When do you tell others?


Nov 27, 2018
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I have recently found out I am pregnant and it's our first child, just wondering how long you wait to tell people?

My Boyfriend wants to wait until we have the 12 week scan but I'm a very open person and would prefer to be able to talk to my friends about all the changes that I'm going through!

I'm currently only 4 weeks and 2 days but getting lots of symptoms already
I told my mate the day I found out sent her a pic of two posative tests and asked her " what can you see" to which she replied 2 posative tests I then told my mate when I was 4 wks but I couldn't resist, there was a few people I chose not to tell cos they are shit stirers, I also vowed not to broadcast on fb but after my 12 wk scan I couldn't keep it in and posted a pic saying "See u in march" I'm doing this alone. It's up to u but don't tell negative people who will be like Oohh it's unlucky to tell just yet or put doubts in your head
Thanks Chezzer! I think us women prefer to talk and it's exciting news! I was thinking to tell a couple of my best friends and maybe tell the family at Xmas
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I told people weeks ago and right now it’s hard for anyone not to guess that I’m pregnant as I’m already showing. I wish I could have kept it a secret but I got too excited lol.
Close family and friends know for the most part, or will by Christmas (basically those people that i will feel comfortable telling if god forbid something happens with the pregnancy)...Others i will probably wait until 12 weeks.
We told close family and a few friends right away, then waited until 13-ish weeks to share with others.

The way I decided whether or not to tell people early on was to imagine if I had a loss, would I want this person to know what we were going through and have their support? I am so glad we did share early because it was incredibly fun to share the excitement with those we are close to!

Once we hit 2nd trimester, I started telling friends that I don't see as often and stopped asking people to keep it to themselves. We never did an announcement or FB post, as I lost interest in posting personal things. I may or may not announce when baby girl arrives - we will see!
We told close family straight away and then everyone else at 12-13 weeks
I’m super anxious about telling people. We tried for SOOOO LONG. We’ve been married 8 years, so it’s been 8 years of fighting off questions and building hostility, that I don’t know how to do it the other way.

My cousin’s girlfriend is 1 week further along than me and she told close family at Thanksgiving, I think my finding out was an accident from my blabermouth grandma. I felt so guilty with my mom in front of me, so excited for my cousin, that I didn’t tell her. Their going to be pissed when they do the math... hahaha.

We are planning to tell everyone at Christmas as that’ll be the start of 12 weeks. Still no idea how to tell people. Ugh.
We told my mom and his parents after a few good betas, but that's because they knew we were going through an FET cycle and would want to know the results. Last time we did an FET, we didn't tell DH's parents and they were upset not to be in the loop, so we told them this time. But, so far, they're the only ones we've told. I think DH's sister guessed while we were together for Thanksgiving, as she didn't offer me any wine while we were there...but then again, my MIL apparently made a scene before we arrived which sounded like she unintentionally gave it away. Plus the way she and DH were acting while we were there...no tact. lol.

I've enjoyed sharing scan photos and such with the parents though, so I'm glad we told them. We're waiting until we see my dad in person in January to tell him and then we'll start telling friends and extended family. My sister will be the last to know, because she can't keep a secret to save her life and I don't want to be mad at her for spilling the beans before I was ready.
I told people at 6 weeks. I had a LOT of criticism..ie "Ooh are you tempting fate?" "I would never tell until 12 weeks" etc. My reply: I am pregnant. Yes, unfortunately terrible things happen but it can happen at ANY point during the pregnancy. I would rather people know then if anything does happen (fingers crossed no) atleast I will have love and support from the people that care about me.

I will not however be doing a FB announcement
I've told my 3 closest friends and my sister. I would want their support should anything awful happen. I will tell my mum too when I see her on Thursday if I can wait (don't like keeping things from her). I wouldn't make it common knowledge until I could keep it no longer but that is just me. Though last pregnancy I didnt say anything to colleagues until 24 weeks. It was hilarious. They all.knew as there was no hiding it. But it kept me smiling all the time. Rubbing my bump etc they were all so polite. I'm fat anyway but I was so obviously pregnant.
It's personal preference to be honest, we told people before our 12 week scan with all 3 of our girls. With our youngest I told everyone not long after we found out ourselves, as I believe a life should be celebrated no matter what. If anything was to happen, I'd want people to understand so they could help me through. No regrets with spilling the beans early here! :) Everyone is different though, and I completely understand why those who chose to keep it private do so. X
We're telling family at Christmas because hubby wants to tell people in person. We may tell one or two friends a bit later, then waiting much later to tell others. It will be interesting to see if family can keep a secret though...

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