Thanks guys.

I just want yo be that person that "stops trying" and then it'll happen...

I just dont get it on why I'm not pregnant yet! I'm one that pulls the pregnancy tests out of the trash to double check and when I see a faint line I get my hopes up even though I know its just a evap line. Ttc is hard and sucks!
I completely understand. I wish I could stop planning and stop charting and testing and making myself crazy but I just cant! Thankfully I never really got into the FRER or I would be freaking out even more! I dont even take a pregnancy test because seeing nothing breaks my heart.
First time I ever saw a line was on a OPK test and I was like "Oh thats what it would look like" Since then I realized I cant see another blank line and not break down.
Every month though I symptom spot no symptoms and watch my temp chart like a nutter. Then bawl when I start spotting. Totally feel you.
I have to stop living my life in 2 week incriments