What were you like during labour



Were you as calm as can be? how did you feel mentally? were you screaming at your partner/anyone else that was in the room?

I was fine actually, I thought id go the other way as I have a bit of a short fuse sometimes but I felt really calm. I was doing that heavy breathing and said "ow is that ripping/burning feeling normal?" but apart from that I was fine.. kept crying near the end though, as I was getting all emotional about seeing my little Bethanie but I expected myself to be all "fook fook fook!!!".
I was drained by that point & pissed off they took my gas! lol

I swear alot so the fact I only swore once referring to the midwife surprised my OH & me. I could feel he was there and I was comforted by him there but at same time I didn't give a damn he was :rofl: It was the most uncomfy feeling esspecially when they tried to get my placenta ...I wanted to be ill! Not sure if it would have been/felt diff had my contractions not stopped.
oh i was a bitch in labour! 1st time round i was ok, except wen the anethatist(sp) came in.. omg she was the biggest bitch in the world!!! i screamed, kicked the MW who was holding me etc etc!! but having chloe all i cried was... owiiiieeee it hurts!!!

with callum....(bearing in mind i went it fully dialated)

me:give me drugs give me drugs.....
mw: no you need to push... will someone take that gas n air off her....
me: take my gas and air away, thing fookin not....

my sister was working on the maternity ward at that time(was also my birthing partner) and heard someone screaming... yea that was me....

it was such agony giving birth to callum! bearing in mind he was 10lb1!!!

and i think i swore throughout, and darren got shouted at and moaned at throughout :rofl:
I went into labour on my 21st birthday (29th nov) but didnt have Oliver til early hours of the morn on the 1st...My waters wouldnt break. I was nice enough to Ewan i think. He was really amazing actually. He was really supportive and held my hand throughout my contractions and kept fetching me water. And during the actual birth he stood there bewtween the MW and student MW and watched the whole thing yelling at me to keep pushing and telling me i was doing really well etc. I was calm through the contractions as i didnt find them too painful. But my God when i had to push Oliver out i yelled like mad! Think i swore a few times too. But to be fair i had no pain relief. I just remember yelling 'gimme drugs gimme drugs!' and 'get him out NOW!' lol Oh and then i was screaming 'I cant do it, i just caaaaaant!!!'

I remember it seemed like forever and that i felt like id pushed a million times. And the pain i will never forget. I thought i was dying, like the whole area was splitting in two!

During my labour i was craving gingerbread men!! LMAO.

When i was havin the contractions, the doctor examined me and said i was 8cm dilated and that i was mental to have not asked for pain relief! But it really wasnt that bad! Abit later though it became really painful with the amount of pressure on my bladder and my back hurt alot. The doc kept tellin me to have an epidural and i kept shouting at her i didnt want one.

When the doc checked me again i was 9cm dilated. Literally a minute after she walked out the room i shouted i need to push and the MW told me i didnt as i wasnt dilated enough-well sure enough there was little Oliver's head! LOL.

All in al not a nice experience and i dont think ill do it again! Not with all the illlnesses i had during my pregnancy aswell.
Rebecca's labour I was fine-apart from crying etc, epidural made me calm.

With Lucy, I was shouting "she's bloody back to back" they were like no blah blah, and no pain relief I was in agony.

She was back to back and 9lb 7-it was horrendous and i WONT be having anymore-Dale will just have to buy a "boy" goldfish! lMAO
when i went into labour at first i thought god this isnt too bad i think i can do it. then the pains got unbearable. my dad had just turned up with my hospital bag and i was bouncing on a birthing ball and all he could say to me was....'your having a baby its going to hurt!' with my partner laughing at him and complaining cos he was bored!! well you can imagine what i said to them!

so the midwife did a check and i was only 4cm!! i screamed the ward done saying 'im only 4cm!! i cant do this!!' so she took me onto labour suite so i could start on painrelief.
i said i just want a epidural... the mw said you cant have one you must try gas and air for 30mins.... well a hour n half later i was still on gas n air!! so by this point i was screaming to her saying i want a epidural now! and my partners saying 'no your not having one.... you said you didnt want a epi the other day!!'
she went and checked with a doctor and came back and said 'the doctor said he thinks you should have a epi to fetch your blood pressure down'

so at 8pm (4hours after i asked for a epidural!!) i finally got one! after that i was so calm (i think it was cos i got a new midwife too!!) and was 10cm at 8.30pm. no pain whatsoever and was watching her head come out!

never again tho!! well until i forget the pain!! lmao!
I started contractions at 6am and managed to breathe through them for a while. Then we went to hospital at about 5.30pm and I was 7-8cm dilated. I wasn't allowed pain relief except for gas and air so I had that. I don't think it was that painful until I had to push, and then it was really bad. I really took advantage of the gas and air at that point. I didn't really do much shouting other than 'I can't do it' at my mum when she was saying 'you can do it, you're nearly there'. I didn't feel like it was nearly there, seemed to be going on forever! I had him at 8.37pm. x
I never even got into labour or any where near but even when I was being walked down to theatre all I could do was cry. I was so over glad to see an end to being 15 days over due and so over whealmed that in less than an hour i'd see my precious little girl.

