ohh my girls are gonna be spoilt rotten this year. i love christmas and neve's 2nd birthday is on the 23rd so she has everything at once!! and its siena's 1st christmas this year so the more reason to be giddy!!!
i dont buy them toys throughout the year, i buy paints, colours, little tiny bits and bobs like that but save toys for birthdays and christmas so got loads of ideas this year. gonna buy neve a kitchen and other girlie bits for christmas not sure on her birthday i keep changing my mind. for siena i have already started buyin toys, not spent a fortune as there are shops like bnm and tesco which are fab on saving extra pennies. have asked nearest and dearest to buy things for the girls that are not toys or clothes. so like chester zoo pass for the year. fifi tour tickets. farmyard passes, swimming things, arts and crafts bits so we have things to do once they board of the zillions of toys!! xmas is all about family and having a lovely fun time you dont need 2 break the bank, you could spend £1000's but the day might be really dull, its what you all do as a family that counts xxx