what to get a baby for christmas

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Mummy To Tyler James, WTT
May 1, 2008
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hiya every1 im really stuck i dont no what to get my little boy for xmas he will be nearly 4 months old then. any ideas ne1???
everyones raving about the jumperoo atm...get one of those perhaps?
And a walker maybe?
Get your LO some fun developmental toys..Can never go wrong with some toys because they can play with them for a long time.And of course clothes lol. But even now you can look around for something unique and special if that's what you're going for. :)
i think i'm gona get katie one of those playmat gym kinda things. tbh they dont need much, as at that age they're hardly gona remember xmas. i just wanted to get somethin thats gona be useful that she'll get a lot of use out of and will need anyway at some point lol
A jumperoo. Chase will be 4 months by then too and first on my list is a jumperoo.
Yeah,or a door bouncer?

I don't know how old they have to be to go in them though. :?

And some fabric books or something. You know the one's that crinkle, and squeek!
Cailtin was only couple of weeks old so I got her some Kaloo gifts - they are lovely and such neat boxes so they can be 'kept' for her as 1st toys & 1st christmas keepsakes.

:D x
i'd be wary of door bouncers. my mum left me in one for a couple of seconds and i managed to get the cord thing wrapped round my neck lol! i'd always be scared that the door would slam shut :s
ohh my girls are gonna be spoilt rotten this year. i love christmas and neve's 2nd birthday is on the 23rd so she has everything at once!! and its siena's 1st christmas this year so the more reason to be giddy!!!
i dont buy them toys throughout the year, i buy paints, colours, little tiny bits and bobs like that but save toys for birthdays and christmas so got loads of ideas this year. gonna buy neve a kitchen and other girlie bits for christmas not sure on her birthday i keep changing my mind. for siena i have already started buyin toys, not spent a fortune as there are shops like bnm and tesco which are fab on saving extra pennies. have asked nearest and dearest to buy things for the girls that are not toys or clothes. so like chester zoo pass for the year. fifi tour tickets. farmyard passes, swimming things, arts and crafts bits so we have things to do once they board of the zillions of toys!! xmas is all about family and having a lovely fun time you dont need 2 break the bank, you could spend £1000's but the day might be really dull, its what you all do as a family that counts xxx
i've been looking for some gifts for my godson for Christmas, he'll be 5 months at Christmas. i found him some lovely presents at funkymoose (co uk) - we got the fabric ball miniland which is just amazing with little cars and roads and everything. we also got him a play mat which can also be used for sleeping too, which looks really lovely too. we had a discount code which we use FMTT08. it gave us 5% off and free delivery. i've made a wish list on their site where i've added loads more i want to buy for other little ones before christmas.
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