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whats your opinion on this


Husband Dave,2 daughters
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
I was researching fertility treatmet costs, in case we have to look at this route at some point, and I stumbled upon this articale, was written in June 2010.... I think I read somewhere, if it was in this one,or not? this may not happen until 2012, wich will make me nearly 46:cry::nope: Great, Ill be even more older...........anyway, what does eveyone else think?, least its going in the right direction, I always thought the PCT rulings on who can get what was very unfair, take a read

Snippet from first paragraph.
Women over the age of 40 could get free fertility treatment on the NHS for the first time.
The Health Service may have to scrap controversial age limits for IVF to avoid the threat of being sued under age discrimination laws.
In future, trusts may decide whether women can have free IVF cycles by testing how many eggs they have left - their 'ovarian reserve' - rather than imposing a blanket ban over the age of 40.

Read more at ..........https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/...-treatment-avoid-sued-age-discrimination.html
It's a difficult one because both tests for ovarian reserve AND age are an indication of chances of sucess with IVF. A 30 year old with a low amh result might still have a better chance of success than a woman of 40 with a better result. At which point amh results are more of a key indicator than age, i don't think anyone has yet assessed, so a very difficult criteria for pcts to rule on.
I was gonna add that with the current financial climate i don't see this changing anytime soon. My beef is more that i only get one try at £3500-4500 a pop (where i live) - that's really crap considering women at my age (40) have really low odds, percentage wise. I dont have this money but if i could get 2 or even 3 tries you could bet you hiney i would beg, borrow and steal it somehow.

Seeing as things stand at the moment, its not an option :(

However, i agree there should be a test as opposed to a blanket ban. Too many women prove the experts wrong and get pg in their 40's sp obviously its not always eggs. I even asked the fertility clinic for a FSH (egg reserve) test and they told me they only do it for women who undergo IVF i.e. not me. Great. Cheers :growlmad: I mean i wouldn't sign up for that amount of money only to find out its crap, or have ridiculously low chances. However, if they did it before hand at least id now where i stand!

Anywhoo..better stop before start proper ranting, lol!

Good luck, hun.

Omi xxx
At the moment health trusts round here are stopping IVF for everyone no matter what their age as its an easy way to save money :(
My personal opinion is that fertility isn't just an age thing (hey go check out the lttc section and lots of people are NOT over 35!!) but quite likely due to the world we live in today. i.e. pollution etc. I think its a bit weird that so many of the people i know and they know need help to conceive when in the past it didn't seem to be such a big number of childless couples around..

Ive heard this mentioned before by other fertility experts also so surely a blanket ban is ridiculous.Not only does it smack a bit of discrimination but also its unwise in a world were more and more of us live longer and the population is shrinking at the other end.

Just saying, i thinks its wrong economy to cut off funding and/or limit it to such an extent as to make it impossible for most people to have a family. After all, we're not greedy people, we're not asking for octuplets - id be happy with at least one ifukwim? LOL! (not that i qualify, mind you, but still)

Sorry, this topic always gets me on my soap box, lol! :ignore:
Thanks for the intrest and replys girls:flower:.... I agree with most of them. I dont know, just that when I was in my teens even early 20's, I wasnt aware that a women in their 40's was even considered 'passed it' like Im made to feel now in the 2000's, maybe its just me, but theres allot of negativity towarsd us older ones, but subliminally done, when I was a teen, if my mates mum had a baby, who would been in late 30's or early 40's then, No one said a thing, it wasnt unsual at all.... now days, everythinsg done to an agenda, ticked off in stages in life, and if you dont fit that box, then you cant be ticked later on if that was a choice, we have become so conditions, the media, healthcare people etc, tell us how to think, live and breathe, and the more they do it, the more our rights are being taken away, and i agree with OMI, why is there more people having infetility problems now? God I could write an essay on this, but i wont, lets hope this change in NICE guidlines happens sooner than they suggest:thumbup:

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