today was the 1st time i'd attended baby clinic, seeing as maddie is my 4th there's not much info i really need, and i have you guys our hv with my 1st, was lovely in many way's, couldn't do enough to help and most of them back then were lovely,but that was 10 yrs ago!! this time i have seen a hv when lo was nb, not seen one since! she was a complete tit banging on about bf and how she did it for like forever! really making me feel uncomfortable as bf was all new to me kinda forcing it upon me as i ff my other 3! well today not one of them asked me if i was ok? how lo was doing nothing? i cant see the point in having them i really cant? either they think they know everything? or they couldn't give a toss!! surely to be a hv you should be good with people? having a caring nature etc? i hate to think if i was actually having problems they wouldn't even notice they don't know that i have other kids by looking in my red bk, i just think if i was a new mum (for the 1st time) i would be pretty upset that no one botherd with me i'm quite upset about it but hey iv'e got 4 kids so i guess i don't need any advice or just a hello!! sometimes its nice to talk to someone that supposabley know's all about babies!! when you have a young baby its nice to be reassured that your lo is doing great!! or to see if everything is good? it was like a convayer belt, baby clothes off, weighed, bye see ya!!! for me anyway what a waste of money they are!! as another poster said i'm NOT SAYING SORRY FOR MY RANT