What's your story?


Mom of three
May 27, 2008
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Hey, we have all been TTC since like forever and a day...and have been through the ringer at least a couple times....so, what's your story???

Here's mine:

TTC#3 since Dec. 1, 2006. I had "difficulty" with my first two, so thought it would take awhile, but, like the other two, thought it would happen one day... Nine months later, I got a BFP on a month we DTD only once! I was elated. We looked a baby things, I bougth maternity clothes, we told everyone we knew, and some that we didn't. I m/c several weeks later. I thought, "hey, it's 1 in 4...it was just my time". I didn't like it, I was devestated, but, I could explain it away with all those annoying lines, "It wasn't meant to be", "It was my body doing it's job". Four months later, BFP! Nope...a mere few days after my BFP, I lost that one. Then ten agonizing months went by...BFN after BFN. I got tests, and poked...HSG (OUCHERS). First round Clomid...BFP! Nope...a week and a bit later...m/c. 2nd round of Clomid...BFN. Took Christmas off. Starting round three soon. Also on Prometrium, and starting baby asprin. BUT...although I am still TTC we have an appointment with an adoption agency on January 21, 2009!!!

We decided shortly after our marriage that we wanted children, 3 in fact. We had been together for a while, and it just felt like the next right step. We assumed all would move quickly and steadily. I remember how excited I was, fully expecting a child of my very own within 12 months. - We were still getting use to being married and living a life of our own as 1, so we happily waited for it to happen naturally.....and waited, and waited.. And it hasn't stopped. Finally after 2 years I decided to see someone. I wish like hell I hadn't waited so long but I can't change that now. Blood work and scans showed I had PCOS. I also have a Sub Septate Uterus, which increases risk of M/c and difficult labour/stillborn. - So even with a BFP will we not be able to relax.

I was put on clomid and Metformin and sent home to try again. 50 mgs of Clomid after 3 cycles we realised we needed a higher dose, as two of those cycles failed to ovulate. I moved to 100mgs and low and behold a BEAUTIFUL BFP! - Sadly , it wasn't mean to be. At just over 7 weeks along we lost that precious baby. It was a very trying time, for me as a person and for us as a couple. You don't realise how much you need someone until you are faced with such a tragedy. I needed my DH more than ever. I thank god he was there for me.

After a few months off to let myself get over the m/c we have decided to try Clomid again. Another dose of 100mgs. Failing this, I have another Gyno appointment in January, which we will discuss further more invasive treatments such as IVF and IUI.

It's been 3 years and 3 months and we are still yet to hold a little one of our own in our longing arms.
I hear you Neyney, i'm really depressed right now, but what they heck, can't feel any worse :(

TTC #1 for 2.5years. 7 months into TTC I had a sinking feeling that something was wrong. Got DH's sperm test done, showed very low motility and morphology. So we tried accupuncture, vitamins etc (we both were already living and eating healthy) did that for 3 months, got another test and everything was up, so we though another 6 months or so and we would be able to get pg naturally. Well the 3rd test after a further 3 months of accupuncture and everything was at the lowest it had ever been.

Time to see first FS. All the tests under the sun - lap/hysteroscopy/uterine biopsy, ultra sounds, enough blood sucked to keep a vampire full for years, HSG etc etc. All showed everything was fine. To cut a long story short we weren't happy with the plans this FS had set out for us so we saw FS #2.

FS #2 decided IVF/ICSI straight away. Before this could begin, more bloods and an advanced sperm test for DH. This showed that his sperm was unable to be used for IVF...more devestation. A month on some new vits/mins and test with no abstainence made it just bearable to be used.

First stim cycle, I responded poorly but got there in the end. We got 11 eggs, 8 fertilised and in the end we got 2 hatching blastocysts. During egg collection FS saw a prob with my uterus - it was septate. So we were faced with a 75% chance of miscarriage, still born or premmie baby. You can only imagine what our TWW was like. 1 embryo put back, the other still remains in a drum of liquid nitrogen.

TWW was cut short by what I thought was the heaviest AF and most painful one in history. After more blood worked it turned out that I was miscarrying very, very early (just shy of 4 weeks).

I was then booked in for surgery to remove the septum (wall of tissue) from my uterus, the Dr also found and removed spots of endometriosis. Revovery was 2 months.

