What's a 20-21month old like?


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
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My LO will be 20-21 months when new baby comes along.

What can I expect with her?

Will she still be napping during the day?
Sleeping better at night (not waking at 5am?)
Still n a cot or her toddler bed?
Will she be able to talk/understand?

Anything else I should know?
at this age my son didnt nap, woke up really early and still does. he got the jist of what id say to him but he couldnt communicate properly yet...every baby is different tho.

edit....zane was in a toddler bed
Will she still be napping during the day?

Probably - Ruby was. Anything from 45 mins to 2 hours was the norm for us then.

Sleeping better at night (not waking at 5am?)
Ruby has always slept fine except for the odd dodgy phase, we did/do still get 5am wake up phases, but they never last long. I think early waking is more common in toddlers than babies anyway, sorry

Still n a cot or her toddler bed?
Ruby was/is still in her cotbed with sides.

Will she be able to talk/understand?
Ruby was already speaking a lot at that age, and in short sentences too. But lots don't, there's a massive spectrum of normal with speech.

Congrats :)
Will she still be napping during the day?
Yes for 1-2 hours.

Sleeping better at night (not waking at 5am?)
Omar went through sleep regressions on & off from 12 till 22 months, then he started to sleep through again.

Still n a cot or her toddler bed?
We co-sleep

Will she be able to talk/understand?
At 21-22 months Omar was talking in sentences. But my cousin who's 3 weeks younger than Omar still doesnt say more than few words. They are different.

Congrats hun xx
My cousin is 20 months, almost 21. He is:

Extremely energetic, always wanting to go out and go places

When out he runs all over the show, chats to strangers, disapears quickly!

Gets easily frustrated and has a lot of meltdowns when his mum and dad can't understand what he says.

Knows: cuddle, no, yes, more, helicopter (hey-ta-ta), airplane, food, bucket and spade, outside, can count to 8, knows the ABC song (and lots of nursery rhymes) plus lots more, can fetch things, understands a lot more than he says.

Has one nap a day around midday for 1hr 30m. Still in the cot.

STTN once every 4 days.

Here is the blog for Kien (and my wee guy is in a few posts!) https://www.allnewadventures.com/?zx=bb677967b1b34d6d
Gabriel is 20.5 months now.

Napping - Gabriel takes one nap anywhere from 1-3 hours long

Sleeping better at night - Better than what? Better than he used to sleep. He still wakes 2-3 times a night to eat over the 10-11 hour time from when he goes to bed till he gets up for the day.

He's just transitioning to a toddler bed this week from his crib.

He can say tons and says 2-3 word sentences all the time. He understands everything we say.

He very much has an opinion as to what he wants to wear/eat/watch, etc and will tell us what it is.

He pretty much never stops moving. Running, climbing, and just plain crawling through and around things.
Im having no2 on Friday and Harrie will be almost 22months...

Will she still be napping during the day? Yep, still naps tho can sometimes go without
Sleeping better at night (not waking at 5am?) harries always been a good sleeper, shes still aslp now!
Still n a cot or her toddler bed? Your choice-we moved Harries room n got her new furniture rather than get more nursery furniture. So she is in a big girls bed now and loves it!
Will she be able to talk/understand? Talk yes (well i assume so, my personal experience is yes and never shuts up!!) understand, kinda. Harrie knows where baby is n we talk to her about what will happen n she tells us she is goin to share her toys n read baby books - tis well sweet!!!

Anything else I should know? Pregnancy is soooo diff with a toddler lol. No time to stop.
Enjoy tho :)
Thanks girls!

I'm a bit scared now, not sure if I'll cope. I was hoping DD would be sleeping better but maybe she won't? It was the sleep deprivation I couldn't cope with when DD was newborn.


I was also hoping she'd be able to understand more so I can talk to her when the baby needs me. Will she understand things like "Mummy will be there in just a minute" etc.?

