When do people stop asking?



I find it incredibly annoying that people who I run into, family members we don't see often, etc. without fail ask if I'm breastfeeding. I hate it, it makes me uncomfortable. I say no and then leave it but if they ask why then I usually just say she has stomach problems which made it really hard for her. Which is 100% true, but it still pains me to talk about it.

She's eating solids now but I just wonder when will people stop asking? when she's 5? IDK :shrug:
I don't remember people (except HV/GP) asking after Roo turned 1. Roughly, it's been a while :blush:

TBH I don't even find people asking me now about Moomin, and she's approx 9 1/2 months. I think it possibly will tail off more and more now your LO is 6 months and onto solids etc :hugs:
My guess is about a year old when the majority of society decides LO's should be on cows milk and turns on those who continue to BF.
That's true also, many people don't understand extended BF, when I had told my family I wanted to BF for at least a year they thought I was nuts. Well, it didn't work out so at least they don't have to deal with it. :(
No-one ever asked me :shrug:
I never ask other people either. It just seems like a rude question. But each holiday people have asked me. Also just acquaintances i run into! it's frustrating
I had people asking me all the time with my first baby and even though I wanted to BF I couldn't due to medications I needed to take. Everyone would say to me "well then don't take the medication, BFing is SO much better for your baby" Yea, easier said than done, especially when my dr ordered me to take my medication for MY HEALTH.

My second son had stomach issues as he's lactose intolerant and had to be put on soy formula. I hate that you have to explain yourself and your parenting choices to people!
Maybe it's a California thing. IDK but I hope people will forget about it soon. My sister also got asked all the time once she went back to work
Just ask them ever so sweetly, "Would you find it intrusive if I asked YOU what you do with your breasts?"

I had some completely random old lady stop me in the health centre and ask me - totally out of the blue and not the sort of thing you tend to launch into a conversation with as an opener!
I got asked by other mums all the time in the first months but nobody asks anymore. Sorry you're still getting comments. :( Aren't there more interesting things to talk about now?
I've gotten asked by a friend when my daughter was around a month old but by no one else since then. My aunt found it a shame it wasn't working out, my mom tried to help out on the emotional side (and it did help :)) and my cousin gave emotional support as well.. her son is 4 months older than my daughter and she was able to successfully BF him with lots of support from a lactation consultant. She felt sorry it didn't work out for us but also told me she was sad she didn't get the birth she'd imagined (had to have a c-section), which goes to show our expectations certainly don't always become reality. In the end what matters most is health and happiness. :) Hope your family moves on from that soon. Some people don't realize it can be an uncomfortable question and it's best to just see that as a personal one rather than everyone's business, so to say.
When Charlotte was really little I was asked. I thought it was really strange and a very personal question... the well-meaning receptionist at the dentists office actually asked me! I get it less now that she is older, as I think breast feeding becomes less common after the 6 month mark around here.
My mom is the only one who asked, "are you still breastfeeding?"; "are you still breastfeeding?", etc.

Why does it matter and how is it any of your business.......? Totally made me uncomfortable. And annoyed.
My mom is the only one who asked, "are you still breastfeeding?"; "are you still breastfeeding?", etc.

This made me chuckle a bit because my Mum constantly asked "Why are you still breastfeeding? She'll be much happier on formula"
I am of the belief that we can't stop how people act, but we can control how we let them effect us.

Since I have my LO on formula I have been getting some 'looks' and somewhat raised eye brows. I just ignore them. Ill do what i want, my LO is very healthy and happy and all that so whatever they are thinking, if it were to be negative, is because they are ignorant.

I have been asked a couple times if i am still BF, and i just confidently say "nope. onto the formula now. He loves it too" and then they leave it at that.

Don't let it get you down. I think being comfortable with your decision to FF helps a lot with this... your own inner insecurity with what you are doing can definitely play a part in how much you let people get to you. If anyone questions it after you tell them you are FF, just ask them right out "What's it to you anyways?"

You'll find once you stop caring about it so much it wont bother you so much.

There is nothing wrong with formula so remember that. You BF your LO for 2 months yeah? That's awesome. What people think or whatever is of no importance. Just be confident and they will get the message :)
I still get asked with Liam (I do BF) and he's 7 months but I get told I should FF as he's so tiny. I'm currently trying to get him to take a bottle at all as my supply took a massive hit when AF returned and never recovered, and having no luck so people asking is really chapping my ass right now :growlmad:

I stopped being asked when Eamon was about 18 months as he was small too.
I still get asked with Liam (I do BF) and he's 7 months but I get told I should FF as he's so tiny. I'm currently trying to get him to take a bottle at all as my supply took a massive hit when AF returned and never recovered, and having no luck so people asking is really chapping my ass right now :growlmad:

I stopped being asked when Eamon was about 18 months as he was small too.

yeah, on either side it's frustrating......especially when you're trying not to think about it! will he take a sippy cup? 7 months is awesome even if you are having to supplement :hugs: some people don't get that babies can be small and just blame BF because they think they're starving :shrug:
I get asked all the time when people come to visit, my baby is only 3 weeks old. I'm hoping they stop soon, I tried to breast feed but I couldn't and it wasn't until I couldn't that I realised how much I'd wanted to, it was something I really took for granted. I felt like I'd let him down and I get really choked up when I have to admit he's on formula. I know it was for the best and that I shouldn't feel guilty but that's easier said than done. I find it's people without kids who ask me, then they look freaked out when I explain with tears in my eyes. I'm praying people stop asking me soon, I'm finding it hard to deal with.
I still get asked with Liam (I do BF) and he's 7 months but I get told I should FF as he's so tiny. I'm currently trying to get him to take a bottle at all as my supply took a massive hit when AF returned and never recovered, and having no luck so people asking is really chapping my ass right now :growlmad:

I stopped being asked when Eamon was about 18 months as he was small too.

yeah, on either side it's frustrating......especially when you're trying not to think about it! will he take a sippy cup? 7 months is awesome even if you are having to supplement :hugs: some people don't get that babies can be small and just blame BF because they think they're starving :shrug:

Thanks babe :hugs: No, he won't take a cup either :wacko: If it's not a breast he wants nothing to do with it. We're tearing our hair out over here.

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