What should I say?


Mummy to a little man
Jan 10, 2010
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Hiya ladies, im a bf mum but was wondering if you could help me with something...
Today at my baby group the topic came up of how the mums mix up their formula, basically there was a lot of confusion about what was OK, and one girl was saying that she always boils the water in advance and takes that out with her to mix with the powder. She was adament that this was fine, but she doesnt use a thermos or anything so the water is cold when she uses it. From what ive read the water needs to be hot to kill the bacteria in the milk, is this right? At the time I mumbled something about it but mostly just bit my tongue as i am bf. Not sure if maybe I should have said something more, I would feel awful if her babba got sick. As a new mum myself i know i really hate people sticking their noses in, so should i say something to her? And what should I say? Thanks! X
I would not say anything unless she specifically asks you. If you hate people sticking their nose in she probably will too. Especially since you don't even use formula. BTW I never boil my water. In fact I don't even warm it. Straight out of the tap. Granted I am in the states and it is not required. The likelyhood of there actually being bacteria in the formula is slight anyway.
i agree with rory, i wouldnt say anything to her.
personally i have made bottles up that way, and know plenty others who do it too.
Ok thanks, if its not such a big deal then i wont say anything :)
Shes a nice girl so I wouldnt want to upset her x
In the UK our formula is designed to be mixed with hot water (70deg) and so if you put it straight into cold then it won't mix as effectively and you risk upsetting their tummies.

According to WHO guidelines you can use room temp water as long as you feed straight away but only if no other option is available. There was a lady on this forum who found a mouse dropping in her box of formula (it was Aptimel) in the UK, luckily she found it in the top, but what if she found it in the bottom, once she'd used all the milk? That's why we have this precaution.

Unless it was a close friend I wouldn't push it any further though, unless you fancy a row lol.
I would never say anything, because I'm a non confrontational person, LOL
Unless of course the baby was being harmed or something.
I'm in the USA and don't boil water or anything like that. I wash my bottles in extremely hot soapy water, air dry them and then I use flouride free or regular Nursery water to make my bottles. My LO is perfect. :)
I agree with pps, don't say anything even if you are well meaning. There are a few milks in the uk that you can't use with hot water (specialist milks mainly but also hipp) so your friend may actually be making a bottle correctly for her formula.
In the UK our formula is designed to be mixed with hot water (70deg) and so if you put it straight into cold then it won't mix as effectively and you risk upsetting their tummies.

According to WHO guidelines you can use room temp water as long as you feed straight away but only if no other option is available. There was a lady on this forum who found a mouse dropping in her box of formula (it was Aptimel) in the UK, luckily she found it in the top, but what if she found it in the bottom, once she'd used all the milk? That's why we have this precaution.

Unless it was a close friend I wouldn't push it any further though, unless you fancy a row lol.

I'm still trying to figure out how using hot water would counter balance the rat dropping. I get that using hot water may kill some bacteria if there were a manufacturer defect and such...but I'm sure if you read up on it there is actually an allowable amount of non food items (such as rat droppings) allowed in food as you can not make a food planet sterile only clean.
I wouldnt say anything as I wouldnt give unwanted advice to a bfing mom. Also in the US most of us dont boil the water anyway, we use room temp. Not sure if the formula is actually made differently but right on the formula can it says it only needs to be sterile if your infant is immuno compromised.
I doubt all the bacteria would even get killed using the hot water method cos once the powderis added its usually cooled under a tap straightaway so the powder isn't even left long enough at 70 degrees to kill off the bacteria.

I'm surprised only one person did this at your group, I don't know anyone who follows the instructions on the formula box especially when they're not at home.
it does vary from country to country- in fact over here in australia- although they wont come out and go against the who recommendations- the AMA has reservations about the rapid cool method- mainly the risk of burns to the baby is a greater risk than babies getting sick from formula. So the recommended method is to sterilise all bottles and use cooled boiled water. I used to fill up the jug in the morning boil it and use it during the day- but you find what works for you. Im sure she would have read the back of the tin- and she may follow it at home... but finding water at 70 degrees when you are out and about is a right pain. Maybe she just does it outside of the home. Personally I wouldn't raise the issue.
I'm from the US, so we have a different opinion on this, but it's really not a big deal. She's not putting her baby in harm, so, no, don't say anything at all. If a bf mom tried to give me ff advice, I think I'd be a little put off by that for sure. If she was doing something terrible and dangerous, then sure, but the whole boiled water thing is really only an extreme precaution.

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