When I was having the spinal I didnt say anything but ARGHHH once and shot forward as was told off. LoL
I was a total BITCH!!!
Doctors and family advised I have an epidural because I was so young but me being as stubbron as I am was adament I could do it without anything. I screamed at the MW, Doctor, Malakai, my mom. Told Malakai "I was never sleeping with him again" and "After this I can name her whatever the hell I want" then I kicked him out for laughing at me. Doctor said I was one of the worst people for an "agressive" labour he had ever seen!!! Felt like I was dying and have to say I didn't think I'd get through it!!! When it came to pushing Rae out I broke one of my moms fingers and was crying for the last hour of labour. Have to say def taking an epidural this time around xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
I started contractions at 6am and managed to breathe through them for a while. Then we went to hospital at about 5.30pm and I was 7-8cm dilated. I wasn't allowed pain relief except for gas and air so I had that. I don't think it was that painful until I had to push, and then it was really bad. I really took advantage of the gas and air at that point. I didn't really do much shouting other than 'I can't do it' at my mum when she was saying 'you can do it, you're nearly there'. I didn't feel like it was nearly there, seemed to be going on forever! I had him at 8.37pm. x
Your birth sounds similar to mine lol, next you'll be saying you had a water birth.
Your birth sounds similar to mine lol, next you'll be saying you had a water birth.

Nope, the similarities end there, I'm terrified of being in water (I always think I might drown :blush:). I'm alright in the bath and that's about it..x
My birth was a lot like Lauren-Kate's too. My waters broke at 11pm on the friday night, we arrived at the hospital at 12.30am and my contractions had gone from 5 mins apart to 3 mins apart in the 20 minute journey. My midwife checked my at 12.40 and i was 4cm and coping by just breathing through them. However very quickly they were one on top of the other and breathing just wasn't cutting it so I gave the gas and air a shot. It didn't do much really, other than make me concentrate on my breathing. By 2am I was screaming "i can't do this, it hurts it hurts it hurts !!!!!!!", I begged for an epidural but my midwife noticed that my contractions were very "pushy" as she called it and she was right because by 2.15am I'd pushed out Matthew. So other than screaming out the obvious "it hurts" i wasn't too bad. However i think that it all happening quite fast worked in my favour, i didn't get chance to panic.
my OH was actually a nervous wreck and I was the one calming him down. I was soooooooooo nervous previous to giving birth. I had to be induced so I knew it was coming I guess... made it easier.. I knew I had to do it so I just got on with it. My mum was calming so I am glad I had her in there with me but my OH was a waste of space really... he made me panic n kept sayin 'why is this happenin, why is that happenin?' blah blah... going mad at the midwives etc hehe!! The first site of blood and he is turnin away bein sick so I knew he wouldnt be the 'best' birth partner. Thank god for mothers huh! hehe xxx
At my 38 week check up I was told that the baby was possibly breech and I was booked in for a hospital scan 2 days later to confirm but dd did not want to stick around and at 2am the next morning I had my first contraction, 20 minutes later I had another and then another 10 minutes after that. The rest of the contractions were every 5-6 minutes so went to the hospital at 3:45 am and was already 4 cm dilated. Was in quite a lot of pain at this stage and it was confirmed that the baby was breech and I would need a section. Had my spinal at 5:30 which was a huge relief as was not offered any pain killers prior to this and my beautiful daughter was born at 6.09 am.
I'm going to stop reading this now before I freak myself out!
LOL :rofl: Tori... !!
I wish I could talk me doc into inducing me. I live an hour away from the hospital and am afraid I wont make it there in time to get pain meds. I am all for the epidural!! :rofl: My mother was in labor with me for 13 hours! I am freaking out about that! She said by the end, she told them she didn't care if it was a dog, just get it OUT! :rofl: I'm also worried about my OH, because currently all he ever does is get on my nerves. I told him he wasn't coming in there because he would just get on my nerves. He has even told me that he just wants to watch him come out that way he can "watch it stretch"!! That way he can go tell everybody how big it was, and blah blah blah... SEE?! see why he gets on my nerves?! :wacko:
I was over so had my waters broken on day +15! We we're both rly calm but started to get nervous the longer they left us in a tiny assesment room! Eventually they broke my waters and when the contractions started chris was great, I on the other hand sounded like a constipated bull, I wonder how I made such a bizzare noise! There was one point when I shouted at chris which was about 3am in the morning and we'd both managed to fall asleep, I woke up in pain and was shouting chris to wake up but he didn't so I had to physically pick my leg up off the bed which was completely numb and try and kick him! I somehow managed it without falling off the bed! When he woke up I told him to press the alarm thing as the midwife was out of the room and he said 'its ok, she'll be back in a min!?' WTF??? I just went 'PRESS THE BLOODY BUTTON!!!' Then a contration came and he done as he was told!!!
When I was pushing he was really helping (the midwife just kind of left me!) then when I went to thearte he somehow kept me amazingly calm, couldn't have done it without him!!

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