The boys understand 'i won't be a minute' I have always held up one finger if I need to attend to the other and it's probably one of the first things they understood. They have been understanding a lot for months I would say 16-17 months it started and now they understand everything even if sometimes they ignore. They know gentle be nice shhhh your brothers sleeping lol so all the key ones you would need I think. Fynn sleeps hour or 1.5 max and Sam I have to wake after a 2.5 hour nap. They have always slept well apart from the two weeks after the recent clock change. They are early to bed early to rise though so bed by 7 up 6 or 6.30

They never ever keep still but ate little people nowhere near babies anymore xxx
I think that you will be fine - you will adapt :hugs:

They are all different, but my LO:
- sleeps through the night (about 8pm until 7/7.30am). Only wakes if ill/teething (and not much/often)
- one nap a day: 12.30/1pm for 2 or 3 hours - bliss!
- still in cotbed with sides up. Could climb out, but nit in sleeping bag (and can't get out of it yet). hope to keep the sides up until after our holiday (as be turns two at the end of Jan). Then we will take the sides down and tackle it.
- his speaking isn't great (he can say a lot of words - once! - but chooses not to use them :( ), but babbles a lot and gets himself understood. He understands most things and usually follows simple requests (ie "when you have finished with your beaker, please put it on the counter").
- he doesn't tantrum much at all and - since I use distraction and/or ignoring - if he does, they fizzle out in a matter of seconds.

He is FULL of energy, so we do lots of activities (swimming and gym etc), go to the park lots and go on walks. If all else fails, I chase him round the house! Helps him sleep ;)

Oh and DS eats for England (unless unwell/teething...) - great variety too :)

Very much agree about them being "little people" - I love my little person (as frustrating as he can be some times... ;) )
Will she still be napping during the day?
Daisy started having one longer nap instead of two shorter ones around then.

Sleeping better at night (not waking at 5am?)
Daisy still wakes at 5am daily, always has.

Still n a cot or her toddler bed?
Is in her cot still but planning on trying her in the toddler bed in in about 3 months time so my new baby can have the cot. (She's almost 23 months at the moment).

Will she be able to talk/understand?
Daisy could understand pretty much everything and her speech was pretty good too. She'd use 2 or 3 word sentences.
Jacobs is 22mths, he naps during that day for a hour if we are out or about 2 at home but will sometimes skip the nap if we are out. He sleeps 7.30pm until 8am. Hes still in his cot as we are about to move so when he gets his own room he will then switch to a toddler bed. He doesnt really talk, we have speech therapy starting next week, but he makes himself understood and he understands everythign we say to him. Congrats on the new Baby! x

I know you will do fine! :)

I would have been in the same boat as you. And hopefully still will be since we are TTCing again right now.

It will be rough at times, but totally worth it in the end! :D

And if I can suggest anything, I think you should let little one continue sleeping in a crib/cot until well after newborn is born, just because your little one will be experiencing ALOT of changes, so try your best to keep it as normal as you can without any unneccesary changes, that way she won't be too overwhelmed.

And who knows, maybe they will try and help and be a big sister for newborn. Try to let little one join in with feeding newborn and giving kisses and feeding, that way she will feel important in newborns life.

I think it will be fun, a little exhausting, but deffinately a blessing! :)

Good luck and congrats!!! :happydance:
My LO will be 20-21 months when new baby comes along.

What can I expect with her?

Will she still be napping during the day?
Sleeping better at night (not waking at 5am?)
Still n a cot or her toddler bed?
Will she be able to talk/understand?

Anything else I should know?

This depends on the child, but I have my own 19 month old and I am a childminder so have a 22 month old (soon to be 23 months) during the day Mon-Fri. Both children still nap about 2 hours during the day - they are put down and go to sleep within 10 minutes and sleep well. I can't speak for the 22 month old as she doesn't sleep here overnight and she is brought to me for 7am so is woken up at 630 whether she wants to or not, but my own daughter has slept roughly 12 hours overnight for months. She's gone to bed at around 7pm since she was 4-5 months old, and gradually stretched out her wake-up time; in summer it's a bit earlier but since the dark nights have come, she will easily go til 7am or maybe later.

My daughter and the minded child are both still in cot beds - I know my daughter and don't feel she'd settle in a bed at the moment; she will go into a bed in the new year, though.

The speech thing depends on your child - they all progress at their own rate. My minded child is fairly advanced and says 4-5 word sentences, can repeat any word and know its meaning rather quickly, has a LOT of words in her vocabulary already. Her speech isn't clear but she can be understood. My daughter is about 4 months younger and has lots of words, a few two word sentences, babbles a lot, uses a lot of conversation skills when she babbles, but she's not into the 4-5 word sentences or anything yet. She can be easily understood through the words she does use and the gesturing she uses, so I think your daughter will be able to communicate by the time baby comes along.

Both the girls love playing with teddies and dolls (but will play with most toys); both girls have increasing attention spans, will listen more to books, watch a small amount of tv (I only allow a small bit when oldest mindee is here as he watches it - he is 5), listen to instructions and understand what is said to them, understand the word 'no' and usually adhere to it. They are both starting to enjoy craft activities more and have more of an attention span for things like colouring/scribbling. They both feed themselves (make a bit of mess, but my daughter has always fed herself as I did BLW); they both eat most of what's put in front of them. They help tidy up (and understand when I say it's tidy up time). They both have cows' milk in a beaker a couple of times a day, water the rest of the time.

