I breastfed my first two, 1 for a year and the other for 3 years. Since they are 18 months apart, truly, there was only approximately 6 months that I had a break from breastfeeding between the two.
So, when pregnant with Chase, I was contemplating bottefeeding but thought I'd breastfeed for a few weeks. After my C-section, which was stressful, Chase was put to my boob to latch on but didn't after 5 minutes or so. Because I was stressed due to the operation and the things that went on, I told the nurse that I would be bottlefeeding.
Now, I had already been going in that direction anyhow. My kids are at school and 1 is not in for full days so I am back and forth 3 times per day. We run our businesses from home so have employees in and out as well. There were many, many reasons for me and bottlefeeding was more suitable for my third baby and it's been easier as well. I don't regret my choice.