and what the hell was he thinking getting something like that? He just stood there and looked at me like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Then, he went to throw it in the trash can in the kitchen- and I screamed at him to get it OUT OF THE HOUSE, that the inside trash can wasn't enough.

We laugh about it now. But at the time, I was furious about the whole thing. I really did overreact.
I had my monthly visit to the OB and when i left i realized that they didnt clarify when i needed to go in for some tests and i was really confused by it all and i was so frustrated it was making me cry.. then my mom called me to have me go pick up something she bought for me from one of the shops in town and when we get there its a rocking chair and i was absolutely appalled because i wanted a glider and the rocking chair was white and nothing in my nursery is white!! I think i lost my mind for about an hour. so upset that i;d have to pretend i like it and being mad she spent any money on something i dont want

lmao.. i think its funny and incredibly bratty now but at the moment i was just frustrated and mad about everything
I have a horrible hormonal moment every few days, its hard to pick just one. I hate this!
I stood in the kitchen on Christmas eve and cried like a baby because my mum had forgotten to buy cloves for me to make bread sauce with. It was truly pathetic & I'm quite embarrassed!
On friday I was in a very busy parking lot at the university and saw someone pulling out really close to my building. Waited politely with my turn signal on only to have someone sneak infront of me and steal it. I honked a few times and she knew I was waiting for that spot but didn't move. I waited for her to get out of the car and yelled "thanks for taking my spot bitch" which is something I would never say. Couldn't believe it even came out of my mouth. She fingered me and I parked somewhere else then on my walk back wrote on the dirt in her car "F u." I am so embarrassed haha.
On friday I was in a very busy parking lot at the university and saw someone pulling out really close to my building. Waited politely with my turn signal on only to have someone sneak infront of me and steal it. I honked a few times and she knew I was waiting for that spot but didn't move. I waited for her to get out of the car and yelled "thanks for taking my spot bitch" which is something I would never say. Couldn't believe it even came out of my mouth. She fingered me and I parked somewhere else then on my walk back wrote on the dirt in her car "F u." I am so embarrassed haha.

I hate when people steal your spot.... So inconsiderate!!
Totally worth the yelling :thumbup: lol!!
Before even knowing I was pregnant I cried because the phone kept interrupting my nap (which I never take) I was so angry. Lol
My husband said the window blinds looked a bit dusty, I sobbed. Uncontrollably the whole way to work and little cries through the day everytime I thought about what he'd said!!
The cats stole my last chocolate croissant at a time when my HG was horrendous and it was all I could/wanted to eat. I actually burst into tears and threw a proper tantrum screaming at the how much I hated them. DH's jaw just dropped open, then he shook his head, went "You are hormonal aren't you" and walked off. Arse!
This is mine from when I was about 4 weeks pregnant that i posted in 1st tri, havent topped it yet :haha:

I got up late as my darling daughter ever so thoughtfully turned the alarm off for me :wacko:

So we get up at 7.15, have to leave the house by 7.30. I feel so sick but manage to get us out the door at 7.35. I am greeted with a frozen car. I have no de icer so there I am in the cold, feeling sick as a dog scraping my windscreen with my matalan card.

I have no petrol so off to the petrol garage, fill my car up, go to get my purse and its no where to be found. I know I had it as I took my matalan card out but where is it now? This is the point I start crying :cry:. I go in sobbing to the gagrage lady that I cant find my purse, it must be in my driveway and that Im pregnant and sick and sorry for crying :blush: poor cow looked mortified for me. So she fills out a form and I have to give her my road tax. Go back home and find my purse on the floor and go back and pay and apologise for sobbing madly again.

So I now have to make a journey in half an hour which normally take 50mins to an hour. Manage to get to In laws in record time, chuck DD at them and rush to work and get here at 8.29 am to start at 8.30.

It then took me 20 mintues to get my computer on, god knows what was wrong with it. I am now relaxing with a cup of tea and a rich tea biscuit to try to settle my stomach.

I hope you have all had a better morning than me. On the plus side, Monday is here and I am officially a day late!!! :happydance:

It wasnt a good morning and I cringe still everytime I see the lady in the petrol garage :blush:
cried cos i couldn't reach to paint my toe nails and (this is horrible) slapped my OH for watching reanna on a music video lol! Don't know how he has put up with me!
I tried to burn my husbands face with a hot iron on christmas day.... wel he did get chocolate all down our daughters brand new expensive dress!
I wouldnt actually have burnt him, just wanted to show him how pissed off i was as he was winding me up on purpose. He hasnt done it since...wonder why.... :p
i threw my now ex lol out the house because he had morning breath urgh he made me sick!!!"!
So far my hormones are only making me bouncy and giggly. It's not like me at all to have a go at anyone, so I guess that's not going to happen. :happydance:

This one evening I was watching the telly, there was a comedy show on featuring a goth guy offering his condolences to a widow at the graveside. He'd bought her a Cradle of Filth cd and in all earnesty said that it'd helped him through some dark times, and that she should pay special notice to the song 'Coffin Fodder'. (Being a bit of a goth I'm familiar with the band and the particular song.)

I just lost it and fell off the couch laughing so hard for such an extended period of time that my husband even turned away from his game of World of Warcraft to see if I was okay. :haha:

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