Then onto a frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycle. My body decided that it forgot how to ovulate properly so after a heap more bloods for that cycle and a few scans, we were cancelled on :cry:

So...here I am now...another xmas without a hint of happiness and in a month we will try another FET cycle. Failing that, its back to the dreaded (and expensive) stim cycle.

No happy endings here yet :rolleyes:
TTC #1 for 2 years. I do not ovulate every month and have low progesterone. I have irregular cycles ranging from 45-60 days. My DH is normal but morphology is a tad bit low. We tried clomid for 3 months and it had no effect. With my new FS he ordered a HSG and it showed my right side was totally blocked. He did a laparascopy and hysteroscopy and everything was normal. We started with injections IUi cycles and continued for 3 cycles. All BFN. We are currently on a break for Jan 2009 and will start IVF in Feb 2009.
We started TTC in Feb 2007 after 3 years of marriage, we weren't in too much of a hurry but thought it may take a few months.

My first few AFs after coming of BCP were ok but then in the summer I started getting really long cycles so after 3 months and no AF i went to the docs who referred us to the FC. After a few visits to the FC was told DH sperm was good but I have signs of PCOS and needed clomid and was given my first three doses home with me. But never started clomid as planned as got pg in March but sadly a few days later I started to bleed and was told I had a chemical preg.

So another wait until we started clomid in June, 50mgs, O'd the first month but no BFP, O'd the second month, BFP then the third month O'd and BFP. We were over the moon we have conceived around my birthday and the baby would have been born round about my DH - just perfect. I was scheduled for a 7 weeks scan but a few days before started getting a tiny spot of pink discharge, called the client and was called in for a scan the next day to be told sorry your baby is measuring a lot less than it should be we think you have had a MMC but wait a week and come back. That was the longest week of our lives and deep down even though we had been given a tiny bit of hope that my dates might be out I knew our little bean was gone. Back to to
the clinic the next week to be told yes it was a MMC and was booked in for a D & C the next day, truly the worst couple of weeks of our lives.

So fast forward a couple of months back on the clomid round 2 at the mo and AF due tomorrow but started spotting already so roll on 2009, new beginnings, new round of clomid and hopefully a new baby for Xmas next year.

Good luck to you all for 2009.

NeyNey - were you offered surgery to remove the septum? This is what I had, and now, I think my risk of m/c, stillborn and premmies are around 6-15% more so than someone with a normal uterus, as opposed to 75% chance. Well worth it thats for sure.
i never thought id ever have trouble to have a baby.
well i fell pregnant at 18 was due to get married 2 months later. found out pregnancy wasnt growing, was convinced i was ectopic was booked in for a op... only to m/c on xmas day 2006. fell preg at 19. had 2 scans both came up well. when my hubby was in afghan i m/c at 8 weeks. i was alone. took me months to recover. jan 2008 i fell pregnant again... had a chemical 1 week later...
May this year found out i was pregnant. i had 3 scans all showed up well.. good strong heartbeat. at 10 weeks i began to bleed. went for a scan was convinced all was well as i had strong symptoms... they couldnt find the heartbeat.. they couldnt find baby.. my baby had died at 7 weeks.
i was then put in for genetic testing. 3 months i waited for results to be told i have a chomosome defect. another 3 months waiting to see a counseller.
i need IVF/PGD. its a 6 month wait and alot of mental & physical pain.
My OH and I had been married for 2 years before we decided to have a baby...we thought we had been together for long enough and were both ready to settle down with good jobs....He's 35 and I'm 30. At first we tried casually...I knew that after coming off the BCP that it would take a few months as the guidance is to wait 3 months after coming off BCP before even trying for a baby. Alas 2.5 years later and I wish we hadn't been so blaze about it and tried abit more seriously and as soon as we got married! Why don't they tell you about the possible side effects of no ovulation when you start the pill??? I wish I had never used it.

I have been monitoring my cyces for the last 1.5 years and they are irregular....35-60 days long...they had always been abit irregular since I was a teenager so it didn't really bother me....but now I wonder....should I have gotten it checked out then??? All these ifs and buts.

