What would you do if you were me? First baby - elective section


Lorenzo's Mama
Aug 31, 2011
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Hi All, just wanted to get some opinions on what you would do if you were me?

I'm currently expecting my first baby and have a condition called Uterus Didelphys, where I have 2 separate uteri and 2 separate cervixes. I also have a vaginal septum that comes down about halfway.

My doctor is suggesting we do an elective caesarean, his reason being that my uterus a different shape than most so most likely won't contract aswell as it should and my baby will most likely be breach as he could run out of room to turn. Also if I do give birth naturally my septum will most certainly tear. I've read successful natural birth stories from women with my condition and almost all had the septum tear but they never mentioned how it affected them after birth. I could have an operation to have the septum removed but haven't bothered as it doesn't worry me too much and sex isn't a problem with it.

Do you think I should attempt a natural birth if the baby is head down? Or just go for the elective caesar? What would you all do?

Thanks ladies :)
I think it depends on what you would want. If you are someone who is comfortable with taking chances or letting things happen as they happen then I would say if you would like to try a vaginal birth go ahead. If you are someone who prefers to know what is likely to happen or you don't want to possibly put yourself in a position where you may not have much room to compromise then a section might be better.

Also I don't know if you have done much research but there might be boards or books and so on dedicated to issues such as yours and you may find that you have a better idea of what you are looking at.
Thanks. I am a bit nervous when I think about the tearing of the septum. It's internal so will require internal stiches which makes me shudder at the thought. I don't know how it will affect sex afterwards etc.

I have always dreamed of having a natural birth and pushing my baby out and the feeling of accomplishment that would come with that. Obviously if my baby is breach I will go with the elective, it just seems safer.

It's a pretty rare condition so googling hasn't really brought up that much stuff. Doctor's only tell me very general stuff and my OB is in favour of doing an elective section. Just wanted to know what you all would do if it was you?
I wish there was more information for you to do research on! it makes it even tougher that not many others have your condition and so that makes it hard to know if it would be safe to go through with a natural birth. TBH the thought of an elective section bothers me and a huge part of me would want to try natural, but then again that is an unknown boundary you would be stepping into and anything could happen, good or bad. Or.... you could go with a c-section and it might not be favorable in a normal situation, at least you know how the healing process is going to be and that it is a relativity normal procedure.
Yes I know, it can get frustrating not being able to get first hand accounts from other women, which would obviously be the best source.

I have an increased risk of premature labour as my uterus is smaller than average so it just adds to the list of things that could go wrong. I am still undecided. I think either way I go there will be a fair bit of recovery time so I just need to weigh up the risks.
I don't have the two uterus' like you but I do have an abnormal shaped uterus which is smaller than most so I have been through slightly similar to you. I basically let my consultant decide for me and my baby what was best as I was completely torn with the thought of maybe not being able to have a natural birth. My baby decided for us all though as she was breech so we had to have a section. I have to say that my section was fantastic and it was an emergency one as my waters broke earlier than when my section was planned for. I have been told by midwives and health visitors that I am healing fantastic and that I look better than most women who have had a natural birth. My baby had NO problems with breast feeding and in the first week of her life, instead of loosing weight like most breast fed babies, she gained 4oz. This isn't the case for everyone though but wanted you to know a good section story too.
I was told I would most likely have my baby early but my clever little munchkin stayed in until 37+6. She had low levels of water for a few weeks and was majorly squashed in there but came out unstressed and perfect.
Her little feet did turn in though as she had been so squashed so she is having to wear splints for a month to straighten them up, so be prepared for something like that.
If you go onto the gestational complications part of this site, there is a lady or two that I remember seeing with the same problem as you do you may be able to contact them. There are two threads, one entitled about a uterus dydelphys and the other one about a bicornuate uterus and you shoul find the ladies through them. Good luck with everything x x x

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