Why Would You Do It?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2011
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Just a rant so I apologise in advance.

I do not understand some people, why do people feel the need to wake a sleeping baby. Dont poke my son, shout WAKE UP in his face, or grab his car seat out of my hands in an attempt to wake him. especially when i say " he hasnt been sleeping at night so the fact he is sleeping now is great"
or "its nap time so if he doesnt get his nap he will be in a right mood all day"
Really p*sses me off. and then dont try and stick food in his mouth :growlmad: , he is only 3 months and will chew on anything he gets his hands on right now.
I would love to see how these idiots would react if i did it with their child.
I dont care that you were on solids at 2 months, i would like to wait.
And why do random strangers feel the need to stroke babies faces, why is that acceptable? but if i went over to another adult and started touching their face i would get punched?
And walking off with my child? what is that about? maybe its just me being slightly crazy but i dont want people holding my child then walking off with him ok so i know these people but still NO!
And if i am holding my child dont grab him out of my hands.... i dont care who you are, NO!
And if i want to know what im doing wrong i will ask.
It just really annoys me that people seem to think im completely incapable of bringing up my own child. i appreciate people are trying to help but they dont need to be so rude. i know what my baby needs so let me make sure he gets it. its like my opinion doesnt matter.
Maybe its just me over reacting. Im not usually the type to let things go, if you upset me you will know about it. But since having the baby i am trying to stay calm. So he doesnt see mummy always shouting and stressing out. but sometimes people just really annoy me.
OH and my little man are sometimes the only reason i stay sane.

Rant over.
surely its not just me who feels this way.
I agree 100%:thumbup:

Someone that had an active "cold sore" was actually caught KISSING my LO and got upset at ME because I told them off about it!
It's like you read my mind! :thumbup:

Yep. I could have written all of that.

Also, why do they feel the need to make noise or talk to her when I'm trying to get her to sleep?

And why do they insist on fussing over her - the 'oh, are you cold?' type fussing when she's perfectly fine. It drives me crazy - I do actually keep an eye on the temperature and how she's dressed so I know if she's too cold or not. Stop implying that I can't look after her.

And the one question that really annoys me is if she's a bit fussy and someone asks me if she's hungry. If she was hungry, I'd be bloody well feeding her. I'm not waiting for someone else to come along and tell me it's ok.

And.... breathe....

Sorry for the hijack :blush:
People are ignorant!

Whenever DD was a week or so old we went to the Dollar Store with her in the sling so people would stay away from her.
Then this guy who is known to have hepatitis (very dirty guy) walked over and my husband looked at him, so he said "do you mind?" and my husband was like YES I MIND!! , and the guy walked away.

Then my MIL staring over DD while she sleeps and keeps repeating "oh I wish you'd wake up" "Oh I hope she is awake by the time we leave" "Oh I sure hope she wakes up" .. but we aren't going to wake a sleeping baby just for the pleasure of adults.
Then she started sobbing, WTF.

People are really lame and immature sometimes!:dohh:

Yep. I could have written all of that.

Also, why do they feel the need to make noise or talk to her when I'm trying to get her to sleep?

And why do they insist on fussing over her - the 'oh, are you cold?' type fussing when she's perfectly fine. It drives me crazy - I do actually keep an eye on the temperature and how she's dressed so I know if she's too cold or not. Stop implying that I can't look after her.

And the one question that really annoys me is if she's a bit fussy and someone asks me if she's hungry. If she was hungry, I'd be bloody well feeding her. I'm not waiting for someone else to come along and tell me it's
And.... breathe....

Sorry for the hijack :blush:

Me too, i hate the 'is he hungry?' line!!
Agree 100%, normally by people who've never had children and upon waking them seem to think it's acceptable to "soothe" them by putting their finger in their mouth! I had to say "get your finger out of my baby's mouth"! :growlmad:
I think you've taken every single word out of my mouth! LOL!

