Who else is staying Team Yellow?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2011
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Who's with me? :thumbup:

I was team Yellow for my first baby and it was a great surprise to find out he was a boy. And I loved getting to pick out two names!

What do your decorations and nursery themes look like? I haven't decided. My son's room didn't have a theme, but it was mostly decorated with light green. I liked it a lot, but don't know if I want to do that again or go with something different.

Have you received any push-back from anyone about staying yellow? My sister and two sister-in-laws are all strongly hoping for a girl, so when we said we weren't going to find out the gender, we were met with protests! Luckily everyone was pretty good-natured about it, but I imagine we'll hear more about it as the pregnancy progresses.
We are totally team yellow! We have had plenty of opportunities to find out but have said no, no, no!

We are in a strange decorating position. We are foster parents to two infants and once we have ours, they are moving one if the foster kids. We will just be putting our lo in the room that is already set up for the foster kids. A couple months after we have the baby we are moving so although the rooms is already set up and pretty plain, there is no point in decorating. Once we move I will obviously know if it's a boy or girl and can decorate in the new house.

We have only gotten flack from my mom because she wants to know if it's a girl or boy. She is betting on a girl and has bought one very girlie outfit so far. DH and I are guessing boy.
Team Yellow over here too! I've had no negative reactions and everyone has been really positive and excited for the surprise. I don't know that many people who do find out.

I'm just painting the nursery white (+white furniture) and when baby is born I will add a few coloured items.

The only downside about not finding out is the lack of neutral baby clothes! Everything is either pink or blue it's ridiculous, oh well suppose it stops me spending money on clothes.
Me too. :) This one will be sharing with DD once out of our room so no decorating to do. I have white and green bedding for the moses basket and will pick up cot bedding after LO arrives. I have b/g twins so when they went into their own room I painted the walls pastel yellow and put winney the pooh wall stickers on.

My nana moaned at first because she wanted to knit a blanket and cardigan and now she has to stick to gender neutral patterns because she doesn't want to wait until baby is born to start knitting! LOL! After my 20 weeks scan (yesterday) a few people said 'aww oh well, as long as it's healthy' when I said I did not find out the sex! Some people seem to think it is impossible to be organised if you don't know ... I had everything I can possibly needed for baby by the time I hit 18 weeks ... My mum still keeps telling me I bet you cave and find out. I have 3 growth scans later on because DD was on 6th percentile for gestation.
Yay, nice to know there are some other people on Team Yellow :happydance:

TTC, that must be nice that the room is already ready for an infant. Have they already decided which foster child will be moved? I understand what you mean about there being no point in decorating yet. We are just starting house hunting, so at this point all the decorating is going on in my mind lol.

Lilly, that's really nice that you haven't gotten any negative reactions about being team Yellow. That's the way it should be! I haven't bought much in the way of clothes either. What I have bought is either green, yellow, or light blue with a cute character on it. I'll put a girl in a light blue onesie, but that's me lol.

Twinmum, that's so nice that baby will have a knitted blanket from nana. My sister has promised me many booties, including pink ones, she's hoping hard! :haha: I guess some people do want/need to buy everything beforehand and don't like the gender neutral options. I like Winnie the Pooh too, we may go that route.
We're staying Team Yellow this time, after finding out with both our son and daughter. The first time I was just desperate to know and 20 weeks couldn't come quick enough, and the second time I was really hoping for a girl so I wouldn't have been able to deal with the 'what ifs' right until the end! This time we just don't feel like there's a need to know, we have almost everything we need, and it'll be nice to get to experience a surprise for our final baby. We've bought a few unisex items for the first week, and once he/she is here, we can sort out either my son or daughters clothes. When they move out of our room they'll be sharing with my daughter to start with. Her room has white furniture, and is pink and grey. If we have a boy we'll keep the grey and paint yellow over the pink.

I'm really looking forward to my husband telling me what we have after their born, although it will be hard to resist at my scan in just over 2 weeks!
I WAS going to stay team yellow and i was really excited about it, then my little girl was adamant baby was a girl and would cry if you said it could be a boy, so i spoke to my OH and he said good because he wanted to find out anyway... I never knew he wanted to know, and so i told all the kids we will be finding out what baby is and they are all excited, now all of a sudden my daughter doesn't seem to care if baby will be a boy or a girl and im thinking damn it lol i find out in one week and one day what we are having but im still doubting finding out, i found out with all my babies so iv never had a suprise, but now iv told the kids we are finding out and they are excited and OH wants to know i feel i should really follow through with it lol im so torn!!
I think you are all so brave been team yellow lol I am far too impatient lol
TTC, that must be nice that the room is already ready for an infant. Have they already decided which foster child will be moved? I understand what you mean about there being no point in decorating yet. We are just starting house hunting, so at this point all the decorating is going on in my mind lol.

