when did you know....


First Time Mum
May 3, 2011
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It was time to stop breastfeeding?

When did you know it was your last ever feed?

Which feed did you drop last?

How did you feel about it? Any regrets?

Was baby ok with stopping or did they protest?
Bumping because I'd like to know some answers as well!
I had to stop at 11 months exactly due to me needing specific antibiotics that I couldn't breastfeed with. Thankfully we had already started integrating whole milk mixed with bm and I had completely missed the signs of her wanting to wean until we had to go cold turkey due to the antibiotics. She was Great with stopping.

Her signs I missed were
*refusing certain feeds
*not caring for feeds (being distracted)
*eating for a every short time
* pushing away from me
And prolly a few more I'm forgetting. Once I realized how ready she was I didn't feel so bad about not being able to. Even after I was okay to feed her again if I tried she would freak out and just look at me like "WHAT are you doing!?" Lol

Hope this helps but its not exactly what you were looking for...
This probably isn't the answer you're looking for either, because I haven't actually stopped breastfeeding yet!

My son is 13 months and still BFs but only once a day, first thing in the morning. So that will be the last feeding that we drop. I'm not sure when we'll drop it, but I'm pretty sure he won't protest. He never protested when we dropped any other feed, except maybe the bedtime feed. But I think that protest was more about not having mom at bedtime (dad puts him down now). I continue to BF for the health benefits, but I will be a little sad when we stop altogether. It will give me a little more freedom, but it was such a special relationship. It was very stressful in the beginning, but I think that almost made it more special that we got through the rough patch in the beginning and continued for so long. So I have mixed feelings about it. But with another on the way, I hope that I can have a positive BFing relationship with the him/her too!
How did you stop the night feeds? My LO goes into hysterics if I'm not nursing him to sleep. We aren't quite ready for it yet, but I'm getting kind of anxious about it already because he seems to reliant on it. Doesn't seem, he is.
I'm just going to wait until DD doesn't want it anymore I think.

I'm in no hurry to stop BFing and it's such a useful parenting tool for me, as well as being so good for her.

I figure worst case I'll wait until she has a better understanding and we'll have a talk about stopping boobie as it's not for big girls.

But to be honest I don't mind if we do a bedtime feed for a few years. And already at 16 months she doesn't ask for it when we're out/busy so it's not like it stops us from much.
It was 3 years and 3 months with my little girl, we basically went with the idea of nursing until she didn't want to anymore. Unfortunaltely this didn't work as she started getting very silly and demanding to nurse all the time rather than eat 'proper' food, so we talked about how she didn't need my milk anymore because she was a big girl now and her little brother needed it so he could grow big and strong to play with her. I had very mixed feelings I was both relieved the stress whcb had developed was over but very sad that our nursing relationship was over. We'd battled with tongue tie/over supply and various other breastfeeding issues.
Have to say we have a very close relationship now even though we're not nursing anymore.
It was time to stop breastfeeding?
We stopped at 22 months and it was solely because I wanted to. I was back at work and the leaking at work and stuff (I am a prolific leaker) was annoying me. We were only feeding to sleep and first thing in the morning. And it really wasn't for any needed nutrition it was just comfort nursing and habit. My heart just really wasn't into it anymore.

When did you know it was your last ever feed?
Actually I didn't know which one was the last one because we did a don't offer don't refuse type weaning, so it was up to him which one was last and tbh I didn't even really notice which one was last.

Which feed did you drop last?
Definitely the sleep feed. But by then it wasn't the sleep feed. To wean DS I moved the sleep feed from the bedroom to the lounge and then gradually moved it back to about an hour before bed and exchanged it for a cup of milk instead.

How did you feel about it? Any regrets?
Nope, no regrets. I really enjoyed feeding DS and we had a good time when I was willing and wanting to do it. But I was really happy to not do it by then, so it was good.

Was baby ok with stopping or did they protest?
DS was a booby monster so I really thought he would be a nightmare to wean, but actually he took it really well and enjoyed being able to play and drink at the same time (and watch telly and read books... etc), it freed us both up and DH was able to join in too. So he got more attention than ever:haha:

I am looking at weaning DD earlier than DS because I am going back to work much earlier this time. I would like to keep the morning and night feeds (as I did with DS) but DH wants to join in with her too so we will see. I won't have any regrets about stopping sooner with her. Remember- BFing is a relationship and needs to suits BOTH you and LO. When it doesn't, its totally fine to stop.:flower:
@ChaiTea, like Maxy, I moved the bedtime feeding up to before his bedtime bath before dropping it altogether. Sometimes he would get drowsy at the feed and wasn't too happy about having to take a bath and get ready for bed, but he got used to it. Then my husband would put him down for bed.

I give my son a bath, and then they read books and lay down for bed together. Then my husband leaves the room after my son falls asleep. My son sleeps on a mattress (he didn't sleep well in the crib so we got rid of it around 11mos).

Then we just dropped the bedtime feed, and he didn't seem to notice. He loves his bedtime routine with his dad, so he happily says "BYE!" to me after his bath and goes in his room for books.
2 days after my DD1 turned 1 year old. I had been combi feeding her with formula and she really preferred the bottle to breast feeding so for her it was an easy transition. For me once I got pregnant with DD2 the aversion to breast feeding just kept growing til finally I just couldn't take it. So her last feed was in the morning.
It was bittersweet, I hadn't meant to quit so soon but then she was only feeding from me once a day in the end.
This time around I assume it will be much different DD2 is exclusively fed breast milk and seems to like breastfeeding better than a pumped bottle.

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