I gave birth at home with my daughter and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I chose it because the comfort of my own home is of the utmost importance when I'm in a primal, very vulnerable state. I knew I wouldn't feel comfortable being around a bunch of strangers in a foreign, sterile environment where I would feel bombarded with all sorts of stimuli that I wouldn't be able to tune out. If I can't tune it out then there's no way I would be able to turn inward and ride the waves, which means there's a good chance I would have pitocin administered and possibly a c-section as well. Obviously, this would not be my ideal outcome, so I stayed home. I'm very glad I did because after 9 hours of labor, Isabella was born, weighing 10.5 lbs, crying when half of her body was still inside of me, I scooped her up in my arms and she immediately began nursing as if she'd been doing it for months. It was truly amazing, and I have a deep suspicion that it wouldn't have gone as smoothly, and, thus, she wouldn't have done as well if we had been at the hospital. Also, I didn't tear at all and was feeling like myself again within a week.
This time around, I will probably give birth at a birthing center because my fiance is more comfortable with that. I'm getting comfortable with the idea, too, especially since they have deep tubs there and I'd really like a water birth without having to deal with all the set up and clean up at home.