Why do people feel the need to stick their fingers in a baby's mouth?! :shrug:

I get annoyed when people say they'll babysit and me and hubby can have a night out on the town together...er, no! 1. It's taken me 4 months of blood, sweat and tears to get my son to sleep more than 2 consecutive hours and I'm his mother! 2. If I'm going to get a night off the last thing I want to do is have a night on the town - I'd rather have the time to shave my neglected areas and have a good sleep! 3. At some point in the evening I'm pretty sure he'll soil his nappy and not once has anyone offered to change it in the last 4 months so how would they cope with that?!

Sorry to hijack your thread but god, that felt good having a rant too!
Face strokers in supermarkets give me the red mist. Errrrm, I wouldn't randomly start stroking your face while you're deciding which yoghurts to buy, so don't start pawing at my baby! Freaks :nope:
good to know im not going crazy.... :happydance:
hijack away its reassuring to know its not just people in Leicester that are completely stoooopid.
Ahhhh yes the the stupid questions get stupid answers
is he hungry? Yes im making him starve
is he cold? yes im making him freeze
why is he crying? i dont know have you asked him

LO loves to be held so he is standing and hates to be held in your arm, unless being fed, so i make a point of telling people that he wont stay for too long in that position....... 5 minutes later LO gets annoyed that they are holding him in his arm and so they stand him up then they tell me.... " i think he likes being held this way you should hold him this way" oh fluff right off.

i was once in tesco and LO had just fallen asleep, and a very stange lady decides to stroke his face, and LO wakes up and starts crying she then has the nerve to tell me " i think he is hungry you should feed him" :growlmad: are you for real i had to tell her that he wasnt hungry and she just woke him up which was why he was screaming. stupid lady.
and i definitely agree it is usually people without children that are rude. i would never do that to someone else's child although i am making a list of people who piss me off so i can wake their children up if they ever get round to having them.
The next time a stranger decides to touch Dillan's face i might stroke theirs just to see how they like it.
If someone I don't know makes an attempt to touch my DD, I look at them and say "do you mind not doing that".

I'd rather not have some strangers germs all over my kid, I don't know where their hands have been.
I agree 100%:thumbup:

Someone that had an active "cold sore" was actually caught KISSING my LO and got upset at ME because I told them off about it!

:growlmad: I swear I would go off my head if someone did that to my LO. Why would you do that? Why?
hubby 'dad says we've got to go out soon and leave the baby with him and mum'. :shock: Umm, pardon?
I get that hungry one all the time! It drives me nuts! Conrad is breast fed and every time I go out with my parents I always get asked if I brought a bottle. Ummmmm yes I brought 2 thank you!
Glad it's not just me.

I hate when people give Aiden bits of their crackers or whatever without asking me. I'm fine that he eats those things, but not off of their plate
People are strange, that'll never change!

OH had LO in town the other day and came home with a box of biscuits. Albeit baby organic ones. Someone had attempted to give Aria one in her pram. I dont think they asked if she was even on solids yet, just assumed. Luckily OH took the biscuit off of her but the person gave him the box to take home (that part was really nice actually).

I dont get as annoyed now that Aria is a little older (haha making out she's about 50) but it used to drive me bonkers when people would try to wake her! In fact FIL always has been the worst culprit and he still does it now. OH physically punched him in the arm the other day and told him to F off after he shouted at full tilt into Aria's face when she was sleeping. Silly man!

My mum is the worse culprit for this constantly she's too cold , she's too hot, is she hungry?

My mum has loud voice and always manages to wake LO when she cones round just by talking and when I tell her to be quiet she keeps saying.. You always said baby would have put up with noise..

I really hate that... When you were pregnant you said..... I didn't have baby then surely I can change my mind can I nit?!?!

I also hate the ... You don't want that dummy do you... Then tajes dummy out if LO mouth.. LO cries and then you get the is she hungry?!?!? NO you stupid person you just took her dummy out!!!
Hmmm... Or when LO is happy and grinning away... "oooh - shes got wind there..." ... Or people that wake baby up then act surprised when she's grumpy and then when she starts crying "We'd better make a move now... She's in a bad mood..." grrrrr - and whose fault is that?!

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