I plan to bf for 18months and then express my milk until he's 2, but my little man has a cows milk allergy -- so if things don't change then I will breastfeeding until he Self weans!! Thsts my plan but I love breast feeding so much I can't imagine stopping x
To you and the pp who mentioned loving it so much, when did you start loving it? Because honestly I don't hate it or anything but I certainly wouldn't say I love it. Sometimes I enjoy it but it's really something I find somewhat a chore. Between having to supplement with expressed milk in the beginning and pumping to up my supply because I have a big baby and thrush that refuses to go away, I find it a chore.
I just saw this, you said you have thrush that won't go away? SO SO sorry!!! I dealt with thrush off and on for about 3 years (8 months straight after my son was born). I've finally been able to get on top of it (I can share with you what worked for me, if you'd like), and it wasn't with the typical recommended methods. I tried pretty much everything though, but the hardest was dealing with it systemically. I hope you are able to deal with it because thrush is a BEAST!
My little guy was pretty big, too. He was born almost 10lbs with a HUGE head (15.5"...thankful he was born at home!!), and he was always off or at the very top of the charts until about 18 months when he started leveling out.