My baby is 11m old, and his usual schedule just changed a few weeks ago to this.
7:00am Wake & play with siblings - my OH is already gone for work at this time
7:30am Bottle
8:00am Breakfast
8:30am Play with siblings or follow me around the house while I clean/work if his siblings are outside... then I take him outside, too for an hour or so
12:00pm Lunch
12:20pm Read together
1:00pm Nap/Quiet Time (while I do my household tasks and homeschool)
3:30pm Snack time
4:00pm Structured Activity Monday and Tuesday. I start babysitting at 3pm on Wednesday through Friday, and the child I babysit doesn't work well with others, so this doesn't always happen on those days.
5:00pm When I'm not babysitting, we will do baths at this time. 15 minutes per child, or I'll bathe them in 2 groups. Either way, this takes an hour.
5:30-6:00pm: I start preparing dinner while the kids finish up their projects. I put on music, and we dance together, and they all help me cook - even the baby.
6:30pm OH gets home, so we all eat dinner as a family
7:00pm Family time
7:30pm Bedtime routine - pajamas, teeth brushed, family story time, snuggle
8:00pm Bed, for all of the kids.
2 days per week, currently Fridays and Sundays, OH is home, and we get company over on Sundays, and our routine is always a lot different. My baby will stay up as long as he can and eventually just fall asleep at closer to 3 or 4 and sleep through dinner, so he will have a later dinner than the rest of us. We're trying to work on this one, but like my other kids, he WILL NOT sleep if anyone else is around - especially OH because they don't get to see OH much.