mine were 27.4 - not sure if thats good or bad...doc just said that they are normal
PS. I also wanted to say congratulations on quitting smoking. I don't know what I could say to encourage you and give you a boost....but it's SUPER fantastic that you've quit. You should be hugely proud of yourself.
I got my progesterone checked on D21 and it was a measly little 19. That is BAD. My Specialist says 30 is desirable so I'd say your 27.4 is right there.
I'm taking Pregnaplan multivits plus the odd tablet of magnesium to see if I can boost my progesterone levels. If anyone else knows more of how to do this, I'd appreciate all advice.
I'm on round 2 of Clomid now and Doc is hoping my progesterone levels will rise, even though I'm still on 100mg. If it doesn't work this time, then she'll bump me up to 150mg.
And hurrah for stopping smoking! I'm told it's a huge struggle but you've cleared one month. Stellar stuff.
Having mine done tomorrow. I've read that they are measured in two different measurements depending on what your doc/clinic etc use. I can't remember what (i will look for it again) But just imagine it was oz or ml so they would be different one could be 10 and one could be 30 but both mean the same - am i making sense???
I'll have to find it and get back to you all.