Neither of the girls are toilet trained but the 22 month old is very very close. She can control her bladder (pulled her nappy off during a nap the other day and both bed and nappy were dry 2 hours later), knows when she's wet or pooed, knows names for toilet activity, asks for nappy to be changed. So I think around 2 years old will be good for the potty training.

Both girls can walk quite a long way (my daughter can walk further than the 22 month old - she has far more stamina but she is used to walking). It is difficult to stop one or other of them running off as they have no sense of danger yet, so a double buggy is a necessity.

Good luck.x
At 22 months, Thomas was napping for two to two and a half hours (still is), sleeping through the night, and had started sleeping much later in the mornings (6.30/7 instead of months of 5.30 starts). He wasn't speaking very much at that age, just a few words, but his comprehension was excellent and he would certainly have been able to understand the types of phrases/concepts that you mentioned. He is still in a cot and I'm in no hurry to move him to a bed to be honest as I think he would take much longer to settle at bedtime and naps as I imagine he would be getting out all the time. We toilet trained at 22 months but I wouldn't have attempted it with a new baby in the house.
Poppy will be 21 months on the 28th of this month. all kids are different, but if i was to have another baby now i think she'd be awesome! she knows lots of words and will get me a nappy, wipes, put things in the bin if i ask. she's happy playing by herself for quite long periods (obviously im still in the room but i dont need to actually BE the entertainment all the time iykwim?) she still naps for about 1.5-2 hours a day and sleeps through from 8 until 7/8 every night. i dont think a double buggy is necessary, we aren't getting one. i will wear pops or the new baby and use the buggy for the other. she is still in her cot but we plan on taking off the side very soon! hth and congrats!
Tattie has 19 months between Kaylum and Taylor and he has been a little star with his new sister :thumbup::happydance:

He still has a daytime nap of about 2 hours, usually between 11am and 1pm

He still sleeps in his cot and Tattie has no plans to move him out of it just yet ... having him in there means that if he does wake early in the morning (or at night when Taylor wakes for a feed) he just stays there and goes back off to sleep by himself. If he was in a bed then I have no doubt that he would be up and about :haha:

His talking isn't brilliant, but his understanding is actually amazing ...He grasped immediately that 'Sister' (which is what he calls her) was not in Mummy's tummy any more, but was instead a very real presence who he has to be gentle with... When Tattie was pregnant we used to encourage him to kiss his sister (the bump). Then, when they brought Taylor home on the day she was born, we explained to Kaylum that this was his sister ... he wandered over to Tattie, lifted her top and saw that the bump was gone, thought for a couple of seconds and then went over to the car seat and kissed the baby :cloud9:

There has been no signs of jealousy at all. He loves to help wind her - tho' he is far too gentle to be doing any good lol - and hovers around when her nappy is being changed so he can take the dirty one to the bin. If she cries he stands next to her saying 'Shhhhh' ... just too cute!!

Tattie always makes sure that he has a drink (and snack if appropriate) when she feeds Taylor, and he loves to either cuddle up next to her with a book or to play with toys that Tattie can help him with one handed (shape sorters, lift out jigsaws, mega blocks etc).
Isabel is sleeping 7.30 pm to 8.30am most days, she has always been a fab sleeper. She naps for about 2 hours in the day. She has a toddler bed but choses to sleep on the floor, she's a bit crazy lol

Personality wise she's an absolute scream, she's all singing all dancing little chatterbox. She can say pretty much ansd word and understands everything too, we have no problems at all communicating with each other :)

She has zero patience and a very short fuse which isn't good when I've got a baby to look after too but we cope :)

Isabel is sleeping 7.30 pm to 8.30am most days, she has always been a fab sleeper. She naps for about 2 hours in the day. She has a toddler bed but choses to sleep on the floor, she's a bit crazy lol

Personality wise she's an absolute scream, she's all singing all dancing little chatterbox. She can say pretty much ansd word and understands everything too, we have no problems at all communicating with each other :)

She has zero patience and a very short fuse which isn't good when I've got a baby to look after too but we cope :)


That just reminded me of my youngest ... he used to get out of his toddler bed and sleep in the oddest places - we once couldn't find him at all and after panicking madly found him asleep in the bottom of his wardrobe :rofl:

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