Why do people feel the need to tell pregnant ladies how awful labour is?!?

I agree that people should keep their horror stories to themselves! I would never scare a first time mum with labour stories.
You will be fine hun, your body takes over and knows what to do!
i loved my two labours hun :) Try not to listen to people and their stories x
Labour? Awful? From my own personal experience it's the complete opposite! From the minute i gave birth to this day i always said i'd do that again in a flash! Labour is intense but totally incredible at showing you what your body can really do!
Can't say labor is not painful...i did use the epidural...and so for me labor was not difficult at all. Here is what happened to me...contractions started slow, and then really bad painful ones that made me scream of pain (I have completely forgotten that part of labor however and what happens is that, by the time contractions start to feel painful, it goes from slightly painfully to VERY Painful to feeling slightly painful again, and then same story again, until the epidural kicks in), epidural came, and then I was numb for the most part. I did feel some pain with some contractions, but was grateful because that pain made me push my baby, otherwise, I would not feel anything (which was the hard part, trying to push baby out and being numb). Its not horrible at all, its like a dream, and magical. BEST OF LUCK!
I LOVED labour.
I loved everything about it.

Don't get me wrong looks back I did have little emotional moment where I was tired and wanted to sleep, but honestly it was the best experience of my life and I can't wait to do it again!
Please don't worry about the birth. I had a very positive and active birth, despite being induced due to hypertension, a back to back labour, on constant monitoring, rediculous looking anti embolism socks on (felt like such a prat lol) and a drip in my arm for GBS lol!!
Genuinely looking forward to my next one!
Mine was great! Yeah it hurt but that shouldnt be a bombshell for anyone to hear. It wasnt horrendous and it wasnt like the movies. I got the epidural and we all sat around laughing and joking and when it got intense we just went with the flow. Nothing to be scared of. I would do it everyday if i could.
I don't really understand that because I was expecting something horrendous. I actually ended up enjoying it in a way (even though she was already dead when I delivered). I certainly would say not say it's the worst experience I ever had; it's probably one of the best (until she wasn't alive when she came, but we did know beforehand). I actually can't wait to do it again with a live baby. :)
I think labour horror stories are like women's scar stories. Like how some men will point to ugly scars on their bodies and reminisce on how they got them. It can make a rip-roaring (no pun intended) story and makes the teller feel tough. I doubt they're all trying to scare you. When other girls told me their horror stories and then see my petrified face they would start back-tracking and say how wonderful the end result was and how they'd do it again in a heart-beat.

Try to ignore it. It's almost impossible to predict how your labour will go. Yeah, it can have it's scary moments but you'll be surprised by your own inner resolve. You'll find yourself rising to the occasion....

I'll spare you my labour story other than the fact it had a very happy ending and my body has gone back to normal. Pregnancy was scarier. lol
I've never been in labor, but I did work on the labor and delivery ward, and I'll tell you, most of the births I watched were, in fact, not horrible at all! They were beautiful and painful, as all labors are, but they weren't awful. Of course, there were a few that ended up in a C-section or a tear, but that didn't happen in the majority of cases.

A lot of this negativity, in my personal opinion, has to do with the fact that lots of people in the US view labor and birth as something "unnatural" or something that "needs hospitalization" or "medical attention." Time and time again, women would come onto the ward in labor, and they were immediately hooked up to IVs and given Pitocin and their water was broken by the doctor instead of naturally; the placenta was delivered quickly with the doctor tugging instead of being allowed to come out naturally... Some women were allowed to labor in a tub, but had to get out to actually give birth... Hardly any women had birth plans or non-medical interventions, or used the birthing balls. Most labored on their backs or sides, and did not get up and move around. It just seems that doctors are so focused on getting the women in and out as fast as possible, instead of letting the woman's body labor naturally.

Now, don't get me wrong. I realize that was just one hospital, and I am not an expert when it comes to labor and birth in the US. These were just my personal experiences.

This mindset is slowly beginning to change, however, and hospitals are now gearing towards a more family-oriented birthing experience. I just wish that people had a more open mindset where labor and birth was concerned. I wish women were more knowledgeable about the whole birthing process, so that they could be more empowered to make their own decisions instead of having unnecessary interventions.

Sorry, I guess I've strayed a little bit from the original topic. :dohh: Anyway, many women have beautiful, normal births. And I hope it's that way for all you lovely ladies giving birth. :)
Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement, starting to look forward to it more than dread it now! Xxxx
Most women do talk about labor stories, in general we like to spill the beans about anything to do with our children lol.
Labor hurts like a bitch, but thats expected. Would would think something that big coming out would not hurt? But it was the best day of my life and can't wait to do it again, so its not that bad.

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