What helped you prepare for a natural birth?

One thing that really bugs me is the message that if you do it right you wont be in pain so it's almost like if that if you don't have a relaxed painless birth you haven't done it right. I think birth is painful for most women, no matter what you do. For me it was accepting and working with the pain that helped. You might find the book Birth Skills by Juju Sundin's helpful. Although I didn't use all the techniques in it I liked the very practical approach. It encourages natural birth but leaves room for things like an epidural if you need it.

I was very determined to have a natural birth and I think that determination was essential to get me through it but I think there is always a bit of luck involved. Every labour is different and you can't know what it's going to be like before so if things turn out differently there is no shame in that. Fortunately I got a lovely natural HB experience but there were a couple of times things could have taken a very different direction. I had excellent support from my OH and MW. On the whole I adored my MW. There was only once I had a different idea from her and she thought she knew better, that came close to freaking me out. My OH noticed and whispered "don't worry I've got your back" in my ear. That made all the difference. I really cant imagine labour with a MW who wont listen to you at all. Walking made a huge differnce to my pain level and heat and rubbing on my lower back. Some things I thought would help didn't so I think it's good to have as many things you can try as possible then go with what works.

Maybe it would help to analyse what went wrong last time and what you can do differently this time. Was there a reason you were not allowed a water birth, or was the MW just being awkward? It sounds like she wouldn't let you have the birth you planned, or the one you didn't so you were stuck in the middle without anything. A doula sounds like a good idea because you will have someone else you know is supporting you.
Welli wasn't allowed in water or out of bed really because they thought I was 37 weeks and I needed to be monitored the whole time because of that. Though I know I was not 37 weeks and after he was born they could see his was MUCH bigger and stronger than a 37 week old baby.
I'm surprised they were so worried about a baby at 37 weeks anyway. Where I am they consider 37 weeks as no longer being high risk.

I understand you were at hospital for your natural birth? It may not be what you want at all but have you considered a home birth with an independent MW? That's what we did because of lack of options really but I would do it by choice next time. Being an independent MW made me feel so much more in control and being at home made a big difference too. I had some chance to get to know her before and knew we were on the same page. I think a natural birth is much harder in hospital. She would have attended a HB for me from 37 weeks. Don't forget if you don't agree with them about something like monitoring they have to respect your choices too. It's not always possible when you are in labour but it can help to be firm about what you want. Being monitored and baby being a back labour must have made it really tough. For me laying down made contractions 10x more painful, I had to stay standing up. I'm not sure how I would have coped with a labour confined to a bed.
With my first the natural birth we were at a birth center. With my second the epdiural birth it was a hospital. I have searched high and low for a home birth midwife but there is none in my area taking any clients right now or they arent willing to travel where we live. We live in a smaller town.

The place Im going now is a birth center but in a completely different country than my first :haha: Ive only had two appointments there so far but they seem all very understanding and nice. I have to see all five of the midwives there in case I go into labor and the one I want cant make it so I feel comfortable with each one and so far Ive liked the two Ive met. I told one today I hired a doula and she seemed excited about that and for sure said they could help me over come some trauma or fears I have. This place only makes me nervous because they do have a LOT of stipulations for you to give birth there. I think because they have no high risk equipement they dont allow any issues during pregnancy at all. I have to qualify to birth there every month. If for some reason I do have to go to hospital a midwife from there can come with me. I really just want a water birth and again no where but this place Im going offers that!
It sounds like you have made a really good start. Sorry you cant find a HB MW, we only found one when I was about 28 weeks pregnant and I was getting totally stressed out so I sympathise but the birthing center MWs sound really nice.
For me it was remembering that natural birth is normal, it's how we were intended to give birth and that old chestnut of remembering millions of women have done it before me, it's not unusual to give birth naturally, it's called natural for a reason! So I wouldn't assume to give birth any other way. However, I also knew that it was the 21st century and if I needed help, it was there, if I struggled there were other options, if there were problems I was in good hands. However, by default I knew natural was best unless something else happened if you know what I mean. Physically, I drank RLT and read up all about how labour works, went to classes, learned how keeping mobile was best, not lying on your back etc. it's amazing how empowering just understanding how labour works is.
I actually think you were better prepared than you think for a natural birth, it's just that things started going wrong for you and you didn't have any support to help you cope, or even to help you change your plan.
What helped me was learning as much as I could. I really enjoyed the Bradley Method book with #1, didn't read it with #2, just read it again since I'm preggo and find it cheesy now and not informative anymore since I know all that LOL!!!

Same techniques with #1 (painless) and #2 (was painful), just depends on the birth and body I guess.

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