You would think it would be nice to have everything ready, but it takes away from all the planning. It's kinda sad that I get my BFP and then have nothing to do. It would have been nice to pick a crib and bedding and everything else.

So it looks like your lo may have a boring room for a bit too. I went on that website aliexpress and I noticed that they have all sorts of removable wall stickers, you could get some of them to decorate the room a bit. I found that they are quite expensive in store but a very good price there.

I don't know which kid will be leaving yet, nor do I know when they will temporarily move the one staying. I was told that they are going to try to move them in August I am due Sept 7) and then I guess it's up to us when the one comes back. My worker will be coming out tomorrow so I hope she will have an update for me. It really complicates the situation because we have raised both from birth and they are 10 and 6 months, we don't want to loose either one. So it looks like I will be getting a break. I really don't know what I will do with myself. Imagine going from a parent of 2 infants to temporarily not having any? I better start planning on how I will keep busy.
We are team yellow. Our little bedroom is already yellow so not bothering to paint. I've got a few Winnie the pooh bits to decorate it. It's our first and I'm looking forward to hubby announcing what it is. Also stops me spending too much money on gender specific things. Nobody we've told has been negative at all - they think it's great
Yes that is one great thing msred, knowing in advance you have so much time you end up picking up so many little bits when you are out and about but it all adds up more than you think! Here so many people say half the outfits were never worn or only worn once because they got way too much and baby grew out of it quickly. When you have to stick to unisex you only buy the bare essencials and then get a few more gender specific bits after the birth and by then you have a better idea of exactly what you need and what size etc plus less free time to brows the shops hehe!
We're staying team yellow which is what we did with DS. I loved having the surprise and got more and more excited the nearer we got to labour. We're also staying team yellow this time as I really want a girl and I think it will help minimise gender disappointment by waiting until the birth to find out.

Hopefully the baby will go into my DS's room after 6 months which is gender neutral, it being pale yellow with animal stickers and green curtains.
We are! I'm 16 weeks along and due with my fifth and last. We've only found out one time with my 2nd child (our only boy). Hoping for a boy this time.
I tried to talk DH into Team Yellow and it didn't work. He's like a small child at Christmas, so we find out Thursday. :) Maybe Team Yellow when it's time for #2!
Im a second time team yellow!
I love it, especially because it annoys everybody else lmao. SIL and my best friend are desperate to know :haha:
But in all seriousness.... it does stop me spending so much!! X
We are team yellow! This is our first and will be our only baby, and I absolutely love surprises, so I can't think of a better one! I don't really care about things being gender neutral, I have absolutely no problem with a girl wearing a blue baseball shirt or a boy wearing a pink flowery shirt. I wouldn't put a boy in a dress, but when they are infants they have no concept of whether or not their clothes are "supposed" to be for a boy or a girl. We are having a baby shower and inviting people to bring us hand me downs if they have things they are looking to get rid of, but we aren't registering for gifts or expecting people to buy anything for us. So I imagine we will end up with quite a lot of clothes for either sex. The room that will be for the baby is already a light green color, so we are all set!
This is my fifth and were team yellow , I found out with my second son and wish I didn't I love the suprise :)
Mrs_sasquatch, i had to talk my hubby into it, he just assumed we'd be finding out the gender! I convinced him by telling him it would be more exciting to wait and be surprised :)
Team Yellow over here too! I've had no negative reactions and everyone has been really positive and excited for the surprise. I don't know that many people who do find out.

I'm just painting the nursery white (+white furniture) and when baby is born I will add a few coloured items.

The only downside about not finding out is the lack of neutral baby clothes! Everything is either pink or blue it's ridiculous, oh well suppose it stops me spending money on clothes.

Lily I hear you on rubbish neutral stuff. If your in the UK next have a lovely pack of white mint and lemon sleepsuits with little stars and animals on which are gender neutral
Will have a look in Next, thanks. I couldn't believe the big places like Mothercare and Mamma & Pappas only had 1 tiny section of unisex clothes, and most of it was in the 'tiny baby' size so couldn't buy it.

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