What to do? long post!


Mum of 2 pg with no3!
Sep 4, 2006
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Ok as u might have guessed me an OH decided to get married on 16th dec we were having a very small affair get married at reg office then on to hotel for meal just 13 of us, anyway as time as gone on me an MIL have been discussing the matter an i would love to have a reception in the evening OH totally against this, 1 hes not very sociable 2 he has not really got any close friends that he'd want to invite, (i have the girls ive grown up with) Anyway me an MIL have decided to just book a reception behind his back inviting his friends he grew up with an some lads from work, MIL and my mum will surprise us on the day (im gonna pretend i knew nothing :lol: )
Do u think i am bein out of order and goin against his wishes? or would u do it?
I will probably be divorced that night! :lol:
I say go for it hun ...

It's your wedding too, it's a special time and it should be a time to remember!!

Act surprised, get drunk and dance the night away ....

Have a wonderful day and enjoy yourself!!!!!!

Best wishes and goodluck!
You will know more so what his reaction will be hun but I'd say he will bloody enjoy himself :D
its your day too not just his, he will love it
Argh thanks girlies, its tough anyway as its all booked an paid for just wondered if i was bein out of order but yes its my day too. u have all put my mind at ease.

You just GO FOR IT! Us girlies plan this day from a very early age, and you should have the wedding you want. My OH is a "Hermit" and he didnt help with any of the planning so he didnt get a say! Let me tell you He had the time of his life and when all was said and done, he loved our wedding day and now is back to being a "Hermit" :hugs:
sophie said:
Argh thanks girlies, its tough anyway as its all booked an paid for just wondered if i was bein out of order but yes its my day too. u have all put my mind at ease.
Aww you will both have a wonderful day as long as your both there I can't see you guys noticing anyone else there :rofl:
i agree with everyone else, its YOUR day and he will most likely love it anyways, maybe he just couldn't think of anyone he wanted to invite? but if you and his mom are inviting people he grew up with, he shouldn't have any problem i don't think :D:D HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hugs: and congratulations :loopy:
I would certainly go for it babe!! I bet at the end of the day it is your wedding day and he will love every second of it!! It sounds ace hun, I would do it! :D

Really hope it goes well babe, I am sure it will!!
awww u girls are so nice :D made me feel so much better about it. they say planning a wedding is stressful an boy is it lol!
it will all come together im sure! just wish it was this week now still got 2 months to wait :lol:
it will soon roll in babe and you both will have a ball!!!!!!!!

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