What symptoms did YOU get (if any)?


Mommy of 2 little boys
Jul 12, 2012
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So I'm wondering if anyone actually felt any symptoms before they got a BFP on a hpt? For some reason I have it in my head that you won't really feel anything, and if you do (i.e. sore breasts, bloating, fatigue), its just PMS. LOL I could be totally wrong, so I decided to ask you ladies. :flower:

If you did start feeling symptoms, what did you feel and how soon?
I had 2 symptoms but I ignored them till after my bfp, the most notable one was constant gas for about 3 days straight, I was also having bouts of nausea, but I ignored it as some foods made me nauseous before.

My cycle range in length 21-32 days but the average length is between 27-29 days, I waited until cd31 to test, and really was doubting I would get a bfp so it was quite a shock
I had 2 symptoms but I ignored them till after my bfp, the most notable one was constant gas for about 3 days straight, I was also having bouts of nausea, but I ignored it as some foods made me nauseous before.

My cycle range in length 21-32 days but the average length is between 27-29 days, I waited until cd31 to test, and really was doubting I would get a bfp so it was quite a shock

Did you still get pms/af-is-on-her-way symptoms?

LOL I guess not having symptoms could be a symptom too, huh? :rofl:
I was obviously bloated and my body would not let me lose weight. I actually found out I was pregnant 3 days after the wedding. I was trying like crazy for about 2 months before the wedding to lose weight, any weight! I was going to the gym 6 days a week for hours at a time, and dieting non stop never slipping up. My body just refused to shed a pound. I never really worked out before that and thought the weight would just come off. About a week before the wedding I was so freaking bloated and I had no idea why. I was eating so healthy and green. I now know the reason was pregnancy but it came as a surprise especially when we found out I was 9 weeks... About a day into our honeymoon the tiredness kicked in BIG TIME. I had to take 5 hour naps every day and go to bed early every night lol.... I say that because if I had waited a week to take the test I would have known something was seriously up. By the way I only even took a test because I was craving pickles on my wedding day. So much so I brought some from home and ate them at my reception LOL! All my guests kept asking if I was pregnant haha.
Felt like pre AF cramping from about 5 dpo, then nausea on and off and bad pain in my side, which only lasted 5 mins, was implantation at 9dpo.
got my (super faint) bfp about 12 hrs later.
First pregnancy I didn't have a clue until 6 weeks, just thought my period was coming.
This one I got BFP at 3w+6d but I felt like I knew a week before. I was getting up 5+ times a night to pee (never get up in the night), boobs hurt soo much worse before AF, I was starving 24/7 and the main one that made me test? I wanted a battered sausage SO badly lol :haha: I remember that's all I wanted for a while in first pregnancy :haha:
I was 3 weeks + 5 days pregnant when I found out, and for the entire 3rd week I had severe gas pains that would leave me curled up in a ball wanting to cry (this continued randomly until about week 8 actually), I also had slight nausea and then at about 3w+3d I realized that when I squeezed my breast a bit of liquid came out. It was at that point that I realized I needed to take a pregnancy test.
Wow, symptoms at ~3 weeks!

Thanks for the replies ladies! :)
I conceived Nov. 24th and found out Dec. 24th. I was feeling quite unmotivated with all the holiday stuff which is unlike me but I assumed maybe I was a little down due to the Sandy Hook shooting and being on bad terms with family at the time. I kept thinking AF was coming since I felt the same but I didn't ever pay particular attention to it so if it wasn't exactly on time, I would have assumed it was just stress or something. I had a lot of heartburn though. Not something that clicked in my head...

AF-is-coming-any-minute feeling, bad heartburn, fatigue, and basically not wanting to get off my arse for anything despite things being important were my symptoms. :haha:
For me, the only real symptom I had was a late AF (for all pregnancies). LOL And with this pregnancy, I honestly never really did have any symptoms so maybe that's just me!! :) My boobs did get a little sore but it was never constant and I can get that as precursor to AF too.
When I did get a period I never had symptoms and I didn't have any for the pregnancy either (still don't apart from the huge belly doing bizarre things). I only found out I was pregnant because my current fertility cycle had been abandoned due to a high amount of follicles and the risk of a multiple (four of five) birth and I was waiting for AF, it occurred to me three weeks after the abandonment took place that it still hadn't come so took a HPT for fun. I then spent the next 36 hours scared that I was either a) having more ovarian cysts and not wanting another operation, b) panicking that I would have blighted ovums or c) scared there would be four babies and not sure how I would cope as I only had two boobs (like most people :haha: and two arms). I would have liked twins but there is only one baby in there.

So to answer your original question :blush: no signs before AF or BFP.
I had sore nipples (not boobs) and really bad period pains, I actually had a few days implantation bleeding so associated it all with a weird period. If it wasn't for my friend making me do a test (she had a weird period with her first baby) then I would never have known I was pregnant and carried on as normal!
My symptoms were exactly the same as pre AF symptoms! Sore breasts, bloating, cramps...everything was the same! The only difference was that I had a looooot of sex dreams :blush: and a couple of days before my bfp I had a few brown specs that looked like old dried blood after wiping.

I was sure that my IVF had failed and AF was on her way!

Best of luck to you! :dust::dust::dust::dust:
Both times I felt like I had been punched in the chest, my boobs hurt so bad! I also had implantation bleeding and kept waking up through out the night. Not to pee or anything, but my eyes would just pop open.
I had more early "symptoms" the times I wasn't pregnant, than the time I actually was. The only thing that was really noticeably different was that my boobs usually get sore a few days before my period starts. But this time, they didn't get sore, and didn't get sore, until finally my period was late, and then they finally got sore!

The day I tested (when my period was officially late) I also felt mildly crampy and bloated, as if my period had already started and was about to get painful. And in hindsight, food hadn't really tasted good and I hadn't been very hungry the last few days, but this was a subtle thing and not something I really noticed.

I really felt totally normal until my period was due, then had a few minor signs, so for myself, I don't really believe in early symptom-spotting.
I had af pains, which ofc made me think af was coming.

I tested when I was 7 days late - 2 days before I tested I started with dizziness & the slightest bouts of nausea. X
I had every single pregnancy symptom going when we were trying but hadn't caught! When I actually fell pregnant I didn't feel a thing. I remember grumpily waiting for the 3 minutes after taking the test and muttering "right, let's find out I'm not pregnant, AGAIN"! I had the shock of my life when there were two little pink lines staring back at me!

Looking back I now realise that I'd been much hungrier than usual but only wanted to eat one thing (potatoes boulangerie, mmm!) and I'd had a very short lived stabbing pain low down about a week after I must have ovulated. I'm guessing this was implantation.
I had very sore breasts as a sign with all of my pgs and I normally don't with AF.

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