I disagree that 11pm is too late. DD1 used to go to bed at around 10/11pm at that age, it suited me for her to go to bed the same time as me. She would then sleep in till 9/10am in the morning. I would get up and get chores done while she stayed in bed. We only had playgroup to go to, so it didn't matter if we missed it. Late bedtimes are fine, providing they get late lie ins too. However, if she has to be up at 7am, then something like an 8pm bedtime would be better.
As for the daytime naps, I think a they typically advise about 3 to 5 hours sleep during the day at that age (can't remember the exact figure off the top of my head). Of course every baby is different, but your LO is only getting 1 to 2 hours a day. At this age they can have real trouble sleeping through the sleep phases and as they enter a light sleep phase they can often get woken up. If you have the time, you could try taking LO for a long walk during her nap (an hour plus) and see if you can keep her asleep longer. Not all naps need to be long ones, but I would expect at least one of them to be a decent length. There are other ways you can help them transition through sleep phases, when you see her start to stir, try patting her tummy to help sooth her. Or is she is in a rocking crib or a swing or something, just give it a little rock to help her get back off.
You do not need to offer a feed in the night as the first resort. See if you can settle her without a feed (but do not withold feeds if that is what she really wants). She may be waking out of routine rather than hunger. Or even more likely, she may be waking because she is having trouble transitioning from one sleep phase to the next.