This probably isn't the answer you're looking for either, because I haven't actually stopped breastfeeding yet!
My son is 13 months and still BFs but only once a day, first thing in the morning. So that will be the last feeding that we drop. I'm not sure when we'll drop it, but I'm pretty sure he won't protest. He never protested when we dropped any other feed, except maybe the bedtime feed. But I think that protest was more about not having mom at bedtime (dad puts him down now). I continue to BF for the health benefits, but I will be a little sad when we stop altogether. It will give me a little more freedom, but it was such a special relationship. It was very stressful in the beginning, but I think that almost made it more special that we got through the rough patch in the beginning and continued for so long. So I have mixed feelings about it. But with another on the way, I hope that I can have a positive BFing relationship with the him/her too!