This last year has been sooooo rough for us....the pressure has been enormous...we hadn't imagined. My SIL fell pregnant 6 months after getting married in September...she's due in June next year. I cried my eyes out when I found out. She made it look so easy. It didn't bother me when I saw other pregnant women or even when my sis got pregnant. But the shame of it from my in-laws side.....my OH and I made out that we weren't planning kids yet as we have our careers to think about and we wanted to buy a house first....classic excuses hey??!! Then with all the recession, my OH lost his job and it was a bad time for him. He was worried about how we can afford to have kids now? My world seemed to fall apart....I was so stressed I had my longest period ever at 76 days. I then had a discussion with my OH saying that this isn't helping me to ovulate and concieve....I said people get by with kids and no money...that we had enough savings to get by (our mortgage money) and besides I was working so I could just take a shorter marternity if it came to it.

Anyhow, after convincing my doctor that my periods are irregular and painful and need investigating he referred me to gynae. Got my appointment in August and then after his tests he said that I may have PCO (not the syndrome) but that I had to be referred to infertility!!! I was sooo annoyed...what a waste of time...when I went to infertility I only saw nurse and they did MORE blood tests and finally I have my appointment with the consultant in mid-Jan.

I'm really hoping he starts me on something to help me along...I think my hormones are all wrong. LH abit too high and progesterone very low showing no ovulation at day 21 ....but that would be expected as I have very long cycles so it might be happening another time.

So anyway here's to a more positive 2009!!! Here's to my OH finding a job, and us having treatment to help have a baby!
Tracie thats waful when you get pregnant and keep losing it....terrible. Chin up I really hope you have a great 2009 as well. At least your being investigated and maybe they can chose the best egg without the chromose defect?
Hi all - well we have only been ttc for 11 months but from month 6 I had a sneaky suspision something was wrong. DH went for 2 sperm tests which show he has sperm antibodies covering 66% of his sperm which mean it reduces fertility as makes it harder for sperm to swim and fertilise egg. We have been recommended for 3 rounds of IUI and if that fails ICSI... so 2009 will be a year of poking and prodding and all these invasive treatments - but I am sure worth it! FX for all of us girls!! xxxx Tanya
I knew at 18 that the only way I could have children would be via ivf. I was offered it twice on the nhs when younger but declined the offer as I knew I was not with the right man. I resigned myself to a life alone and childless. I met my dh four years ago and one of the first things he said to me was "Are you a natural blonde? Your going to have my children!" :rofl:

It was great to be able to tell him straight away that I could not have children as in the past ive always struggled with when to tell a new bloke this. To soon and it seems pushy, to far in and I feel im being dishonest.

We went for all the tests together and was surprised to be told that he also had a problem, he had a low sperm count so now we had to have icsi. This was upsetting for him but we went ahead regardless. Our first try led to a chem preg. Our second try was a bfn and our third try was another chem. By this time I had had enough and decided to change clinic.

Before we saw our consultant I had loads of blood tests at bupa and took him in all the results as well as my own opinionated views on what I needed to make this round if icsi work! Our previous clinic only did two day transfers which really annoyed me but at the new clinic they did three and five day transfers!!! At last we were getting somewhere.

Well, here we are 5 months later and im pregnant with twin girls. We never believed it would happen and are on :cloud9:

I used to read the posts of other women who had successful ivf and used to think it would never be my turn. Now im finally pregnant it seems so surreal. Its taken us two years of icsi to get here and I cant believe im married and going to become a mum.

To everyone still waiting for that :bfp: keep trying, never give up hope. xxx
We have been ttc for our 3rd living child since October 2007. I got a bfp in December on our 2nd cycle only to have a placental abruption at 21 weeks. Our son was stillborn in April.

I had bloods done which came back normal and we were given the go ahead to ttc again in May. I got a bfp on cycle 2 again which I m/c at 4+5. Then cycle 7 I got another bfp which I also m/c at 4+5. I have just been referred back to the consultant who dealt with our stillbirth for tests to see if there's a reson for it happening. Hopefully 2009 will be a lucky year for us all :dust:
Ok here's our story. I have 3 children from my first marriage (ages, 20 dd, 17 dd, 16 ds) I had my tubes tied in 1999 as I thought I was done. I met my dh in 2000 and we got married in 2001. He doesn't have any children. We discussed having my tubes reversed and trying to have a child together. We talked back and forth about it and saved money (as insurance doesn't cover it) and finally in April of last year we did it! we had the tubal reversal. The doctor told me that we shouldnt have any problems conceiving. Long story short, after a very hard year {(son critically injured and losing my father suddenly) we finally got our first :bfp: on Feb 15th! We were over the moon! But sadly that pregnancy was lost at 6 weeks 5 days. Then we got our 2nd :bfp: on June 24th! That one was lost too at 5 weeks 4 days. During all this we changed doctors. I was told that I may have a progesterone deficency and when I get pregnant again, to call and they woulod put me on progesterone. I got surprise in October.... on cd 8 I felt very sick to my stomach, so I said what the hell, why not test! So I did and a :bfp: wow! I dont' know how far along I was, but I lost that one too. So after arguing with the new doctor, I changed again. I went to another doctor in november and I love him! He did a dnc on nov 14th and I went for a follow up on Dec 11th and we were put on Clomid. I asked for it because I am not getting any younger and he was like ok.... do you want twins or tripletts? I love him! So I started Clomid on cd 5 thru 9. So that is my story up to present. Sorry it is so long. I hope all of our stories end very soon with a precious baby! Good luck girls! :hug:
Hello all

