Regardless of what you choose, travel systems are generally heavy, expensive, and a complete pita. They're nice for things like all day excursions to the zoo, since you can stash all your stuff under them, but most people eventually replace the travel system with a lightweight stroller for everyday use. I swore I wouldn't, but I did and am sooo much happier.
So with that being the case, I'd recommend getting either a jogging stroller or at the very least, something with decent enough suspension that you can use it for outdoor walking on uneven surfaces down the line. That way even after you've 'replaced' it with something lighter weight, it still has a function (ie. the exercising, slogging through snow, walking on dirt paths in the park, etc stroller). If you just get a generic travel system stroller, it likely will have junky wheels and won't be much better than your eventual lightweight stroller on uneven pavement. Definitely don't spend much...yes, you kinda need one in the beginning, but trust me, you will eventually hate whatever it is on principal, even if it is an awesome stroller!
We have a Bob Motion, which is awesome if you travel light (not much storage, but it's never been an issue for us). When LO was about 8 months old we got an Uppababy G-Lite though, because 23 lbs of stroller is just a pain in the neck to get in and out of the car. We still use the Motion when we are out ALL day, since it has more support for LO, but honestly it gets kinda heavy to push/harder to steer once you load it up with a 1+ year old, a diaper bag, etc. especially if the sidewalk is sloped to the side, so all the weight is on one hand. I mostly leave it in the garage and use it when we go for outdoor walks around the neighborhood (which means I'm also close enough to home that I don't have to bring the diaper bag). If I did it again, I'd probably get a jogging stroller in a different brand...Bob strollers are awesome, but not good for very tall kids, and we have a very tall kid!