It will be out of your system straight away, so if you have normal cycles and no underlying fertility issues, yes, you can get pregnant right away. The reason why some people take months to come back to a normal cycle is because they have some underlying irregularities in their cycle or other fertility issues and being on hormonal contraceptives basically forces the body out of its natural cycle (which in this case is a bit all over the place) into one that is hormonaly regulated by taking or not taking pills over the course of a month. So when you stop taking them, your body flips back into it's 'normal' cycles, which if you have irregular or annovulatory cycles, can be really weird and all over the place as your body tries to re-balance itself without synthetic hormones. So taking the pill doesn't mess up your cycles but it can mask issues you already have, which is why some people have weird cycles when they first come off. That said, just because your cycles are weird or irregular, as long as you are ovulating, then you absolutely can get pregnant during an irregular or long cycle. For many people, that flip back to a natural cycle also gives them a fertility boost so if you have normal cycles naturally anyway, or even if you don't, many people find they are especially fertile in the few months right after they come off the pill.
So really whether you stop now or wait might more be a matter of how normal your natural cycles are and whether you want to try to take advantage of that fertility boost or not. If you know you have regular 28-30 day cycles and don't know of any fertility issues, I'd be inclined to wait and make the most of a potential fertility boost. If you know you have fertility issues or have really irregular cycles, you might want to see if they regulate if you know they do when you're off the pill. Personally, I waited last time, took my pill right up to when I wanted to TTC, and got pregnant almost right away the 2nd month. My friend has gotten pregnant twice the very first month she stopped, literally never got a period and got a BFP like 3 weeks after taking her last pill, both times. We're both in our mid-30s and were on the pill pretty much since we were 18. I plan to do the same again this time and I felt it worked well for me. I also know I really don't want to be pregnant before we start actively TTC (and we don't use condoms), so for me, just better to wait.