Well, DH & I married in Aug 03 & decided in Sept to start ttc, came off the pill in Sept & began in Oct. After a year of nothing we went to our GP & the tests began! Had everything done, but no problems found & given the title of 'unexplained infertility'. However, in Aug 05 I got a BFP, (still don't know what I did differently, but we we sooooo happy :happydance:...but 11 wks later I got pains & started bleeding lightly & had a mmc (baby had died at 6-7 wks). Had D&C 12 days later. We kept ttc but nothing, so went to a private clinic for IUI. Had 3 attempts, but all :bfn: That was all in 2006. In 2007 we moved to Spain, as wanted a more relaxed lifestyle. Started IVF in Spain & 1st attempt in July 07 got us a :bfp: so pleased & surprised, but again all lost at our 10 wk scan, another mmc & D&C, (baby had died at same time as earlier one). Had all the tests for recurrent mc , but it showed nothing was wrong & that our baby would've been a girl & was normal. 2nd IVF in May this yr & :bfn:. Now on 3rd IVF & awaiting result in 3 days, but not feeling hopeful.

Good luck to everyone
Love Jayne x
Hey guys

Well started TTC Oct 2007 when we got married. We went on honeymoon 4 months after the wedding for 6 weeks and i figured being away from it all and copious amounts of :sex: would be a recipie for success. Month after we got back i got a bfp quite early but 5 days after the evil :witch: showed up.

I felt really knocked for 6 and a few months after that DH and i read an article about meds he was on that can cause problems with sperm and abnormalities in unborn babies. So off we went to see the GP and had the usual tests. My results were okay but DH had very low sperm count. Pills and potions and a re-test later and there was no improvement so we got referred to the FS.

FS nurse told us that ICSI would be our only option but consultant would confirm it in Feb. My HSG/Scan was all good and DH is doing his 3rd SA next week.

On a positive note we should have ICSI within 6 months as no wait at our PCT. I've also changed jobs - still working as a police officer but now i'm working in sexual offences instead of child protection. I found it too hard dealing with the scum of the earth who couldn't care about their kids when all i wanted was one.
I have been TTCing since May 2007, I'm 29 and DH is 32 and we have been married 4 1/2 years. We were planning on starting to TTC about a year after we had got married but put it off as I wanted my health to improve, I wanted to achieve something career wise for myself and we wanted to get our finances sorted. After about 10 months of TTC I went to my GP as my cycles we generally around 40 days long so I suspected that I wasn't ovulating and in my gut I knew something wasn't right. Also following surgery for a bad smear test I had had an infection so I was concerned that this had done some damage so I wanted to get the ball rolling sooner rather than later. Blood tests showed I wasn't ovulating, DH's SA is great - loads of little spermies as he has quite a high count so he was very pleased with himself!!! Had my first FS appointment May 2008 where I was given 4 months of clomid, scans and HCG shot. 2 of these cycles gave me chemical pregnancies and my response to the clomid improved each cycle. Had a follow up appointment in November where it was decided I was to have a lap and dye. Had this on the 18 December which showed no endo, no abrasions and my tubes are clear :happydance: so I have a weight off my mind as I now know that the infection last year definately did no damage. So at the moment I have been ovulating by myself since the clomid cycles so I have my hopes high for a :bfp: though I am trying to not get as caught up in TTCing anymore so I don't get so upset. I have my next appointment with the FS on the 9 February where I reckon they are going to recommend IUI but I am going to see if I get another couple of cycles of clomid but at a higher doseage and no jabs.

Good luck everyone and I hope 2009 is the year of :bfp: for all us LTTCer's :hugs:

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