When will he start to be himself?


1st time mummy and WTT
Oct 2, 2007
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:cry:I'm sure you all know about the various probs we've been having with Oliver's digestive system and feedin probs etc by now.

Well.. He's still really constipated..he screams for 6hours solid at the end of the day, he screams when he poos (if he poos) and theres blood in it. Took him back docs and she said to stop weaning him as its too early for him which is why he's constipated...despite the fact that he's been like this on and off even before we started weaning him, she wasnt listing!

So with that we stopped the solids! We are giving him cooled boiled water and baby juice aswell as lactulose. And we stopped giving him SMA staydown for reflux as i thought that was the main reason...i thought there may be a good chance he'd grown out of reflux now he is 5months.

Well so far he is takin SMA Gold well. He hasnt been showin any of the signs of reflux such as crying during feeds, choking, spittin of arching his back which is ace. But now he's started vomiting. Not posseting, but actually vomiting pretty much as soon as he's done feeding. He was taking 6ounces, now he will only take 3 or 4. He is also sleeping alot. I dont know if he has a bug or if it is reflux again?

And as for this constipation thing..well that hasnt improved either...so it doesnt seem as if it was the solids or even the reflux treatment for that matter...which worries me as it makes me think its an actual digestive problem. But no one is listning to me. I feel sorry for my litttle man and theres not been a night thats gone by where he hasnt screamed the place down for hours in pain since he was 2weeks old. I dont know how much longer we can sit and watch him hurting. I cried myself to sleep last night, i was so heartbroken from watching him and its really exhausting.

We where in a shopping centre yesterday and he started..he sounded like he was being murderd and i was cuddling him and when i looked up there was actually a crowd around us. When he finally calmed down we went out to dinner and just after ordering food he started again..i panicked and picked him up from his pushchair and it fell back as i done so, knocking over the bottle of wine on the table which smashed and obviously went everywhere...of course everyone had a good look and i felt like smacking them :( By this point i felt so small and like everyone was judging me and Oli was crying that much i couldnt take anymore and i just cracked...i burst into tears and litterally ran out the restaurant like a little girl..Oliver in my arms. I was in such a mess. I felt like such a bad mum becuase i couldnt help my little boy. Now i feel like everytime i go out everyone is staring at me, which has really knocked my confidence as a mother.

I though what ever is causing all these probs he would have outgrwn by now. But clearly not. :cry: x
:hugs: oh hun you sound like you're having a time of it :( I always heard that sma was more inclined to constipe babies so a change of milk might be a good start, I highly recommend aptamil first but run it past your hv first to see what she says...by the way what has she said about the dr's attitude to olivers reflux...it seems like he has been treated very blase.

Is he on medication for the reflux? zantac, gaviscon?? maybe the dosage needs adjusted? My son had very severe reflux from birth until 14 months old and I can truly sympathise with you..its tough :hugs: but he will get better as he weans which is maybe why you saw a difference when he was eating solids?

and can you get referred to a specialist about his reflux and constipation, cause obviously the dr doesnt know squat...big hugs ((hugs))
was the concern about the intolerance followed up!

that could be possible or maybe he even has something with his stomach. can it be this bowel disorder? I believe, I read then there is blood in stool!

what did doc say about blood in stool???

that must clearly be a symptom for sth! did you google?

I send you a big, big :hugs:

don't feel down, it's not your fault that docs don't take the problem serious!!!
Yes we took him back to GP after she last said to bring him back a month later for further tests/investigations to be done...guess what we where told? 'Its likely to be because he's gettin used to the new formula' the time before that it was because he ws getting used to weaning, before that it was cus he had a tummy bug, then it was colic, then reflux, intolerance, fussy baby...another tummy bug, over-feeding. I am so angry! I feel as though i have no parental say yet he's my son! I'm fed up of them sayin 'oooh he's a perfectly happy, healthy little boy and being questioned as though they think we're making it up cus coincedently he's always laughing at the hospital/doctors. They keep tellin me they cant do anythin because they cant find anything. Stool/urine samples are ok, and other normal observations. They keep sayin 'it could be this or this, but its rare so...'

So what? Its rare, so theres no chance Oliver could have it? lol x
:hugs: Oh babe, I really feel for you and not surprised you are so upset. It must be so distressing to see Oliver is pain and feel so helpless.
I hope someone can help you soon with it :hugs:
Sorry hun I have no advice, and I cant even begin to imagine what it must be like for you, but dont you or your OH beat yourselves up over it... At the end of the day you are not bad parents otherwise you wouldnt be making the constant trips to the GP. Is it the same doc you see every time? Perhaps see about seeing some one else

BIG BIG :hug: hun.

hi there! I don't have any answers I'm afraid - I can only be a shoulder to cry on!!! My little girl is older than your boy (she's 1 yr 10 months) but has been constipated for 5 months - and I can't do anything to help. I know exactly what you mean about the agony on their little faces. My LO starts straining about 3 days before she manages to do a no2. She manages about 1.5 a week at the moment - it's awful. I have made so many changes to her diet and nothing has worked. I know your LO is a lot younger and only on milk feeds, so it's not really the same, but I know the anguish you're going through :hug:

A couple of months ago when in the park, my LO finally managed to do her no2 of the week - we were just walking through the park, but she sat down on the path and screamed and screamed, went bright red in the face and I knew what was happening. Everybody stopped to stare and I could sense everyone thinking - why doesn't she pick the girl up etc, but I knew she was trying to poop! She took her time about it too, as usual, with so much grunting and straining we had a right audience, and I just wanted to die!!!!

It's so embarrassing because you feel others are judging you as a bad mum - but just forget them - you are NOT!!! You are doing everything you can think of and it's no-one else's business anyway.

Good luck to you and I hope you find a solution soon!!! :hugs:
oh hun, first off im sending big HUGE :hug:, secondly a big HUGE snuggly :hug: to Oliver, your not a bad mum, like Stef said if you were then you wouldnt be back and forth the Dr's with your little boy, the only thing i have is that when my LO had mild constipation at a few weeks old my HV told me to get a fresh sweet (not sour) orange and do a tablespoon of it squeezed into 2oz of fresh cooled boiled water, you might want to see your HV about that first because Oliver has reflux but it made Rhiannon go big time..

hope things get better soon, and when you go out sod everyone else, the ones who stare are the ones without children and can only think of themselves, they dont understand that the wrold is a new place and that every day is a learning curve for babies!

you can tell how much Oliver adores you by the smile in the avitar pic ;) X
did your GP never give you a referal to a specialist?

if not so, I would put some pressure on him/her to get one in your situation!!!
I agree with what Mickey said above also what about HV instead of doctors & tell her your not being listened to!

I feel for you hun I really do :hugs:

Just to note - Caitlin is a sicky baby sick after most feeds but on SMA gold it was 'bad' so bad you may remember me calling out of hours it was like she was throwing up whole bottles and she was crying I'd imagine with discomfort and the fact nothing much appeared to be staying down!

Colton has had some problems with constipation as well. I've had him on juice since about 3 weeks and he has had his formula changed three times. When he torn himself (has happened once), he was put on medication to soften his poo. Once they tear themselves, it is going to retear every time they poo unless it is soft, thats what my pedia said.
Sammi-blood in stool is a big flag something might not be right-not trying to scare you I just know what the doctor told me to watch out for. If you are able you should take him to a gastro doctor. On a postive side, 16lbs is a great weight for his age so its alwaysa good sign he is gaining weight

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