When did your baby get their first cold?


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2012
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So I was just curious. Thorrin is 5 months and hasn't had one yet. He is ebf.
Does breastfeeding or genetics or exposure vs lack of make a difference?
We are clean but not obsessive. I have also let lots of people hold him since birth except if they're sick.
Personally I do not get sick often. Maybe a little cold once a year.
Nine days old for my little one :-( he was having breast milk at the time, for the first month.
His cousins are the same age give or take a few weeks and breastfed, one is very healthy but had a cold or two, the other is having tummy troubles and got an ear infection.
I'm clean but not obsessive, we have a dog so it's never perfect! Lo has had a few colds, but gets over the much better now. whenever people with children visit they seem to pass it on!
my lo had her first cold at 6 weeks when she was still EBF. she had been around people but i didn't notice anyway who was sick.

i get a cold 1-2 times a year maybe. my parents are pretty healthy too.

my pediatrician said the difference between BF and FF babies getting sick is not alway that large.
my lo is home with me so doesn't get a lot of exposure but my nephew who was EBF for his first 8 months was sick 4-5 times before he turned 7 months old. so IMO it's a crapshoot really.
Mine is 13.5 months and hasn't been sick yet. She had some breast milk til 2 months and then I stopped producing completely. She has been only ff since. She has been around people and kids but not daycare. I feel kids who go to daycare get sick much more for obvious reasons. I never get sick (been 4 years) so hopefully LO takes after me!
I am EE for my LO and she got her first cold at around 13 weeks old, she had been going to the nursery for two weeks by then so not a big surprise really.
My lo was 6 months when she first got a cold. She is formula fed! Xxx
My LO tested positive for strep throat at 4 months. Didn't really show any symptoms except was a little fussy, got prescribed Amoxicillin which he hated! He did get a bit of a cold at about 8 months, but that's after DH and myself had come down with colds and the flu. Due the cold he had he did develop fluid in his hip which caused him to stop moving one of his legs and had to get an MRI and have the fluid drained out, so an extended hospital stay. Other than that he's been fine. No serious illnesses or ear infections. He is formula fed and spends 90% of his time with us. 10% is spent at my parent's (who are raising my 8 year old nephew) when they watch him during overlapping work hours from DH and myself.
My LO is going through her first cold just now, she's had it since the end of last week and is ebf so she was 3, nearly 4 months old. I think she caught it at her cousins birthday party last weekend since the whole family has a cold right now. I don't think whether your bf or ff really makes that much of a difference, maybe bm can help them get over it a bit quicker due to the antibodies in bm but there are other factors to consider too such as environment, genetics etc.
LO is 6 and a half mo and is FF and has never had a cold! We're always out and about, lots of people have held her etc. I think it's the individual, nothing to do with how they're fed etc. Some of my friends were always ill, others not!
Thomas was about 21 months old when he for his first cold. He was breastfed until 17.5 months, no idea if that is why. I certainly have had a few colds since he was born and he never caught any off me.
4 months he had his first cold. Lasted for a week. He caught it off another baby in a play group who was coughing over everything. My immune system sucks, so I caught it off him and it lasted a while longer than a week, lol. But the way I see it is the more I get sick the better it is for him as he'll receive antibodies in my milk so I'm not bothered with being obsessively hygienic :p
both mine where over a year old, and it was the sniffles for the day, neither have actually ever been ill. Both my children are breastfed long term). Myself and partner where ill children and get everything. I got the sniffles they had in a form of a nasty cold or flu.Ps not super clean here, animals, mess, kids running around etc just standard clean.
You sound very much like us, except my LO is ff.

We have been taking her out since day 1 out of the hospital, almost daily, rain or shine (or mad winds here where we live!).

I have never been particular obsessed with germs, I let her come in contact with everyone in our small village, as there aren't many young kids and she gets a lot of attention, which she loves.

I got a cold and a sore throat when she was around 10 weeks, which she didn't catch. I generally get sick very rarely, maybe 1 cold a year max. and I have never avoided people with colds (unless they're really a mess, then I might ;-)

She got a bunged up nose for a couple of days about a week ago (just shy of 6mo), and that went away fairly quickly. I couldn't tell if it was a cold, or it was the change in environment, as we just moved house. I suspect it was a mild cold.
My little man has a cold now and has had it since 2 weeks! It's rubbish theres nothing we can give him! He struggles to
breath at night and wakes himself up a lot also during feeding he gets frustrated cos he can't breath and now I've got it too! :(
He's formula fed!
My son is ebf and caught a cold from my little brother at only 2 weeks!
It was horrible, my poor baby couldn't even sleep and had such a blocked nose and all the mucus coming out, I had to take him a&e as he never slept the whole night :(
His caught so many colds now last one was in December and he ended up in hospital with it x
Just a few days ago (ff now but was fed ebm for 10 weeks)
DD2 is almost 9 weeks and nothing yet (I BF)
DD1 was BF for 22 weeks and was 10 months when she caught Norovirus and that was the first illness she had. Shes 21 months now and shes been ill twice. She goes to nursery twice a week and has done since 10 months.
my baby is formula fed. she had her first cold a few weeks ago. shes 6 months.
My baby's 13 months... He was BFed for only a few weeks, but we also built up his immune system by taking him out & exposing him to the world. He had a 1-day cold at 10 months. I had that cold for 3 weeks, the rest of my family & I had 4 other colds and a stomach flu (my nephew brought them & more home from school and shared 'em with my parents, partner, his 4 month old brother and me). Hahaha
6 weeks and it turned into a chest infection and is still on antibiotics for it.. Could hardly breathe at one point. I combi fed until 6 weeks. We go out a lot to meet other babies etc and he gets passed around a bit unless someone's ill I don't like them to hold him. But inlike how exposed he is to stuff. I'm clean and tidy person but not obsessive xx

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