I was on BCP for 3 years and stopped at my last cycle at the end of July 2015 (28th I think was start day of last AF) because we wanted to TTC. I waited a wopping FIVE WHOLE MONTHS to see AF back again.. and even weirder is it was EXACTLY 5 months.. (Dec 28) I kind of thought it might be coming because exactly 2 weeks prior on the 14th I had EWCM, but it was only that night and didn't continue on to the next day. I figured my cycle would stick to the 28 days it had been on BCP (I had a very irregular cycle before them), but now I haven't had a sign of it. I have been feeling SUPER tired and have had this icy hot feeling on my lower abdomen/pelvic area? Another new thing is headaches which are a pretty rare occurence for me but they've been happening every day. And being super constipated is not fun
This past Saturday however on the 30th I thought I might have had EWCM again. It was again at night and didn't continue to the next day.
( I posted this as a reply before I found out how to make my own thread )
Any help would be so so appreciated.

( I posted this as a reply before I found out how to make my own thread )
Any help would be so so appreciated.